Audio & Video
Part 01: Purcell's Rondeau from Abdelazar
Andrew Manze conducts one of the earliest pieces of music written for an orchestra.
- Part 01: Purcell's Rondeau from Abdelazar
- James MacMillan on the St John Passion
- Elaine Mitchener (full set)
- Thomas Dausgaard on Bruckner's Ninth
- Mirela Ivi膷evi膰
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - 弄hte
- Runnicles' Rosenkavalier
- Part 07: Malcolm Arnold's Tam o' Shanter
- Part 10: Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
- Part 01 - Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra
- Bill Sweeney and Yann Ghiro on E貌las nan Ribheid
- Unsuk Chin on 艩u