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It's Tuesday and I'm at home..

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:51 AM, Tuesday, 11 March 2008

..looking after the children cos there's no one else to do it today. I'm writing this while they have a kip. We have got a Japanese woman staying with us at the moment who we met at the World Cup in 2002 but she's gone off to "Pooh Country" for a couple of days so I couldn't even rope her in to help with babysitting. Her name is Izume and she's never visited Britain before. It's a sort of pilgrimage for her because she happens to be a massive West Ham fan and has never seen them play in the flesh. Since she's been here she's seen them lose 0 - 4, 4- 0 and 4- 0. Finally her team has found a bit of consistency this season. She's going to see them against Blackburn at the weekend - it's her last game before going back to Tokyo. I would quite like her to experience Upton Park when her side score a goal...so far the most joyful moment she's shared with fellow hammers was seeing Frank Lampard sent off.

Does everyone think Bolton have had it for this season? The next two games are against Wigan and Manchester Utd. They cld easily get nothing out of either of them. It's not looking great.


  1. At 09:56 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Richard Mangeolles wrote:

    How do you get someone in to do your show so quickly and so early in the morning and what has happened to your usual child care ?


  2. At 09:58 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Dan wrote:

    Could somebody explain why I have to pay a tax, on pain of imprisonment to fund this pointless dross? This doesn't exactly justify the license fee, let alone live up to the Reithian ideals.

  3. At 10:20 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Mushtaq wrote:

    Why didn't Izume see the light and start supporting Spurs? Does she not realise that West Ham are our feeder club? Perhaps, it is a good thing that she is being taken to watch Bolton as then she can realise that the way Bolton maintain a good pitch is by keeping the ball off it.

  4. At 10:39 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Zapppa wrote:

    She's working at home!

  5. At 11:02 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Gary Maddock-Greene wrote:

    I do not think that Victorias blog and radio programme is the only thing the licence fee funds Dan. As for Reithian ideals; it all contributes to the inform, entertain and educate philosophy does it not?

  6. At 11:05 AM on 11 Mar 2008, rob wrote:

    Tell Izume to get down to Ashton Gate For Top of the Championship Bristol City,s biggest game of the season against Watford...Come to think of it Victoria, if you want to watch premiership footie next season, perhaps you should head west also!!! The cider and pasties help to make watching a pleasurable experience, even when the football isn,t as tasty, and we have the best kept secret of a Manager in Charge, Namely Gary Johnson. Come on you Reds!!

  7. At 11:10 AM on 11 Mar 2008, carly wrote:

    good on your friend to support a proper english football team, and not one of these clubs that thing the way forward is to spend £1000's on so called talent from other countries. how are our boys supposed to qualify for any cup when the english players dont get a chance to play in our own league.
    come on the Hammers!!

  8. At 11:18 AM on 11 Mar 2008, David wrote:

    Who cares about this pointless and not particularly interesting story? i rarely venture into the world of blogs and this is precisely the reason why. There ought to be a difference between journalism and social networking and this belongs on the latter. Small wonder our profession is going to the dogs with dross like this on offer.

  9. At 11:29 AM on 11 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Strange coincedence that in Japan 4 is considered by some to be an unlucky number (like our 13) and Izume will see 4 matches, the first three of which ended in a 4 - 0 result :S

  10. At 12:16 PM on 11 Mar 2008, Tilary wrote:

    To David who asked (rhetorically, I guess) who cared about this "pointless and not particularly interesting story". You obviously do because here you are, spending valuable minutes of your life (you'll never get them back, you know) filling in your contact details, organising your thoughts and jotting them down here. If you weren't bothered, why bother?

    Hi Victoria,
    I quit my job today. Not in a dramatic way. It was all very civilised and i just handed in my notice really. Now the freakout begins because I don't have something else lined up.

    About Bolton having had it this season. They're not half as odious now they are without the noxious Sam Allardyce. Any mega *Yawn* to Carly's rant about West Ham supposedly being a "proper team" because they spend less than other teams. As if you got all your players on a free. Ha!

    Wow. Am feeling very contrary today. Wonder what that's all about.

  11. At 07:07 PM on 11 Mar 2008, victoria wrote:

    Hi all

    Let me respond if I may to your views/questiions...

    Hi Dan - first of all I'm sorry you think it's pointless dross. I think you may be right sometimes - I don't claim to be a writer, I don't claim to be a good writer: that's why I work in radio journalism and not 'papers. Plus as I work for the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ I'm restricted by impartiality guidelines. So in this blog I can't even express much of an opinion on anything of substance(although that's sometimes difficult). Five Live costs something like 28p of your licence fee every week. I hope you think mostly it's worth it. Writing a blog has inadvertently become part of our job description - loads and loads of broadcasters do them. I didn't ask to write one but someone somewhere thought it might be worth a try.

    Hello David - you say "there ought to be a difference between journalism and social networking and this belongs on the latter". Who says? What do YOU think a blog is for? I don't consider what I write on here to be journalism OR social networking - it's just conversation, and a different way of talking to people who may never have even listened to the programme but who like perusing what's on the internet. The reason I posted this morning was out of courtesy, to tell people why I wasn't on the radio. Not that that's a big deal but (and this may sound v strange) I do feel I have some sort of relationship with Five Live listeners. I've met loads of them, I talk to plenty every day, read their blog postings/emails/texts every day and having worked at FL for 10 yrs I feel a lot of affection for them. I mean that.

    You add, "small wonder our profession is going to the dogs with dross like this on offer" What profession - journalism? This teeny tiny blog really is up there with the fake photo of Brit soliders "beating up" Iraqis on the front of the Mirror? Or the interview published in one of the Sundays with the dad of the young man allegedly assaulted by two premiership players as the trial was going on (you may remember the pair had to be retried cos the article was judged to be in contempt of court). Or the wild and continuous speculation over what happened to Madeleine McCann by some papers and broadcasters?

    TILARY - how stupendous! What was their reaction? What happened? Was it as you'd expected or a bit of an anti climax? Hope you're okay - what ARE you going to do next? Plse let me know...



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