Top tips from real actors
 We asked some professional actors for their top tips on acting.
Here's some advice from them on acting for the camera.
Paul Henshall (Dean West in Casualty and Michael in A Thing Called Love)
The main thing is make sure you speak clearly, especially with Shakespeare, where the language is so much a part of it. And try not to be too nervous. Because if you enjoy what you're doing, then the audience will too.
Robert Glenister (Ash Morgan in Hustle)
Don't bump into the furniture, and relax. Be aware of what other people are doing and go along with them, in the same way as they'll go along with what you're doing.
James Redmond (Abs in Casualty)
When I read my scripts, I go through all the scenes that I'm in, and make a note of where they're set, who else is in the scenes, and a quick synopsis of what happens to my character in the scene.
"I always make a point of knowing where I am. Have I had that argument yet, have I seen this person yet?"
Then I'll go back through the script and see what information is contained in other scenes, that I would need to know. Because we shoot scenes out of order, I always make a point of knowing where I am. Have I had that argument yet, have I seen this person yet, all this kind of stuff. That makes it a lot easier to be more natural.
You can get a line sometimes, something like, "Good morning, how are you?" Because it's the first scene that you've done of the episode, you play it normally. Then you realise, "hang on a minute, that's scene 15 and in scene 14 we've had a big argument", so should have said it in a sarcastic way. So that's one trick.
Kacey Ainsworth (Little Mo in EastEnders)
Relaxation is the best thing, because then you really feel, they call it, " in the moment." Really what it means is, you're listening to the person who is speaking to you and then you're saying your line back. You're not just thinking, "Oh, it's my line next", or "that's my cue line."
Sally Philips (Katie Nash in Rescue Me, Shazza in Bridget Jones' Diary)
I've learnt a great trick for crying scenes. If you cry so hard that snot comes out of your nose everyone thinks you're a really good actress!
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