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28 October 2014
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Monday 15th July 2002
Ian Cruickshank paints rural Britain
Lake District by Ian Cruickshank
Lake District by Ian Cruickshank
Ian Cruickshank has a strong interest in painting rural and coastal areas. Ian regularly exhibits at the Bevere gallery in Worcester.
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The Bevere Vivis Gallery is a converted Coach House

The gallery exhibits local up and coming artists
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Ian started painting in watercolour about ten years ago after a long career in aviation.

Low Tide by Ian Cruickshank
Low Tide by Ian Cruickshank

Though entirely self-taught, his style has been greatly influenced by the works of Seago, Wesson, Fletcher-Watson and Yardley.

Ian is inspired by the wonderful landscapes and seascapes of the British Isles, where he strives to capture on paper the ever-changing moods and sense of space. He specialises in trees, historic buildings and boats.

Cotswold Hamlet by Ian Cruickshank
Cotswold Hamlet by Ian Cruickshank

Ian regularly exhibits at Bevere Vivis gallery in Worcester - where he will be the featured artist in November with his ‘cotswolds, castles and coastal scenes’ exhibition - and the Shell House gallery in Ledbury, and has had work accepted by the R.I. for their exhibition in London.

For the past five years, Ian has been teaching watercolour painting at Bevere Vivis, as well as running his own courses in Malvern and Perdiswell.
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