
Daytime and early peak commissioning

Our latest priorities and new opportunities for producers

Rob Unsworth

Rob Unsworth

Head of Daytime and Early Peak
Daytime and early peak is a powerhouse of high volume, high impact shows across a range of genres, providing an important pipeline to peak.

We are home to a portfolio of content spanning factual, factual entertainment, quiz, entertainment and drama on 成人快手 One up to and including The One Show, and up to 7pm on 成人快手 Two.

Though our schedule will continue to evolve this year, the emphasis remains on accessible and inclusive content that鈥檚 useful to people鈥檚 lives. Morning Live, Rip Off Britain, 成人快手s Under the Hammer, Scam Interceptors and so many others work well not just because they鈥檙e entertaining, but also because they鈥檙e packed with relevant insight into subjects of genuine interest to the audience

Reflecting the whole of the UK in all its diversity and tapping into territories that are relevant to contemporary Britain is key. Our shows consistently perform well with underserved audiences, and we鈥檙e seeing real growth for our content on iPlayer as well, so all successful ideas need to be able to stand out not just in linear schedules, but on iPlayer too.

Find out more

Our commissioners

Our latest showreel - watch some of our recent and upcoming highlights

How to send us your ideas

All ideas must be submitted via PiCoS to the genre commissioners listed on this page How we commission

Further advice and support

Contacts and support packages to help your company How we support indies

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