Blog round-up
- 26 Apr 07, 12:37 PM
Time to take another look around the disability blogosphere for cool and interesting posts.
In the latest entry on his site, Professor Stephen Kuusisto writes about being in and coming to a realisation: "I'm not a blind person who is trying to be a sighted person. I'm a blind person. That's a big difference. You could say that it's like the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. I am a blind person who roams about the world and the whims of architects and the painted lines don't mean a thing to me. There's nothing I can do about this fact". Oh, and he once worked into a hospital's morgue by mistake, when he was in fact looking for patient services. Oops.
In , Attila The Mom writes powerfully (and with a great deal of humour) about the perceived stigma of having a child with autism - the 'Little Guy' she refers to in her post "Maybe if we raise awareness, people might stop expecting Little Guy to balance a plate on his nose, and juggle a bunch of turnips while playing Handel's Messiah with his toes on an accordion as he barks like a dog in harmony when they hear the word 'autism'."
Written out of frustration, New York blogger provides a list of thoughts on : "I'm the person who sits at a table in a restaurant and gets more stares than a movie star because of how I eat/drink, and who I'm with. I am the person who doesn't want pity, but gets it anyway because of my disability. I am the person who has to say, 'No thank you, I can do it myself,' and mean it, because people don't seem to take me seriously".
Lastly, don't forget that next Tuesday, 1 May is Day. You are taking part, aren't you?
Got any blogs or particular blog posts that you think the Ouch team ought to know about? If so, drop us a line!
Thank you for your link to Planet of the Blind. Much appreciated!