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Your Facebook

Victoria Derbyshire | 12:27 PM, Friday, 23 November 2007

Lisa's message from Glasgow really moved me. We were talking about the Info Commissioner's warning not to give out too many personal details on your facebook and various other sites. Lisa said because of Bebo she can keep in touch with a brother who may or may not be aware of HER existence.

But every couple of weeks she can check him out on Bebo - and as she said, she can tell that he's happy... and that gives her peace of mind.

Lisa will be on the programme on Monday morning - tune in then.

(I loved Facebook to begin with but I think for me the novelty's worn off now.)


  1. At 02:22 AM on 24 Nov 2007, Peter Sewell wrote:

    I signed up to Facebook a couple of months ago when a former work colleague, now living abroad, asked me if I would be his "Facebook Friend."

    I subsequently added more friends and acquaintances, and some family members including my three nephews.

    However, like Victoria, I am now somewhat disenchanted with Facebook. Because of the "chain" effect, my Facebook home page is now packed with uninteresting news about people I don't know!

  2. At 12:37 PM on 24 Nov 2007, Ed Gerrans wrote:

    having signed up a year and a half ago to facebook, it's been a fantastic resource. i've been able to meet up with people i haven't seen for 10 years, since primary school, and since i started university, it's been a fantastic way of getting to know people better and keep up with old school friends, some of whom are now scattered all over the globe. It's a fantastic system, and reflects the very best of the internet.

  3. At 10:53 PM on 24 Nov 2007, Sharon Wellington wrote:

    I use it to keep in touch with my sons and their friends at university and foreign exchange students we have hosted - wonderful, so much better than writing letters!

  4. At 12:37 PM on 26 Nov 2007, andrew ubogu wrote:

    regarding todays discussion on freedom of speech; I agree we must have freedom of speech but it must be all or nothing. The problem with giving the BNP and alike a voice is that there are no corresponding black voices in fact I would say if anyones speech is curtailed it is that of the angry black. All the time I hear that people cannot openly talk about immigration without being termed racist when the fact is your programme for one gives discussions on immigration every other week. Another fact is that we live in a country where blacks are twice as likely to live and die in poverty, and unlike the U.S our establishment is almost universally white. Another fact is that racism is alive and kicking yet we seem to be in an area now where blacks can not call it when they see it. Black people still have a hell of a lot to be angry about yet where are the angry black voices, chances are that the white people who choose who speak in Parliament, in the media and in the entertainment world do not relate to them and certainly would do anything rather than hire and work with them, so whose freedom of opinion is really being curtailed here and is any kind of universal freedoms possible in a country almost universally run by whites. I understand white working class anger more than some of them would think, I think anger can be an amazing tool for change, so why is it blacks are being robbed of their anger and tools for change.

  5. At 06:49 PM on 26 Nov 2007, victoria wrote:

    Hi andrew

    You sound angry - it's good to read passionate responses on the blog; I'm really want to know more - tell me why you think black people are being "robbed of their anger and tools for change".



  6. At 01:15 PM on 27 Nov 2007, Frank Dawkins wrote:

    I think this athlete should be banned from all
    games not only the olympics!!-This woman has
    disgraced her country,her race and her sport!-
    To miss one test is acceptable-two maybe, but
    three?----there is no excuse!I think she was
    reinstated because England needs medals and
    she is one of our hopes?Incidentally,I was born
    in England in 1930-My Mother was English and
    my Father from Jamaica--in school I was a sprinter so I've been interested in athletics all
    my life.I say again-I'm disgusted with this girl-
    she has let us all down--it doesn't matter that
    she hadn't taken drugs or not--she disrespected
    everybody by missing THREE tests!!!
    Luv Yer Show Victoria--

  7. At 02:19 PM on 27 Nov 2007, James wrote:

    I quite like facebook, and have found some of my oldest friends which I have lost contact with since leaving for university.

    You are dead right though, you have to be careful not to get too carried away with adding everyone that sends you a friend request, otherwise it is easy to get burried in a pile of stuff you are not interested in on your homepage.

    This is made worse by some of the application spam that gets thrown into your news feed, so then you have to spend 5-10 minutes digging around in settings to get rid of them.

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