Miss (out-of-this-) World
An update on the nun's pageant. It's been . No, it wasn't divine intervention. The organiser, Father Antonio Rungi, says he has received 'many abusive e-mails' and has concluded that his 'innocent initiative' has been widely misinterpreted. Surely not?
Comment number 1.
At 26th Aug 2008, petermorrow wrote:Ah go on Father Rungi, go ahead, ya will, ya will, ya will.....
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Comment number 2.
At 27th Aug 2008, gveale wrote:Aww! The nuns on the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ page didn't look too bad.
Now what will Sports Illustrated replace their Swimsuit Issue with?
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Comment number 3.
At 27th Aug 2008, John Wright wrote:The irony is that this Rungi appears to understand the failing position of the church in the world better than anyone around him. Whether the church likes it or not, image and marketing is important if you want to get a message to the masses. Thanks to his dunderhead superiors, the message is now clear:
- church IS boring
- you CAN'T have fun in church
- nuns ARE old and fugly
- catholicism is well and truly washed up.
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Comment number 4.
At 27th Aug 2008, gveale wrote:Imaging and marketing are important - and your solution is a beauty contest for nuns? Have you been drinking?
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Comment number 5.
At 27th Aug 2008, petermorrow wrote:Graham
Imaging and marketing *might* be important, but there are two ways of pronouncing logos.
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Comment number 6.
At 2nd Sep 2008, smasher-lagru wrote:John if you want a message about catholicism - World Youth Day or the Pope's visit to America. All washed up and looking clean and fresh.
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