
World Cup Have Your Say -

Ticket trouble

  • Peter van Dyk
  • 18 Jun 06, 12:18 PM

Agreement is universal: Germany is putting on a wonderful World Cup. Here at WCHYS we're only too happy to hear that, as we love the World Cup. If we didn't, we wouldn't be working on the programme.

But there are black clouds on the organisational front. Ticketing has been a source of complaints pretty much since before the first seats went on sold, and security has always been a major concern.

A Fifa board member from Botswana has admitted at ten times their face value and fans' groups have protested at the lack of tickets available to "real" fans.

What is the situation like for fans in Germany? Has security been too tight or too lax? What about fans who travelled without tickets? Did they get lucky?

As ever, join the debate using the comment form below or by email to worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk. And we'll talk to you in the morning...

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  • 1.
  • At 10:44 PM on 18 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

The USA VS Italy was great. I was with my wife and daughter in a store and everyone was watching the game.

Japan VS Croatia was no comment. Especially since I was celebrating Fathers Day.

Brazil VS Australia was a great game. I saw it with my father and in-laws in my house. Brazil shows that it has the stuff for World Cups. Regardless, Brazil has to exert more discipline in its play if it is to win the World Cup.
Australia played a great game but they must continue to persist in football for future World Cups.

South Korea VS France was another cliff hanger [although I confess to having seen the last two minutes]. South Korea [including the fans] appeared to be well disciplined and organized. They have a future in this and more World Cups to come.

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  • 2.
  • At 09:35 PM on 26 Jun 2006,
  • Pete McCarthy wrote:

Having watched most of the World Cup Games I must ay that ITV's pundits and analasis is far superior to the 成人快手's.

My major criticism is that when a so called neutral game is being played and Alan Hanson is present their is very little praise for the underdog team no matter how well they are playing.

Then what follows is an explosion of how the 'stronger' team has issed it's chances.

I thought the 成人快手 if anything was fair.

I am sure that everyone understands that any commentator is going to show bias to his/her own country but to show bias only to sides that have a superior team on paper is very unsporting.

The one thing about Jimmy Hill is that he was a qualified Ref and understood the laws of the game. What Mr Hanson and Mr Lineaker ought to do is to study the FIFA Laws of the game, especially how to detemine whether a ball has crossed the line before giving a comment based on what was seen on a T.V. monitor.

I am so disappointed in the 成人快手's coverage that I now watch the whole of the game with the sound down.
On the other hand I quite enjoy ITV's pundits as their coverage seems to be more profesional and sporting.

Yours P McCarthy, Burton On Trent, Staffs.

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  • 3.
  • At 10:33 PM on 01 Jul 2006,
  • mike walker wrote:

hi there,
i really must stress that fifa do not want an english team to win any competition, they must instruct the referees to play full advantage to anybody playing england. Cheats like figo and ronaldo seem to squeeze through the net. Every time their whole objective is to remove players from the field and not to play good football. Completely un professional and dont deserve the position they are in.
Fifa seem unable to control and understand the true game of football. Fifa are e a complete waste of space and if not careful will crush the game of football into a farce.


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