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24 September 2014

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We asked for your comments on Much Ado About Nothing. Here's just a few of the hundreds we received:

"Absolutely brilliant. What a wonderful way to open up Shakespeare. The script was inspired and very, very funny! The cast were terrific, with Sarah Parish outstanding as Beatrice.

Collin, Manchester

"Sarah Parish mixed vengefulness and vulnerabilty beautifully."
"I thought this was just fantastic - a stroke of genius to set it in a newsroom. It was fast, pertinent, exciting - the best Shakespeare adaptation I've seen in a long long time. The performances were spot on, Sarah Parish mixed vengefulness and vulnerabilty beautifully, and Damian Lewis' timing was impeccable. An absolute triumph."

Paula Mayne, Worksop

"Excellent - even my 19 and 17 year old heathen boys enjoyed it!"

Mrs Pogie Manson, Glasgow

"If this sets the standard for the ShakespeaRe-told season, every one of these dramas will be worth staying in for.

"Great to have such strong female characters involved in a good old-fashioned love story."
I remember studying this play at school, and the love/hate relationship between Beatrice and Benedick at the heart of the story was absolutely spot-on. Sarah Parish should win awards for her portrayal of Beatrice - the comic timing and quips were wonderful, but the more serious scenes with Damian Lewis were subtle and quite beautiful. Lewis played the fool just right, while still being believable and earning our empathy.

I felt the spirit of the original play was kept alive by a clever script, a faultless cast and the modern newsroom setting. Great to have such strong female characters involved in a good old-fashioned love story."

Catherine, Bristol

"This is a brilliant modernisation of William Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing. It is witty, dramatic, funny, sweet and is overall a well balanced programme.The communication and emotions of all cast members is superb, making all of the characters bounce off each other brilliantly. All of the actors carried out their roles to perfection, in particular the brilliant Sarah Parish, the dashing Damian Lewis and the excellent Billie Piper.

All through the programme I found myself constantly willing the characters of Beatrice and Benedick to actually get together, making the whole programme compulsive viewing."

Angela, Colchester

"Great. I've never read Shakespeare, but I watched it because I like Billie Piper. I may only be 12 but I loved it."

Mortisha, London

"I love Shakespeare, and I loved this. I thought that the way it was adapted to make it work for present times was fantastic - it made it more real for me. The part at the end, when Hero was hurt, was really moving. You get to love some of the charcters such as Benedick, and hate others, like Don."

Steph Angell, Warsash

"If only more broadcasters had the courage to do such a wonderful job with Shakespeare maybe a lot more of our younger readers would want to learn more about Britain's greatest playwright.

"Claude should be grateful Hero didn't deck him like she did Don!"
The cast were simply superb - you couldn't fault any of them. I laughed and cried just as I do with Shakespeare's version.

My only complaint is that Hero and Claude weren't getting married along with Beatrice and Benedick as in the original story - but then I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Also, I suppose in today's society Claude should be grateful she didn't deck him like she did Don!"

Tracy Holland, Staffordshire

"Quite simply a great production. It did not need to be billed as Shakespeare or any other classic writer, it would have been just been seen as fantastic entertainment in its own right. Great characters played wonderfully by great actors."

Ray Jacob, West Midlands

"Awesome. As a GCSE English Literature student who finds Shakespeare a bit daunting sometimes, this adaptation made me switch on. Hilarious at moments, tear-inducing at others. And the sonnet? Beautiful! Thanks for making me fall in love with Shakespeare."

Myroslava, Manchester

"What an excellent production - I loved the original way of updating Much Ado to a newsroom - the characters seemed to slot perfectly into place there. I thought Sarah Parish and Damian Lewis worked incredibly well together as Beatrice and Benedick, plus rising star Billie Piper was very impressive as Hero.

"Benedick was far more likeable than expected, I felt that he really deserved Beatrice in the end."
Bea's vulnerable side was portrayed so well, especialy in the scene at the hen night when she was hiding in the toilets while Margaret and Hero wound her up. Plus Benedick was far more likeable than expected, I felt that he really deserved Beatrice in the end."

Natalie, Bromley

"Absolutely magnificent. The casting was superb, with Sarah Parish and Damien Lewis playing Beatrice and Benedict beautifully. I have seen Much Ado on the stage many times and enjoyed the original film but this was without a doubt one of the best versions."

Lucy, London

"Wicked. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious. I loved the modernisation and the way the story felt new, but still kept to the original premise.

My only criticism would be that the occasional lines from the original play sometimes felt a bit stilted and out of place."

Emma , Leeds

"The best television drama I've ever seen. These actors had ownership of their parts - they obviously had enough rehearsal time to get into their roles. Many thanks for the brilliant and human-insightful script. The secure direction, excellent photography and supportive music design all supported the great action. Even the design was fantastic!"

David Crossman, Beckenham, Kent

"Not sure what this has to do with Shakespeare. Didn't Shakespeare nick most of his plots anyway? I'm not sure that cleverly transposing the story and characters worked.
"Passable TV, but hardly poetical or profound, which are Shakespeare's strengths"
For example, the dramatic process where Beatrice and Benedick were tricked into falling in love was rushed and unconvincing. Much Ado... was passable TV, if a little odd but hardly poetical or profound, which are Shakespeare's strengths."

Frank Rabbit , London

"I thought the play was fantastic viewing - if only I knew at school what I know now regarding Shakespeare it would have made life easier!"

Susan, Buckinghamshire

"This is one of my favourite plays and I thought any adaptation would have a hard job living up to the original. I am pleased to say that last night's version far exceeded my expectations! It was funny, sad, emotional, romantic, and retained the original charm of Shakespeare's story."

Emily, London

"Damian Lewis is my new eye candy."
"I never thought I'd utter this but to coin a cliche, worth the licence fee alone. Last night was amazing. Pats on the back all round.

Ginger love, you can't beat it. Damian Lewis is my new eye candy."

Vicky, Camberwell

"Wonderful! I couldn't flaw it at all. The acting was superb, Tom Ellis especially. Looking forward to the next installment, I wish every single play had been Re-Told."

Clare, Liverpool

"What an excellant programme, but then it had Sarah Parish in it. Thoroughly enjoyable, thank you."

Tim , Epsom, surrey

"I cried. I laughed. I wanted to be Beatrice when Benedick sat on the bed and read her the sonnet."

Jo, London

"I was really excited about this series but I have to say I was rather let down. I know it was an adaptation but why change so much? It is possible to update Shakespeare without re-writing it. I adore Damian Lewis but I found the writing of his Benedick far too smarmy."

Kimberley John, Aberdeen

"The Bard certainly knew how to pen a cracking yarn! Last nights adaptation was first rate and the cast were all excellent.

"The Bard certainly knew how to pen a cracking yarn!"
Damian Lewis continues to prove his calibre as one of Britain's best actors with Sarah Parish and Billie Piper's talents surely making them destined for many accolades. Great stuff - roll on next Monday!"

Nathan, Bristol

"Absolutely loved it. As I watched I could recall the plot and words from the Shakespeare original coming back to me.

The acting was great, particularly from Sarah Parish and Damian Lewis."

Ilsa, Surrey

"This adaption of Shakespeare's play was highly successful. It truly managed to update the story to modern times without being unbelievable. Well-written, superbly acted, funny and moving, it was excellent entertainment if you knew the original, and also worked in its own right."

Jan Fowler, Portsmouth

"Well done Auntie Beeb. Superb. Who said the bard was boring and not up to today's standards? More please."

Heather Mellars, Durham

"Whilst definitely not a Shakespeare afficionado nor someone who is keen on romantic, sloppy TV I was convinced by the 成人快手 site to give Much Ado About Nothing a try.
"Sloppy TV? Definitely not."
I can honestly say that I was truly surprised by the transformation from literature to TV and from bygone days to present day. Sloppy TV? Definitely not. Entertaining, funny, thrilling and beautiful to watch? Definitely."

Simon Parker, Bristol

"It was fantastic, really well acted and so funny! The whole cast were great, but Billie was exceptional, a great piece of entertainment, it really brightened my evening."

Zara, London

"Brilliant, sharp, witty and I am sure will open up the world of Shakespeare to an audience who previously may have felt intimidated by the bard. I'm now completely in love with the idea of falling in love and just love Damien."

Gail, Bradford

"Fantastic, I finally understand the power of Shakespeare.
"Fantastic, I finally understand the power of Shakespeare."
The acting was of the highest quality. I particularly enjoyed the change in relationship between Benedick and Beatrice - the sonnet reading was very moving."

Carl, Bristol

"Solid performances all around and an ending that I much preferred to Shakespeare's own. However, it would have benefitted from Benedick being shown as the sharp-witted equal to Beatrice, rather than an easily duped sucker. Also, did I miss the explanation of why he dumped her the first time around?"

Caroline, London

"Absolutely fantastic entertainment. True to the spirit of the play but updated to provide real understanding of the plot - and plenty of laughs. Shakespeare was never this much fun at school."

Julie Robinson, Leicester

"Very enjoyable adaptation of one of the better comedies of the Bard. The banter between Beatrice and Benedick was given the right mix of bite and joy, although the Hero-Claude-Don triangle was slightly less convincing.

Claude's reaction to the rumour-mill surrounding his finace茅 seemed OTT in today's context. More successful though were the touches of showing Hero as a modern independent woman, in total contrast to the limp flower Kate Beckinsale played in Kenneth Branagh's cinematic effort of 1993."

Andrew, London

"It was a glorious opportunity missed to introduce a wider audience to the fabulous world of Shakespeare's language. Yes, it was funny; yes, it was entertaining to update it and relocate it to a TV studio and yes, it was brave to give Hero a more powerful persona, but where was Shakespeare?
"One sonnet casually lobbed in does not a Shakespeare play make."

One sonnet casually lobbed in (and painstakingly translated for those who want their Shakepeare in minute doses) does not a Shakespeare play make. All that this exercise proved was that Will wrote a brilliantly funny play. We already knew that."

Pam, Sussex

"A dreary production lacking wit and pace. The actors battled bravely against a dire script and deserve credit for almost keeping afloat a turgid humourless rewriting. It had no sparkle and the contrived situations defied credibility."

John Lamb, Bridlington

"Wow, I thought this was really excellent stuff. Superb casting and acting, and a fine script - faithful to the spirit of the original without sticking too slavishly to the details. Especially loved Hero's decision not to go through marrying Claude again."

Seb, South London

"So the plot was daft and improbable, but it was all such tremendous fun it didn't matter."
"I can't remember the last time a TV programme cheered me up so much. The chemistry between Sarah Parish and Damien Lewis positively sizzled, while Billie Piper was delightful as Hero. OK, so the plot was daft and improbable, but it was all such tremendous fun it didn't matter."

Lu, South Wales

"Fantastic. Funny, smart, brilliantly light on its feet and at times very moving, it was adaptation at its most compelling. It brought out that Much Ado was really just 16th century screwball comedy. The acting was joyous especially that of the two leads.

There wasn't a duff note and the razor-sharp send-up of regional news brought something fresh and at times side splittingly funny to the proceedings. Both romantic and funny - when many romantic comedies often manage neither."

R Williams, London

"A terrific cast and brilliant script. I'll never see South Today (a 成人快手 regional news programme) in the same light again!"

Richard Neal, Dorset

"I really enjoyed it, the acting was great as was the script. Not once during the hour and a half did I feel bored.
"Rather than simply retelling Shakespeare the writer completely changed it."

However my only complaint would be that I had to remind myself that what I was watching was Shakespeare, it was too much like a modern day drama. Perhaps the use of Shakepearean language would have improved this drama. Rather than simply retelling Shakespeare the writer completely changed it."

Siobhan Denton, Bedfordshire

"Absolutely brilliant! The plot kept you guessing all the way through as to how they were going to translate the original into modern day. Damian Lewis was fantastic as Bendick, who couldn't fail to fancy him, even with his 'pirate look'."

Zoe, Yorkshire

"Never even heard of Damian Lewis before, but my god he's implanted his * comedy genius performance smack bang in the middle of my mind! And his brilliance was perfectly complimented by Sarah Parish - sexy, sarcastic and with Gobi desert-dry wisecracks.

One of the funniest and most cringeworthy pieces of programming since The Office. The scene where Benedick recites the poem and there's a the ten-second gaze at each other was as uncomfortable as any of Tim and Dawn's compromising situations."

Adam Halford, Leamington Spa

"Our 14 and 12 year old children laughed all the way through - our son even asked about the Macbeth storyline this morning in anticipation of next week's episode. Well done to all concerned."

Jonathan Harries-Pugh, Nottingham

"If Shakespeare were alive now, this is how he would have written it. Cleverly re-written, produced, cast and acted. Rather than losing the essence in translation, the production has gained a modern relevance.
"If Shakespeare were alive now, this is how he would have written it."

This is a gem of a production, first class drama. It has rekindled my interest in Shakespeare."

Mike Nielsen, Evesham

"That was great! I'm currently studying this play for AS level English Lang/Lit, and this was much closer to the play's plot than I anticipated and very funny. I especially liked the fact that some bits of text were taken almost directly from the play - lots of modern interpretations don't manage it."

Katy, Brighton

"I'm no Shakespeare fan, far from it. Nevertheless, I thought this was a good production and it may have even move me to read the book. Not bad for a classics Luddite."

Dann R, W Sussex

"Had been dreading a superficial fiasco, but this was a success story par excellence, for David Nicholls's script, for the perfect casting and for the super production and direction."

Pam Marchant, Bristol

"Where was Don Pedro? As entertaining this story was it probably was only just about recognisable from the original play. The concept was good, but it was just too distant from Shakespeare - since when was Don John an emotional wreck? He had cunning and cruelty, but was nothing like the villain in the play.

On the positive side it was quite entertaining, but I fear that those that haven't read the play will think this is something like the Shakespeare - it's not even close! So much more could have been brought out of this that overall, as an adaptation, I have to say this was poor."

James, Chorley
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