Scene I
Setting - a meeting room
Macbeth: ...and I think that proves that our company is the very best option for you.
Banquo: well as having the best biscuits!
Guests at meeting: Laughter.
Banquo: Phew!
Scene II
Setting - a corridor
Macbeth: That was pretty tough, but I think we got them in the end.
Banquo: YOU got them - it was you who swung the deal. You really sold it to them.
Macbeth: Yes, I suppose so. I think your jokes helped...
Enter three women
Er, excuse me ladies?
Banquo: Could we get past please? You're blocking the corridor.
Woman one: Not so fast, sunshine.
Woman two: Ah, Macbeth! Sales darling of the third floor.
Woman three: You're going far, my dear. Enjoy the view from your desk.
Macbeth: View? Of the airconditioning unit?
Woman one: Just you wait and see. And don't forget us when you're running the place!
Macbeth: When I'm what? But Duncan's the boss - he's not going anywhere.
Woman two: Oh, and Banquo? Those trainees of yours have a bright, bright future.
The women vanish.