
Skills and training

We are passionate about finding and growing new talent, both on and off screen

The 成人快手 runs and contributes to a number of schemes, initiatives and bursaries to help develop skills and create opportunities for individuals in the broadcast industry. Find out more below.

New opportunities

  • Apply now: 成人快手 Comedy Collective

    Our supercharged bursary scheme is back. Offering 10 places to up-and-coming writers, producers, directors and editors who鈥檇 like to develop their careers in scripted comedy, with winners receiving up to 拢10k worth of paid shadowing on a comedy production and a 拢5k development grant to further support their development. Deadline: 31 January
  • Apply now: opportunity to become a 成人快手 Sport football contributor

    In collaboration with TikTok, 成人快手 Creator Lab and 成人快手 Sport are recruiting the most exciting football creators and then pitting them against each other in a competition show. The winner will have the opportunity to be a contributor on Football Focus, Final Score, 5live Radio and our digital/social outlets. Deadline: 24 January
  • Apply now: 成人快手 Sounds Audio Lab

    Four new audio creators will receive a full-time salary for seven months plus a comprehensive package of practical and professional training that includes dedicated production support and a bespoke training plan. Deadline: 11 February

Comedy writer or performer

There are a number of opportunities for new writiers, performers, directors, producers and editors in comedy Find out more about opportunities in comedy

Drama writers

成人快手 Writers runs a number of schemes for new drama talent Visit the 成人快手 Writers website

Documentary makers


Industry training

We partner with organisations to help develop the skills of industry professionals Find out more about our training partners
  • Offering production training initiatives across the UK
  • To strengthen development skills in the Nations and regions
  • 成人快手 funded scholarships and courses

Supporting production companies

We work with more producers than any other UK broadcaster and are passionate about supporting and growing indies

Please note the 成人快手 is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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