Write your limericks here!
Update 30/4/09: Juliet Stevenson read out her favourite limericks from those submitted here last night. This contest is now closed.
Click here to submit your limerick - add it to the comment box.Britain will have a new Poet Laureate next month. Outgoing laureate, Andrew Motion, wrote poems to address public events as well as Royal occasions, such as The Queen's 80th birthday.
On Thursday 30th April The One Show would like to mark the changing of the poetic guard by broadcasting your about great British events and occasions. We're searching for The One Show Limerick Laureate! You choose the subject of your verse, but we're looking for rhymes about events of national importance; the 2012 Olympic Games, for example, or Prince Philip becoming Britain's longest serving royal consort...
Actress Juliet Stevenson will read out the best of your limericks on Thursday's show.
Send in your limericks here! The rules
Form and content: Please send in limericks. Five-lines in length and humorous in tone - celebrating a great British event or occasion. No more than five limericks can be submitted per person.
Judging: The One Show production team will compile a shortlist of the favourite limericks that are sent in. Actress Juliet Stevenson will then choose her favourites from that shortlist.
Closing date: 1pm, Thursday 30th April 2009.
Click here to submit your limerick - add it to the comment box, below.
- IMPORTANT: Please submit your name and location with your limerick, so that if you are chosen we can mention you on The One Show.
- PLEASE NOTE: We can not consider your entry if it is any more than five lines.