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Gordon Brown's son diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

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Crippled Monkey | 10:22 UK time, Thursday, 30 November 2006

Big news this morning is that the Chancellor Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah have announced that their four-month-old son Fraser has been .

Gordon has said that he's 'upbeat' about his son's future, and a spokesman for the couple says that Fraser is "fit, healthy and making all the progress that you would expect any little boy to make".

Éù Click here for information on Cystic Fibrosis from the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Health website.

What's it like to have a child with CF, or to live with the illness yourself? Here's a couple of blogs on the subject:

Éù Annika's Dance - a blog written by the mother of an eighteen month-old-girl with CF. Annika and her mother live in Canada.

Éù - written by Turn The Tables, a long term student with Cystic Fibrosis, and exploring the day to day problems he faces.

While this is obviously unwelcome news for Gordon, Sarah and their family, it's interesting to note that both future possible prime ministers - Gordon and Conservative leader David Cameron, whose son Ivan has cerebral palsy and epilepsy - are parents of disabled children. Could this be a positive?


  • 1.
  • At 06:23 PM on 08 Jan 2007, kay haylings wrote:

I think it is absolutely despicable for a former Education Minister to send your child to a private school just because they are dyslexic.

Both me and my husband are both dyslexic and have both coped with the local education system.

Now I have twin 7 year olds, my son is profoundly deaf with a cochlear implant, and has the understanding of around 4 years, he is in main stream school with a hearing unit attached. Callum copes well in school but is behind. We do not expect too much from him but we hope for be best, we do everything in our power to allow him to fulfil his potential.

My daughter has Cerebral palsy, Asthma, hay fever, Pika, Self gratification phenomenon, behavioural problems and much more, Shannon receives SPLD 2x45 min sessions of learning per week. I have requested on her behalf a statement of education but have been turned down, given instead a totally inadequate note in lieu. I have also requested an assessment for a social worker but have been turned down with out even visiting Shannon. Shannon it is said does not fit the criteria. I cannot even get a representative from the national youth advocate without a social worker, so we are fixed in a very stressful loop of bitter disappointment and upset. We have been fighting for 18 months for just a ray of hope for Shannon. Shannon is not fulfilling her full potential.

I find the situation very disheartening when I hear that even you’re the former education minister has now even sent her own child to a private school.

I feel that as a representative for the labour party whose values of family, morality, should come first.

By the time you come to read this letter I dare say that this will all be out of the papers, but just stop and think how much damage you have done to children with special needs and the education system, let alone the loss of respect and trust you have caused and condemnation I feel for this situation.

I have written to Welsh Education minister for a plea of help I have not received a reply. I have also written to my local mp Mr D Touhig who has given me a reply by compliment slip saying the matter is being dealt with.

I also feel that every school in the country should be able to sufficiently teach all those children with Dyslexia. And if not why not.

  • 2.
  • At 03:39 PM on 14 Jul 2007, Jessica didlick wrote:

I have Cf and i find it hard sometimes in life to cope with but its life and the only way life is going to end for a Cf person is if they give up on themselves. so im saying dont give up on yourself and good luck with the future mr gordon brown.
p.s: please try and sort the health and things out to find a cure or new equipment for Cf patients.

From jessica

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