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Buffy Creator on "Honour Killing"

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Chris Vallance | 16:39 UK time, Friday, 25 May 2007

A post that seems to be by on the fan weblog Whedonesque, revisits the case of Dua Khalil the 17-yearold girl whose murder by stoning to death was captured on a mobile phone camera and distributed online (reported earlier on Pods and Blogs) Whedon is appalled by that video, he draws parallels between it and the fictional abuse of female characters in modern horror films, in particular, the controversial movie Captivity. For context the had created a storm of protest. The blogs post states

A few of you may know that I took public exception to the billboard campaign for this film, which showed a concise narrative of the kidnapping, torture and murder of a sexy young woman. I wanted to see if the film was perhaps more substantial (especially given the fact that it was directed by 鈥淭he Killing Fields鈥 Roland Joffe) than the exploitive ad campaign had painted it. The trailer resembles nothing so much as the CNN story on Dua Khalil. Pretty much all you learn is that Elisha Cuthbert is beautiful, then kidnapped, inventively, repeatedly and horrifically tortured.....

It's a brave post that touches on many controversial issues. The post challenges us to explain ourselves as consumers of what the post calls "torture porn". As the consumers of fictional graphic content, the post asks, how different are we, from the men who watched the video of Dua being murdered? Whether you agree with it or not the Whedonesque post asks very profound questions about the way in which society and the movie business regards women.

UPDATE: I've fixed a few typos here per comments...if you spot em' please let me know. I'm a radio person, not print, and my mildly dyslexic spelling is part of the reason for that.


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