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Archives for December 2007

Happy New Year

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:08 UK time, Sunday, 30 December 2007


I haven't posted for a week - unforgivable. Here are my excuses...I have two small children who've been overexcited for too long; I have a mum and a fabulous stepdad who've been staying for a week. I've had all the neighbours in for drinks and chilli (I've fairly recently moved and people are quite sociable here and have invitied me to loads of things - this Xmas is the first chance I've had to say come round and have a few bevvies). Iv'e had to go to the sales obviously which took a whole day, and er I'm on leave.

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It's nearly Friday

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:51 UK time, Thursday, 20 December 2007


Bizarre isn't it, I feel a bit nervous about tomorrow's programme cos I really want Randon Acts of Kindness to work. Anyway if it doesn't, like I said, I'll blame you.

Read the rest of this entry


Victoria Derbyshire | 15:07 UK time, Tuesday, 18 December 2007


Sorry I haven't been around, should be better by Thursday - that Nihal was a good listen wasn't he? Don't tell him though or he'll want more money.
Random Acts of Kindness - courtesy of you - will be on the programme on Friday. Adrian asked if giving blood for the 35th time counted - I'd say so wouldn't you?

Thom's Christmas Message

Victoria Derbyshire | 11:26 UK time, Monday, 17 December 2007


We're following newly qualified teacher, Thom Dunn as he undertakes his first year in the profession.

Find out more about Thom from his previous blog entry here.
The last time we heard from Thom he had just finished his half term break and was about to head back to school.

So what's it been like for Thom at school in the lead up to Christmas...?

Jingle bells, no school bells, it's the holidays. Oh what fun it is to sit and not mark more essays.

At this time of year, school should be basking in the balmy glow of festive cheer. In reality, betwixt the Christmas cards and the opening of my Form Group's Advent Calendar, the end-of-unit-assessment juggernaut rolls on, eking out more words and more pen-smithery from an exhausted cohort of students and an equally shattered staff.

Crimble can't come soon enough - not since Hannibal's elephants looked forward to putting their feet up after trekking over the Alps has a break felt more needed (do elephants have feet or hooves?).

Nevertheless, even at this time of year, the job is ceaselessly fascinating: yesterday a student thanked me for the lesson as he left the room, which cheered up my day no end; today I covered a physics lesson and learnt all about alternating currents.

Tomorrow it's my first parents' evening, a chance to praise and chasten students in front of their folks. Then it will be football training and a beer (in that order), and only a few more days to go. Lots of Shakespeare next term. Love it.

Happy Christmas,


Fabio is the man

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:33 UK time, Thursday, 13 December 2007


It looks like he's got the job as England manager. (apart from the reported £4 million net). What's the first thing you want Fabio to do in his new role?

Random Acts of Kindness Part II

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:58 UK time, Tuesday, 11 December 2007


Oh yes, I forgot to say....you can pledge your random act of kindness right here on the blog so we can hold you to it next week..

Random Acts of Kindness

Victoria Derbyshire | 18:50 UK time, Monday, 10 December 2007


Next week we'd like to conduct a radio experiment involving you lot. As the word 'experiment' suggests, it may go wrong...but that's okay we'll just blame you. As it's the week before Christmas, we really want you to carry out a random act of kindness ON THE RADIO.

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Oh well

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:07 UK time, Sunday, 9 December 2007


I didn't set the alarm for 4am in the end. I got up with my two boys at 7, put the radio on immediately and discovered Ricky Hatton's fate.

What's driving me mad is that most people being interviewed this morning are saying "well it was a division too far, he IS a light welterweight afterall " etc etc - when as far as i recall - NOONE said that last week. Noone said this is one weight too far.

Oh well. Let's see what happens on Sports Personality of the Year tonight.

Your messages for Ricky Hatton

Victoria Derbyshire | 13:12 UK time, Wednesday, 5 December 2007


Ricky Hatton and Floyd MayweatherPlenty of people are getting excited about Ricky Hatton's fight on Saturday. I can't decide whether to set the alarm or just stay up til 4.

We've got the Sports Minister on the show on Friday - he's going to explain why controversially HE thinks boxing should be reintroduced in schools. It was compulsary back in the 50s which I hadn't realised.

Another blog to have a look at ..

Victoria Derbyshire | 08:12 UK time, Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Email here from Ian in which he recommends a blog... have a look if you have time...

Hi Victoria
like a lot of people who listen to your show I have to dip in and out as I drive betwen my calls, I was fascinated by the bits I was able to listen to yesterday concerning cancer sufferers, as a follower of Sunderland football club and a poster in there online fans forum I have been following with fascination the blog of a guy called Graham who posts by the name HAZEY, he is 30 and has inoperable liver and now lung cancer, I cant really explain how I feel when I read his bloggings other than to say I get rather emotional and weepy.

It really should be shared by the wider world, I'd like to say enjoy but I'm not sure if thats the right expression. It will I'm sure move you if you start reading it.

Regards Ian Sheriff

The Fat Controller has left the building

Victoria Derbyshire | 19:05 UK time, Monday, 3 December 2007


Five Live's controller has left: Bob Shennan has "defected" to Channel 4 Radio (no-one ever just gets a new job in showbiz - they always defect or are poached by a rival). BIt taken aback when a colleague rang me with the news - I swear her voice was trembling when she said "I've got some news".

It crossed my mind for a split second that she either she was pregnant or that she was going to be the first to tell me I'd been sacked. It's the Catholic guilt in me. I thought: 'I know this morning's show wasn't award-winning but I didn't think it was that bad.'

Anyway Radio 1's Andy Parfitt is overseeing us for a bit. Never met him but I know he's got blonde hair. Could be fun for a few months and then we'll have to get all serious again.

Could anyone explain to me ..

Victoria Derbyshire | 09:09 UK time, Sunday, 2 December 2007


..why Christine Ohorugu is up for Sports Personality of the Year 2007 please? I'm genuinley interested to know why you think her name is on the shortlist..

Why sack him?

Victoria Derbyshire | 09:02 UK time, Sunday, 2 December 2007


Did you hear that Newcastle fan on 606 last night? He was so angry that Joey Barton, an "average player" according to the caller had dared to tell Newcastle fans to stop having a go at Sam Allardyce, and even more angry that Barton had described the supporters as vicious. Later Alan Green asked if Newcastle lose to Arsenal next wk, could Sam A be out of his job?

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