Audio & Video
Nadine Aisha Jassat – poetry reading
Nadine shares one of her poems.
- Nadine Aisha Jassat – poetry reading
- Move it
- My dad knows everything
- Return of the bendy, bendy toothbrush
- The noise!
- The space
- What is your favourite piece of work that you've written? What is your most treasured possession?
- Where do you get your ideas from? What is a poem?
- Scrapbooks and plans
- What inspired Ross MacKenzie to continue with his series of books?
- Did anyone encourage Ross MacKenzie to write books?
- Questions from schools
- Creating a Poem
- Writing Tips with... Alastair Chisholm
- Introducing Cookie
- There's Broccoli in my Ice Cream! - Part 1
- Questions from schools
- We are all storytellers