Audio & Video
Relationship Behaviour
Holly speaks about different relationship behaviours and how to deal with it.
- Relationship Behaviour
- Who are you really?
- Darren Shan reads from Zom-B Underground
- A picky question about zombies
- What about Dad?
- A dark question about the night
- Books into film
- How about a Zombie rising?
- A question of influence
- Darren Shan reads the prologue from ZOM-B
- Have a go!
- Would any of your characters make a good therapet?
- Whuppity Stoorie by Lari Don
- Boogie Woogie Buggy
- It Does Matter
- How Does Your Own Personal Experience Shape Your Writing?
- 100 Words on Friendship
- Social media and influencers
- Is it easier or harder to write a trilogy?
- The Otherwhere Emporium reading