Which is best, butter or margarine?
Butter and marge. They both have their fans. Which do you prefer? Tell us why below!
Marty Jopson's film told us that there's not much to choose between the two spreadable toast enhancers. But we know that the butter v marge issue can split families. That's why we're attempting to settle the matter with a vote. When the vote is running, it'll be available on our home page. The vote closes at 5pm, Friday 19th June 09.
The government's is that margarine tends to contain unsaturated fat, which is generally better for us than the saturated fat found in butter.
They say it's OK to eat a small amount of butter as part of a healthy balanced diet, but you might find that using low-fat spreads will help you reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
However, in recent years, the press have that the fats in marge might not be as good for us as previously thought.
Which is best, butter or margarine? Do you have love (or hatred) for one or the other? Tell us why here.