Audio & Video
Wizards of Once reading
Cressida reads an extract from Wizards of Once - a search for a strange piece of cutlery!
- Wizards of Once reading
- Who are you really?
- Darren Shan reads from Zom-B Underground
- A picky question about zombies
- What about Dad?
- A dark question about the night
- Books into film
- How about a Zombie rising?
- A question of influence
- Darren Shan reads the prologue from ZOM-B
- Manjeet’s writing process
- Questions from schools
- Cardboard Cowboys reading
- The World of the Wolf Queen
- How did you plan the structure of the novel?
- There's Broccoli in my Ice Cream! - Part 1
- Lauren reads
- Drawing Fruit and Veg
- Writing historical fiction
- Questions from schools