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Archives for February 2008

Teenagers Take Over..

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:26 UK time, Friday, 29 February 2008


In half an hour a group of teenagers get their chance to talk about what they want to talk about on national radio. The numbner one issue for most of them is "Why are teenagers demonised?"

Teacher and student bullying at school

Featured Blogger - Georgie | 12:49 UK time, Thursday, 28 February 2008


Georgie is blogging for us all week about life as a teenager.

Listening to Victoria this morning got me thinking of my school days. I only left school less than two years ago but it seems things have got worse since I left. Never in my life have i heard of a teenager threatening a teacher, especially not threatening a pregant teacher to cut her baby out. Its sick.

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Is it love?

Featured Blogger - Georgie | 10:42 UK time, Thursday, 28 February 2008


Georgie is blogging for us all week about life as a teenager.

Maybe you can relate here when I say that as a teen nobody believes you when you say that you love somebody, especially parents they always seem skeptical. They assume it's just lust or hormones or a combination of the two. In some ways i don't blame them. I look at my friends and peers and some 'love' one partner one minute and are 'head over heels in love' with another the next to the point where I can not keep up and wonder to myself how could they use a strong word like that so often with so many people? Are they getting confused with lust? Is it their hormones or am I missing something?

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Football Focus, Six Nations x 3, Match of the Day

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:54 UK time, Thursday, 28 February 2008


Is that too much sport in one day on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ 1? The ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ had 124 complaints because of wall-to-wall sport last Saturday and they've apologised. Even though 15 million people were watching at the peak. The head of sport Roger Mosey's on the programme this morning, so we'll hear what he has to say.

Opening up about anorexia

Featured Blogger - Georgie | 10:07 UK time, Wednesday, 27 February 2008


Georgie is blogging for us all week about life as a teenager.

My aim today is to be as open as I possibly can and discuss an emotional trauma that will always be with me, mainly my battle with anorexia. I've often been described as mature for my age but I think this comes from going through alot in my late childhood and early teens which caused me to grow up before my time.

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It's not so easy to find a job

Featured Blogger - Georgie | 09:48 UK time, Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Georgie is blogging for us all week about life as a teenager.

My day will be spent today pretty much hunting for a job. I left school when i was sixteen like alot of pupils. I tried sixth form but I decided it was not for me and I were convinced my GCSE grades of B's and C's would suffice in helping me land any job I would apply for. I was of course very naive to think that.

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Do anti-depressants work for you?

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:48 UK time, Tuesday, 26 February 2008


I've never had reason to take them, but friends of mine who have certainly felt the benefit. But could it be because of the placebo effect rather than the chemicals in the drugs? A new study today looking at both the published and unpublished data on anti-depressants suggest anti depressants are no better than placebos for most people.

Radio Acne

Victoria Derbyshire | 12:22 UK time, Monday, 25 February 2008


Three of you are unimpressed with my plan to hand over a chunk of our programme to teenagers on Friday. Paul in Woolwich texted me to say "They will be nice middle class kids with names like Georgie or Hugo we want to hear what the Wayne & Chantelles of this world have to say for themselves". KG said she/he'd be off to Radio 4 for the day. Anni said she wouldn't have Radio 5 on on Friday because "I don't care what teenagers have to say, they claim rights they haven't earnt & are full of their own importance". And Greg's already come up with a brilliant name: "Acne Radio"... "I shall switch off Acne Radio as soon as they start saying "like ".

This week we're featuring a guest blogger, Georgie who's blogging about his life and what it's like being a teenager. Read his first post here.

Being a teenager

Featured Blogger - Georgie | 10:55 UK time, Monday, 25 February 2008


Hi, I'm Georgie and I am blogging this week about my life as a teenager for Victoria Derbyshire. I'm eighteen years old from a little rough town in Essex but don't let my location give me a reputation. I'm currently jobless but have only been so for a few weeks, maybe a month I haven't been timing. I went to the best school in my area and accumulated reasonably high GCSE grades. I'm currently single but not looking and my hobbies range from Karate to Ballet.

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Linford Christie, the Olympic torch and the truth

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:58 UK time, Friday, 22 February 2008


1. Should Christie have been invited to carry the Olympic torch for this summer's Beijing Games?

2. Why did the GLA say Ken Livingstone hadn't issued him with that invitation, when LC's agent Sue Barrett rang the programme today and read out an extract from a letter which was signed by Mr Livingstone asking LC to take part?

Listen to Sue Barrett talking to Victoria about Linford's invitation

3. Who should carry the torch? Your nominations please and we'll pass them on...

Men who use prostitutes

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:55 UK time, Friday, 22 February 2008


This morning Steve Wright will be sentenced to life for the murder of five women who worked as prostitutes in Ipswich. Even as Wright was continuing to kill, women could still be found on the streets of the town selling sex.

So why do women do it? It's illegal to solicit, pimp and run a brothel in this country; it's also illegal to kerb crawl - but it's not illegal to pay for sex. Is that one of the reasons why men do it?

There are many different types of sex workers, many different types of men who pay women for sex. There is no typical client, although many of us probably have an image of the kind of men who use prostitutes.

We wanted an insight into one man's reasons for paying for sex, and into the kind of "relationship" he has with the woman he visits.

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I drink because...

Victoria Derbyshire | 09:38 UK time, Thursday, 21 February 2008


..I think it helps me to relax, because I often have a really good time when I've had a few drinks, and because I don't think I have a problem with alcohol. I hate having a hangover especially when it's my turn to get up early with the children. Why do you do drink?

Men and women listen to music differently...

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:48 UK time, Wednesday, 20 February 2008


..according to the Head of Radio 2 and 6Music, Lesley Douglas. She says "For women there tends to be an emotional reaction to music. Men tend to be interested in the intellectual side of the music, the tracks, where albums have been made, that sort of thing." I think she's right don't you?

Should the Media not report Suicides?

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:34 UK time, Wednesday, 20 February 2008


The mother of one of the teeenagers who hanged himself in the Bridgend area has linked the number of suicides with the media coverage. The Assistant Chief Constable of South Wales criticised two local newspapers for their coverage yesterday. Yet 17 young people have committed suicide in this area in less than two years and it appears to be a phenomemon. Perhaps your answer to the question above depends on whether you believe there is some sort of link between the coverage and the deaths.

Are long hours ruining your life?

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:55 UK time, Tuesday, 19 February 2008


The average British manager works the equivalent of 40 days unpaid overtime EVERY YEAR. Why? Why do you do it?

Northern Rock and Nationalisation..

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:53 UK time, Monday, 18 February 2008


..has the government done the right thing?

Teenage Kicks

Victoria Derbyshire | 14:09 UK time, Friday, 15 February 2008


Not sure whether it was a good idea to suggest handing over the whole show to a bunch of teenagers one morning.

It's too late now though. I'm hoping we'll find young people from all sorts of backgrounds who will effectively edit the programme: their ideas, stories, guests etc.

Read this blog - is it a hoax?

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:14 UK time, Friday, 15 February 2008


If you need something to make you smile, read this blog. It's written by a guy called Max and he's about to go off travelling. It's not so much the blog I'd like you to have a look at but keep scrolling down to the comments - they are fantastic.

I can't help but wondering if the blog itself is a hoax - what do you think?

China Crisis

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:53 UK time, Thursday, 14 February 2008


It feels like there's a head of steam building as the Beijing games approach. Either that or it's just 48 hours of media attention after Steve Spielberg decided not to direct the opening and closing ceremonies. His action has reminded everyone about the killings which are continuing in Darfur, which let's be honest most people had forgotten about. And this is what was supposed to happen when the IOC awarded Beijing the games wasn't it? "A force for good" - that's what they say about the Olympics. It concentrates minds

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Dwain Chambers - what do you think?

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:39 UK time, Wednesday, 13 February 2008


He says he's being treated like a "leper" in The Sun today.

Dwain Chambers

Is that his own fault or the fault of all those people who condemn him for being included in the Great Britain team for the World Indoor Championships in Valencia next month?

Post your thoughts below or download the podcast to hear what others think

The Mosquito Device

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:50 UK time, Tuesday, 12 February 2008


The "mosquito" story has gone international - I've just seen it on CNN.

Mr Brown's soft spot for United

Victoria Derbyshire | 14:32 UK time, Saturday, 9 February 2008


Man Utd logoGordon Brown has just told Eamonn Holmes that he has a 'soft spot' for Manchester United (partly to do with Munich, he said).

If you missed the interview - you can download it as part of Eamonn's podcast here.

So is that a generational thing? Cos I don't know anyone my age who has a 'soft spot' for them unless MU is their team.

They're no-one's second team are they?

Addicted to Pornography

Victoria Derbyshire | 12:49 UK time, Friday, 8 February 2008


This week I recorded an interview with a couple who split up because of his addiction to internet pornography.

They are both 5 live listeners and contacted me because they wanted people to know what a massive impact this kind of addiction has.

Daniel and Sandra don't leave out any grim detail of what it's done to them both: how she discovered what he was doing, how she tried to embrace it, how she and then he both realised it was much more than something 'natural'. They are unbelievably honest.

Listen to the interview

We played the interview on the programme and asked listeners whether they thought internet pornography was too easily accessible.

If you missed the discussion, you can download the podcast for free (available for seven days following the broadcast on Tuesday 12 February).

Sharia law

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:42 UK time, Thursday, 7 February 2008


What do you think of the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments?

Listen to the interview in full

Have you ever been on a team building day?

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:00 UK time, Thursday, 7 February 2008


One of our production team - who will remain nameless - is going on one next week and is extremely nervous about it. The bit he's dreading the most is having to bring in an object that means a lot to him and talk about it. Blimey.

So I want to hear from you if you have been on one - perhaps you've had to build a bridge across a river - maybe you've had to reveal a deep, dark personal secret to a load of people you really don't like.

Tell me whether or not you think they're worth the time, effort and money.

We may get you onto the show tomorrow

Talking about sexual abuse

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:58 UK time, Wednesday, 6 February 2008


On Thursday's programme you can hear Liz who is 20 years old talking about the sexual abuse she endured at the hands of her stepfather for eleven years. She's an amazing woman.

Her Mum is going to talk to us too.

The reason is because despite years of campaigning, so many people who have been abused still don't tell anyone.

Why not? What's stopping people?

You can here the entire interview with Liz and her mum here (you'll need realplayer for this)

If you want some advice or help then you can call the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Action line on 0800 055 055 where there will people who can put you in touch with those who can help.

There's the NSPCC's Childline on 0800 11 11

And you can

"Does 5 Live know it's pancake day?" ...

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:02 UK time, Tuesday, 5 February 2008


asked my 4 year old while eating tea tonight with Drive on in the background.

Put in jail with severe psychiatric problems

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:15 UK time, Monday, 4 February 2008


Petra Blanksby died on 24 November 2003, following an incident at New Hall prison on 19 November when she was found in her cell having tied a ligature around her neck. She was 19 years old.

She left behind an 18 month old son who she had given up to foster parents. She had spent years self-harming, and had made repeated suicide attempts. In what her team at her inquest called a "cry for help" she set fire to her mattress at home. Instead of receiving psychiatric care - she was charged with arson and sent to prison. Despite being on suicide watch - she tied a ligature around her neck and strangled herself.

Read the rest of this entry

Can you beat this for a quickie wedding..

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:09 UK time, Monday, 4 February 2008


This from Charlie in Northamptonshire:

"Hi, I met my wife on August 14 1979, got married 17 days later on 31 August 1979.

28 years, 4 children and 2 grandchildren later I don't regret a moment of it. She is still my best friend".

Spying on MPs

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:57 UK time, Monday, 4 February 2008


What's wrong with anti terrorist police listening in on MPs when they're in conversation with a suspected terrorist?


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