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It's Tuesday, what shall we do at 9am?

Victoria Derbyshire | 07:34 AM, Tuesday, 20 November 2007

It's one of those days where there's no major news or sport story that we can lead the programme with at 9. This probably happens a couple of times a week - and it becomes more difficult to guage what people (you) are talking about..

Today the lead story on Breakfast is the Tory plan to make it easier for people (you) to set up your own school. Would you? Really?

Today are leading on dead fish in the North Sea, GMTV are leading on a bingo crisis, Sky are leading on an interview with Chris Langham. We wanted to take the audio of that (and credit Sky) but at this point we're being advised by ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Editorial Policy we can't run it. That may change though.

Some of those aren't particularly phone-in-able (that's what we reckon, but we might wrong) - so we've plumped for Northern Rock - seeing as we ALL have a stake in the bank. The government-backed loan is costing people (you) around a thousand pounds each and judging by what the Chancellor said in his Commons statement there's no guarantee that the whole of that loan will be paid back.

It's prompted some bloggers such as Fintag to predict that ; while Beau Bo D'Or decided to send a ...

What would you have gone with at 9am today?


  1. At 08:54 AM on 20 Nov 2007, Stuart Nash wrote:

    Unfortunatley I shall be at work during your programme, otherwise the question I would have raised is.
    The directors of Northern Rock have now left, but how much were they paid in pension and share options etc to leave, since this will come from the money the government has paid into the company. If an employee made decisions that lost the company money they would be sacked and possibly even charged with a criminal offence (Nick Gleason) but the directors will all disappear into the sunset with there payouts intact and no doubt move to the boards of other banks or financial institutions as well.

  2. At 09:00 AM on 20 Nov 2007, James Pollard wrote:

    When interviewed by the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ last night after receiving an Emmy for his TV Channel, - Al Gore replied to the question - "will you run for President ?" - with a very ambiguous response : -

    " I can`t see any circumstances at present that would enable me to get involved in that situation ". -

    Which might be Al Gore speak for - " If Hilary Clinton will run as my Vee Pee candidate, - I`ll run for President "

    Would this be a Dream Ticket......?


  3. At 09:51 AM on 20 Nov 2007, david wrote:

    Re: Northern Rock. The Bank of England did not bail out Barings Bank and the Govt allowed it to collapse. The Country survived and life went on. David

  4. At 11:46 AM on 20 Nov 2007, kevin wrote:

    whatever you decide to talk about at 9am you will spin the subject around to talk about football.

  5. At 12:11 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Richard Crawford wrote:

    I would have led with the Saudi woman who has been sentenced to be beaten and gaoled for having been gang raped. Her solicitor has been disbarred. These are the Saudis, with whom we share so many common values!!

  6. At 12:21 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Victoria wrote:

    Hi Kevin

    Not fair and not true! The subject wasn't mentioned, although I can't guarantee the same for Thursday..


  7. At 01:50 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Jim, Clydebank wrote:

    Get your facts right Kevin,

    Victoria won't spin the subject round to talk about football. In common with most presenters at FiveLive, she will spin the subject round to talk about English football!

    Anyway, it's ludicrous that the government has given Norther Rock a £25 billion loan, no doubt interest free.

    They claim not to be able to afford some services in England, in education to pensioners, from students to transport, but they can find such money to bail out a failed private company.

    Funny that the Chairman of northern rock sold his shares in the company before the collapse to augment his large pay off and pension.

  8. At 05:29 PM on 20 Nov 2007, AFraudulentIdentity wrote:

    Dear MsDon'tCallMeVicky
    Perhaps you should have done a follow up to last night's WatchDog prog. on missing data discs, ID mistakes, etc ... oops ... would you AdamAndEve it, MrDon'tCallMeNickyC. missed out on that possibility too!
    Best Wishes, MrDon'tCallyMeFilly
    p.s. 'criminal' autobiography stuff on your show today was very interesting/revealing

  9. At 05:56 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Mickey wrote:

    Jim wind your neck in and knock the chips from your shoulders .
    Victoria, maybe we should have a discussion about what penance you should do for abandoning your country ( pre last Saturday ) to support another country, mind that support should find approval from Jim.

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