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Don't Call Me Vicky

Victoria Derbyshire | 11:08 AM, Monday, 22 October 2007

It reminds me of being at school. I don't know why suddenly everyone is calling me it. Please stop it or I will come round and take your radios away.


  1. At 03:29 PM on 22 Oct 2007, Fred wrote:

    Fascinating stuff.

  2. At 03:33 PM on 22 Oct 2007, Richard Bell wrote:

    Hi Vicky

    From what I can recall of the 469 bus you had quite a good time at school so I'm surprised you don't want reminding on a more regular basis!

    I would take the newly found familiarity as a complement - clearly the listeners are feeling sufficiently comfortable with you to use the shortened version.

    I'm desperate for people to call me Chas these days rather than Richard so make the most of it.

    Chas Bell

    ps. Great to see you've done so well!

  3. At 04:19 PM on 22 Oct 2007, Paul wrote:

    I had a good laugh when Nicky Cambell introduced the Breakfast Show as

    "The Nicky and Vicky Show" to see if he would get a rise out of you and sure enough......

    He only did it once though as far as I know.

  4. At 04:34 PM on 22 Oct 2007, Alan wrote:

    Please, if that's the worse thing you've got to worry about, then you've got a mightily blessed life Vicky. xx

  5. At 07:43 AM on 23 Oct 2007, Victoria wrote:

    Hi Alan/Fred

    It was touch and go whether to post about people calling me Vicky or whether to post about losing touch with my own father after yesterday's phone-in, but didn't wanna get too heavy.


    describe yourself, where you lived, where you got on the 469..


  6. At 01:05 PM on 23 Oct 2007, Andy Ray wrote:

    'The Vixster' it is then! ;-)

  7. At 08:51 AM on 24 Oct 2007, Victoria wrote:

    Hi Alan

    thanks for your message..you won't be surprised to hear it's not the worst thing I've got to worry about, but how heavy do you want me to get?!

    CHAS/RICHARD - remind me where did you live, where did you used to get on the 469, and where did you used to sit on the bus?


  8. At 11:21 AM on 24 Oct 2007, Phil wrote:

    Well i think Vicky's a lovely name &i think you're lovely too !!

  9. At 02:25 AM on 25 Oct 2007, Gavin wrote:

    Well you will always be Gorgeous Victoria to me. It could be worse, 'Bob' or 'Steve' for instance eh, Vicky?

  10. At 10:38 AM on 25 Oct 2007, Simon Clarke wrote:

    Hi Victoria

    Do I remember a sudden freezer cold moment when someone called you "darling" as well? Do you think that you may be getting a bit touchy with the onset of years?
    Do you find the Daily Mail suddenly more interesting and blue rinse hair colour a bit more attractive :-)

  11. At 06:56 PM on 25 Oct 2007, victoria wrote:

    Hi Simon

    It was ME who called JULIAN darling one morning on the breakfast programme. My mind was elsewhere and it just came out. John Kettley was most shocked. Julian simply raised an eyebrow - his favoured expression when he didn't quite know how to control things going on in the studio..


  12. At 07:12 PM on 25 Oct 2007, Mark Hamlin wrote:

    One of my earliest memories of you is pulling someine up on air for calling you Vicky and for you having a go at someone who made a 'joke' about cruelty to animals.

    My all time favourite is when you were interviewing a bloke about freeview boxes which people were meant to return and when you asked him what if they don't, his response was along the lines that they must. QUALITY

  13. At 01:56 PM on 26 Oct 2007, Jim, Clydebank wrote:

    You are quite right Victoria,

    People should have the decency to refer to you as your see fit.

    The "Vicky Shropshire Show" doesnt have the same ring to it as 'Victoria Derbyshire.'

    My sisters call me James, acquaintances call me Jim and my brothers and friends call me by a nick-name.

    I know why people know me by the name they attach to me!

    Anyway, Dunbartonshire, it was a great show this morning.

    Sorry, I meant Ayrshire.

  14. At 03:54 PM on 26 Oct 2007, Nicola wrote:

    Hi Victoria
    Stick to your guns - it's your name and you have a right to be addressed by it.
    It's a complete lack of respect for people to shorten your name without permission. And the usual excuse of it being a term of endearment is just as insulting.
    I've had to put up with name shortening all my life.

  15. At 02:14 PM on 29 Oct 2007, hello wrote:

    Hi vicky

  16. At 09:42 AM on 31 Oct 2007, Arthur C. Grudfuttle. wrote:

    Hi Victoria.

    You know, of course, starting a thread intitled 'Don't call me Vicky' is bound to result in more of what you are trying to avoid.

    I think the reason suddenly everyone is calling you it is due to your comment last week. I don't remember the subject, but one of your 'phone-in callers refered to you as Vicky on air. You responded by mentioning how you loved being called Vicky. Whether you were trying to be sarcastic, it didn't come across that way - in fact it sounded genuine. So, only yourself to blame!


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