Networked Journalism Opportunities: Iraq and Blogging for bucks
Ok I'm (mis)using a fancy bit of jargon to say "can you help" but if you have any thoughts on the below email or drop a note in comments. Help is indeed needed and gratefully received.
Iraq Week on the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ
Later in the month we'll be doing another Iraq Week - a focused look at the country. I've a particular interest how technology is helping to cover a conflict that's very dangerous for journalists to report. Who should we talk to? Are there overlooked blogs we should approach? Is there an aspect of the conflict that's covered on the web but not in the mainstream media?
Making Money from Blogs
Can you make a living blogging? How easy/hard is it to blog for your supper? Do advertisers understand the medium? is already on tape with a few thoughts. Would be good to hear from people outside of the so-called blog A-list about their experiences.
UPDATE: Sam's - well worth reading, you may also want to listen to the interview with Chris Anderson about the Long Tail in conjunction with his post.
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