Pen portraits

Get to know your users and their needs.

Part of:ExploreCreative decision making playbook



A quick lightweight way to think about the needs of the different kinds of user you have.


Figure out what different types of users you have. Make up a plausible person to represent each of these types.


  1. Feel regret that you can't afford to commission a research agency to build a research based set of real personas. Then get over it.
  2. Think carefully about the different kinds of user you may have, that is users who are likely to want different things from your design.
  3. If there are many, narrow them down to a few that represent most of the users.
  4. Invent a plausible person to represent each of these user types. Give them a name and find a believable picture. Invent a two sentence backstory.
  5. For each person, consider what their mind-set, needs and goals might be. List them on the same page.
  6. You should end up with one pen portrait per page.

Please note

This method was not concepted at the 成人快手. If you know the creator please contact the GEL team