Audio & Video
My Heart
The moving finale to Where The Heart Should Be, read by Sarah.
- My Heart
- Who are you really?
- Darren Shan reads from Zom-B Underground
- A picky question about zombies
- What about Dad?
- A dark question about the night
- Books into film
- How about a Zombie rising?
- A question of influence
- Darren Shan reads the prologue from ZOM-B
- Themes of The Infinite
- Reading from 'The Places I've Cried in Public'
- Forrester High's 2048 Predictions
- Y is for Young Adult
- School days
- How to Draw Granville's Body
- Scottish words and questions from schools
- Reading from Maddy Yip's guide to life
- Orion Lost reading
- Keep going!