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Planet Earth Under Threat

Peut photos

  • Jody Bourton
  • 22 Jun 06, 10:47 AM

Hi all - just to let you know that weve got a new whizzy addition to the blog with a fli.
For those that dont know a flickr account is like an online photo album and will hold some some pics from our recording of the series. If you have a look on the right hand nav of our blog you can see some of the most recent additions click the link for some more. Well update more in the next few days - enjoy!

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  • 1.
  • At 11:31 AM on 23 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

Love the photos, which take me right there without having to put on longjohns!

A wee piece in Orion may be of interest:

"When the world is in an express hand basket to you-know-where, mindless escapism might seem irresponsible, especially when committed by a mother. But let me assure you that I know global warming is a problem, and I鈥檓 going to get to it right after I take the dog to vet and throw in another load of laundry. I swear."
-- from "Moms, Guilt, and Climate Catastrophe"
by Lou Bendrick

"I can only take so much bad news before I tune out. But reading People is just the tip of the (melting) iceberg when it comes to my denial. Despite the fact that I know that Greenland鈥檚 ice sheet is a goner, I burn jet fuel willy-nilly on vacation. Despite the fact that warmer temperatures will put coastal cities in peril and foment itchy, deadly diseases, I鈥檓 not retrofitting my sprawling American home with solar panels or converting my station wagon to biodiesel....."

Vaya con Gaia

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  • 2.
  • At 12:18 AM on 24 Jun 2006,
  • Tom McDonough wrote:

To save our planet from environmental destruction

If we are to save the planet from environmental destruction we have many things to do. Firstly we need to understand why we are destroying it. Greed is our primary reason. But greed is only natural and normal given the circumstances that we live under; 'survival of the fittest' is a close approximation to the principles by which we live. The question is why. Why are we so possessed by so much greed that we want a new this and a new that, we want to take from our fellow man and have it for ourselves? This, for the most part, is because we believe that this world is all there is, which is not necessarily so. It is simply a belief; a belief which can only exist of we do not believe in God.

We are not at all likely to believe in God when so many religions promote so many different attitudes; stick tenaciously to what they believe, abhor and condemn each other. What have they got to do with a loving father when the Christian say that man is sinful as soon as birth, the Jews say man must have a sinful pieces skin removed, the Muslims seem to want to annihilate everyone who does not believe as they themselves do. The self-centred seriousness with which they adhere to their beliefs, if not insane, is certainly humourous. The ultimate consequences however are not humourous, but highly insane and extremely sad: the destruction of the planet.

Call all those religious attitudes whatever you want, but don't say they are adhering to the principles of a Loving father. What on earth have they got to do with love?

We are of course all guilty of waffeling and pontificating about this and that, but the most influential are the churches. Whatever they do, right or wrong, they are doing it in a wrong way; they are without doubt turning people away from belief. A lesson they should teach from now on is simple and appropriate to all religions.


The most precious gift we could ever receive is not to win the lottery or the pools, getting a new house in the country and a new car or any of those things. Far far beyond them, is the gift, which is already free and already there, and that is to understand that God loves each and every one of us, good or not, right or wrong. This freely given gift can never be taken away, but can be shared and cherished without being diminished in any way, and will indeed then be enhanced. When we do understand this, we will understand why it is most precious. We will start to love one another and love our planet and behave in ways that will save it.

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  • 3.
  • At 10:04 AM on 24 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:


God is apparently unfashionable these days because He's a primitive relic of an outmoded superstitious view of the cosmos. Gaia has supplanted God, because although we cannot show that God exists we clearly live on Earth and so Gaia must exist because we're standing on it.

The fact that Gaia-belief is if anything far more primitive and superstitious - it's a stone age earth-mother cult with a new name and the pretence of pseudo-scientific backing - seems to escape the Gaians.

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  • 4.
  • At 12:17 PM on 24 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

It's worth noting that the religions with which you find fault are only the triumvirate (sic) of patriarchal Abrahamic faiths, and that Euan refers to God as masculine and Gaia, ON which he presumes to stand, as neuter.

As to primitivity, and 'pseudo-science', and 'new' names
from ancient Greek, you can judge for yourself.

I leave you with a link to 'the Ecology of Magic':

Vaya con Gaia

P.S. Are you in Massachusetts? If so, seek out Lynn Margulis (Gaia's stepmother) for an interesting perspective.

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  • 5.
  • At 01:08 PM on 24 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

A fascinating link to primitivism. As usual, the same tired old thesis that old = good and new = bad, and progress to be avoided in preference to the "wisdom" of the ancients. Just because someone has a view of the world that hasn't changed for thousands of years does not mean he is right.

Let's get rid of settled civilisation. Let's return to the day of the hunter-gatherer and the nomadic civilisation, the day which saw thousands of species eliminated in the daily brute struggle for survival. Careful what you wish for, Ed, because its price is far higher than you think.

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  • 6.
  • At 11:14 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • kathy holliday wrote:

i feel we are probing the life out of
god and goddess i also feel we are
walking on god when you drive all at
the same time how i hurt now all those
chemicals came from somewhere now
just think oil could be his blood
or something out of his organs kids
park no baby park my cars forget
air conditioning even stoves
love is a thin line on servivle

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