Audio & Video
How Catherine works
Catherine chats about her work space and materials she uses when drawing
- How Catherine works
- Move it
- My dad knows everything
- Return of the bendy, bendy toothbrush
- The noise!
- The space
- What is your favourite piece of work that you've written? What is your most treasured possession?
- Where do you get your ideas from? What is a poem?
- Would any of your characters make a good therapet?
- Reading from The Crossover
- Reading of The Squirrels Who Squabbled
- Questions from Linlithgow Academy
- There's Broccoli in my Ice Cream! - Part 2
- Enthusiasm for Scots and Gaelic
- Why is it important to learn Scots and Gaelic?
- Myths and Monsters
- Walking and talking
- Keeping Up With Michael