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Recovered anorexic gives birth

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:45 AM, Wednesday, 2 April 2008


It's hard to believe these pictures are of the same person. The image on the left shows Hayley Wilde when she was 16. She became so thin through anorexia that doctors told her she was just over a week away from death. The picture on the right shows has as she is now, at the age of 20. She's just given birth to a healthy baby son.

Hayley and her mum Jane released the pictures to show how devastating the effects of anorexia can be - and also to prove that however bleak things seem, there is always hope. I'm hoping to talk to them both on this morning's programme.

UPDATE - 14:47 Wednesday

You can have a listen back to my interview with Hayley online. (You'll need RealPlayer, as per...)

Also - I said I'd link to Hayley's web site, .


  1. At 11:33 AM on 02 Apr 2008, Reg Jones wrote:

    Hi Victoria, would you please explain what a sub prime mortgage is, Thankyou. PS I could not understand how to email you on the normal site!

  2. At 12:25 PM on 02 Apr 2008, victoria wrote:


    Well i thought hayley was an absolute inspiration. The support group she and her mother have set up is called Fighting for Freedom with Anorexia Nervosa.



  3. At 12:31 PM on 02 Apr 2008, Bill wrote:

    It is sad that the pressures of modern life put so much stress on our young to all look like skinny models I fear for my daughter growing up. The after photo of Hayley is stunning she is beautful and I hope she realises this and can get her life back from this terrible condition.

  4. At 08:37 PM on 02 Apr 2008, DaveH wrote:

    Made a recovery once she got some attention and now seeks some more then?
    I see the father had gone missing too.

    Reg - Subprime mortgages are those given in the US to people with a high probability of defaulting on payments, often known as ninjas (no income, no job or assets).

    It is starting to be used here, but lenders keep fairly quiet about them as they don't want anyone to know just how reckless they have been.

  5. At 10:30 PM on 02 Apr 2008, jill aspinall wrote:

    i listened to hayley's story with interest having suffered from an eating disorder for nearly 30 years. like her, my periods stopped during my teens, but i have gone on to give birth to 2 healthy children. i am now 41 years old and am still struggling to fight the negative thoughts about food and self image , despite having a loving partner and supportive family. like hayley i feel fat and ugly - and it doesn't matter how many times i am told the contrary.
    from victoria's initial introduction to the interview i was under the impressioin that this was to be a "recovery" story with a happy ending but i fear from hayley's latter comments that she is still in the grips of the disease. i wish her well and truly hope that her son michael will give her the focus and purpose she needs. i am sure she is a devoted and loving mother, but anorexia trsanscends all natural and loving relationships and can easily destroy them. i wish hayley good health and happiness and am more than happy for my contact details to be forwarded to her should she wish to talk about being a mum with an eating disorder.

  6. At 10:11 AM on 03 Apr 2008, David Jones wrote:

    I listened to your programme of yesterday and decided to look at the pictures of Hayley Wilde.

    And I must say that had she died because of this awfull disease it would have been a Total waste of two lives.

    Congratulations to Hayley for not only beating the disease but for the birth of her new born baby, hence it would have been a waste of two lives.

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