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Patrick Ruddy

Show 4 (6)

  • Patrick Ruddy
  • 27 Feb 08, 05:29 PM

We're nearly half way through the series. Can't believe it.

I'm going to use this post to send a crafty message to the team. If any of them read this before 6pm tonight I'm going to take them all for a pint to say thank you for their hard work so far.

Back to work though, Louis Walsh is on next week. I'd love you to upload videos of yourselves auditioning for him.

Have a look at the 'get involved' section of the site to find out how you can do that. You can also submit questions for our guests.

We'd also love to see any funny viral videos that have been doing the rounds this week.

Thanks to all of you who have sent things in so far, keep it up. Also, a massive thanks to all of you who have been down to the studio to take part in the record. The audience this week were cracking.

Yelle played out the show. She was amazing...

I'm looking forward to the Charlatans next week now!

All for now


Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 05:44 PM on 28 Feb 2008,
  • Beth wrote:

I absoloutley love the show!
Mark Ronson was great last week! :)

Its a shame about the age limit though, i would have loved to see it live


Just watched the re-run of show 4 tonight and it was a cracking piece of humorous entertainment from the very start, as have all of the shows.
Not often you get that much honesty from celebrity's. Mark Ronson comes across very timid indeed (which I doubt he is). Still he along with Duffy is keeping us old soul boys happy with some retro soul with a twist.
Keep it up all concerned it's the only thing to put a smile on my face in months.
Now I just need to see if I can win over a certain gorgeous 26 year old woman I've been trying to make mine before I hit 42 in 3 weeks time.

  • 3.
  • At 07:41 PM on 01 Mar 2008,
  • Kenny Ashton wrote:

I've been tryin to find the video of the kid who was singing with a guitar and microphone on Show 3 I think it was but i can't find it anywhere. Any1 know where I can find it?
The Show rocks Lily!
Keep it up hunxxx

  • 4.
  • At 04:56 PM on 03 Mar 2008,
  • richard wrote:

Why do you choose to make a really big deal about voting for new bands to play on the show (i.e. their TV debut) and then get a bunch of inane teenage girls talking over the top of them?

seriously, if the show was that good, you wouldn't need to reassure people with comments from the audience.

It's the main thing that annoys me on this programme

  • 5.
  • At 10:18 PM on 03 Mar 2008,
  • Matt wrote:

I'm impressed. Just watched my first show, episode three, and thought it was great fun. Also, good that there is a Lily Allen application for Facebook. The 成人快手 is making small steps in the right direction towards getting the attention of a young audience. I'll deffo be watching show four.

Hi Patrick,

I love this concept! A completely interactive television show... your definitely breaking new ground! I'm a young fundraiser. I created The Make A Child Smile Appeal in 2004:

I've used social networking to increase brand awareness. I've also launched the first music download site that gives 100% of its profits to charity!

Please visit www.MACSMP3.co.uk.

I'd love to be a part of your show. Please let me know if a suitable opportunity arises.

We could auction something live. We've received signed items from J.K. Rolwing, Bill gates and Lewis Hamilton. We'd love to receive Lily's support!

Kindest regards,

Richard Barker

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