
Radio 4 Appeal

Radio 4's weekly programme highlighting the work of charities in the UK and abroad and appealing for donations

What is the Radio 4 Appeal?

The Radio 4 Appeal is a weekly 3 minute programme highlighting the work of a charity and appealing for donations to support its activities. The appeal aims to provide an opportunity for raising money and awareness to a variety of charities. The appeal is a fantastic way for a charity to engage with the 成人快手's audience.

There are 49 such appeals broadcast on Radio 4 each year.

Charities meeting our criteria can apply for an appeal and the applications are assessed by a panel of external assessors and the Appeals Advisory CommitteeLearn if your charity is eligible to apply.

You can listen to the Radio 4 Appeal every Sunday at 07:54 and 21:25 and again on Thursday at 15:27.

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