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The state of the Ark

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William Crawley | 21:15 UK time, Thursday, 2 July 2009

1_63_jones_indiana.jpgA guest blog from Heliopolitan.

The world held its breath last week, as that reliable news source WorldNet Daily reported that the Patriarch Abune Paulos of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was preparing to unveil to an expectant world . It has been missing for millennia - some even doubt that it ever existed. Said to contain the power to vanquish any opposing foe, a single disrespectful touch was enough to kill a man instantly. A fabulous casket, made of acacia wood, smothered in gleaming gold leaf, surmounted by winged creatures and the Mercy Seat of God Himself, and containing the very tablets that Moses took down from Sinai. The holiest relic of ancient Israel: The Ark of the Covenant.

The Patriarch was in Rome for talks with the Pope, and was quoted as saying that finally, after over 2600 years under wraps, the Ark was ready to make its appearance. If true, it would be the archaeological sensation of the century, and the geopolitical ramifications would be potentially explosive. Some Jewish, Christian and Muslim groups regard the rediscovery of the Ark as one of the major heralds of the Apocalypse, although each of these groups, as you might imagine, has their own idiosyncratic spin on just how nicely it will turn out for them and those who think just like them. Armageddon is nigh at any rate - and about time too.

Yes, yes, I know: Indiana Jones found the Ark in the lost Egyptian city of Tanis, and rescued it from the clutches of the Nazis, whereupon it was stashed in a vast warehouse in Area 51 - but that's fiction, OK? This is the real deal. The location of Tanis has been known for centuries, and it has been described as the largest open-air museum in the Ancient World. After the decline of the New Kingdom at around the start of the first millennium BCE, the Tanite Pharaohs developed their new capital in the Delta, decorating it with statuary and treasures "rescued" from elsewhere in Egypt, and now scattered around the site in splendid exposure. But no Ark. The Egyptian Pharaoh Shishak (identified with Shoshenq I, c.945-924 BCE) campaigned in Palestine, and laid seige to Jerusalem, as recorded in II Kings. He received a massive bribe from King Rehoboam of Judah in order to spare the city, but it seems very unlikely that part of that bribe would have been the precious holy Ark. Besides, many of the references we have to the Ark date from well after Rehoboam's reign, so whatever souvenirs Shishak went home with, the Ark wasn't one of them.

Our latest sighting of the Ark in the canonical Hebrew scriptures is during the reign of King Josiah of Judah. This was a time when Egypt and Assyria were wreaking jolly havoc in the Levant, culminating in the death of Josiah in a spectacularly ill-advised battle against the forces of the Pharaoh Necho II at Megiddo (there's Armageddon again) in 609 BCE. However, in the Second Book of Maccabees (part of the apocrypha, so not the "official party line") we hear of Jeremiah the Prophet cheerily removing the Ark and much of the Temple booty to a cave on Mount Nebo in modern Jordan, to protect it from the advancing Babylonian army of Nebuchadnezzar. This latter would raze Jerusalem to the ground in 587BCE, and send its population into exile, and you know the rest. The Ark vanishes from scripture and history.

If that is the case, and it hasn't been found yet, surely the best place to look for the Ark would be Mount Nebo itself? Well, people have tried, and nothing has been found. Could it instead be in Ethiopia? The Ethiopians feel that the Ark was taken long before Jeremiah's time, by Menelik, son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, back to his ancestral home. The location of Sheba has been disputed, but is usually placed by scholars in southern Arabia, not Africa. So that sounds a bit implausible. And, of course, if that were the case, Jeremiah and Josiah must have been dealing with a fake.

And then what? A damp squib - we are all let down. It was all a rumour based on a mistranslation that had got out of control. A meme with legs. No, said the Patriarch, the Ark is indeed safe in Ethiopia, but there are . Reuters also report that there are over 50,000 churches in Ethiopia, each one with a replica of the Ark. So if it's knocked-off Arks you're after, Ethiopia seems to be the place to go. It is not at all clear how we pick out the One True Ark from among such a crowd of pretenders (although the Patriarch seems pretty sure he knows which one is which). And if there are 50,000 arks, and n are fake, where n is an integer between 49,999 and 50,000 it's hard to have much confidence that n is not indeed equal to 50,000. And no Ark in Ethiopia.

So it looks like we may have to wait a while longer for Armageddon. Drat!


  • Comment number 1.

    So Helio,

    You weren't that Egyptologist on the radio a while back and you're not Indiana Jones either, frankly that's disturbing me more than the location of the Ark.

  • Comment number 2.

    But the Ark was just a box made from wood. Everything else is imagination.

    You may as well believe Excalibur was real and King Arthur will return when England is threatened... Myth and legend, that's all.

  • Comment number 3.

    Pointing out that every church in Ethiopia has an ark is like saying every church in England has a cross. The Ark of the Covenant is, in Ethiopia, the symbol of Christianity.

  • Comment number 4.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 5.

    HI Helio!

    Guest blog!'WorldNet Daily' surely you mean the WorldWingnut Daily?


  • Comment number 6.

    Why should anyone care about this fake Ark of the Covenant when a much more important holy relic has already been discovered in Stephan Huller's book, the Real Messiah:

    Huller went to Venice and proved that the Throne of St. Mark in the Basilica San Marco dates to the beginning of Christianity. His book proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christianity started in Egypt and derives its teachings from the worship of Isis, Osiris and the pagan gods of Egypt.

    This is a real historical object, i.e. it is not a fake. You can see it with your own two eyes the next time you go to Italy. It is also being made into a TV documentary for a US Cable network.

    Again, why waste your time with this 'Ark of the Covenant' nonsense when it is completely fake.

    The book costs about $18 but you can get it sometimes for less than that. Maybe if you are still sitting on the fence check out his blog instead at wwww.stephanhuller.blogspot.com.

    It's really cool.


  • Comment number 7.

    Oddly enough, I came across an interesting biblical theory (In, of all places, an Indiana Jones Role Playing Game Sourcebook) that suggests the Ark may not be anywhere we can find it, until it's too late. The last biblical verse mentioned in the discussion of the Ark in said book was Revelation 11:19: "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." (That's where they got the idea for the ark-opening scene...)
    I don't believe that, but it's still cool.

  • Comment number 8.

    It is really interesting revelation about the whereabout of the most magical object of the state of Israel. A group of scholars in Kenya Mt. Kenya College of Seers have indeed unveiled the real location of the Ark of the Covenant and the holds annual prayer at Mt. Kenya Water Tabernacle the Shrines more on it on www.yamumbi.com

  • Comment number 9.

    How will we know the real one?? It's obvisly the one that says "This is God's, do not touch!" or "Handle with care"

  • Comment number 10.

    A group of scholars in Kenya Mt. Kenya College of Seers

    Cool! They have *scholars* at a college of seers. They should be worth a listen to. Actually they're wrong - I have investigated the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant for several years now, and can confidently reveal that it was sent to the moon with Apollo 11, and was buried at Tranquility Base to keep it away from the Russians.

    So sorry, the seers are wrong.

    [Thanks for resurrecting the thread!]



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