Well it seems we're back...
...and with aplomb in the form of a George Michael exclusive interview tomorrow. How very much all jolly D it seems to be. Plus what with The Olympics now within sniffing distance and The Open Golf Championship this week, I may have to go and burst quietly in the corner somewhere. Writing this when I am supposed to be writing questions for gorgeous George, which I really must now go and do.
Pip pip
Comment number 1.
At 16th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:Welcome Back Chris!
Missed you!
And so pleased to hear your voice this monring
Sezza xxxxx
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Comment number 2.
At 16th Jul 2012, PlaneJanet wrote:Afternoon blogettes:
Welcome back Chris and welcome back all bloggers. Hope all are fine and dandy. Hissing it down again here on the Welsh/English border.
Regards PJ
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Comment number 3.
At 16th Jul 2012, MaddyMoon wrote:Hello CE & Everyone.
Welcome back Chris!
Rain here today, what a surprise!
Looking forward to the George Michael interview tomorrow. Talking of gorgeous George I am wondering if the rumours are true that George Clooney will be at the Open at Lytham, they said he was at Hoylake in 2006, I was there but didn't see him. As we might be making a visit to Lytham on Friday once again I will be looking out for gorgeous George.
MM xxx
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Comment number 4.
At 16th Jul 2012, Aliwesty wrote:Welcome Back Chris,
Hope you had a good break. You sounded excited this morning about everything, please don't burst before the Olympics - try to contain your excitement a little bit :)
Now Maddy, I am sure we've had this conversation before George Clooney is mine, mine do you hear me ;) xx
Raining in North Kent too, surprise, surprise!
Lympic Torch is coming my way Friday, got to get up at the crack of sparrows for a good spot...'cited.
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Comment number 5.
At 16th Jul 2012, NicRolastic wrote:Nice to have you back. Ryan Tubrithingydoodah was ok but only in small doses for me!
As the company I work for have been supplying the Olympics, we are having a party on July 27th, at work, with a large screen, to watch the Opening Ceremony.
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Comment number 6.
At 16th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:OOOOoo A 'lympic Opening Ceremony Party!!!
Yippee Nic, Can we all come..................virtually that is!!
I intend to have my self firmly parked on the sofa to watch the Opening Ceremony with a glass of something bubbly in one hand (and probably a tissue in the other! These things set me off!)
I'm more than happy to host a OOCESFNWC!!!! For any one who is around and fancies joining in!
Remember, get there early for a good seat!
Having seen the picture on the Daily Snail website, I, personally, will be paying close attention the the GB men's hockey team and supporting them all the way!
Sezza xxx
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Comment number 7.
At 16th Jul 2012, jillygoat wrote:Oh Chris - welcome back!!!!! Whilst I don't mind Ryan Wotsisface so much, it's flippin' Fiona Philips I can't stand ....... never mind, you're back now and we've missed you.
Hope all's well with everyone - the blog became too big to read back over, speshly having missed a few days here and there, so hugs and well dones to anyone who needs them!
jillygoat xx
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Comment number 8.
At 16th Jul 2012, joran wrote:Hiya Chris and everyone,
I rarely blog but do lurk every now and again - just felt duty bound to say a HUGE welcome back Chris, had a long car journey this morning to attend breakfast appt at 8 am and was soooooooo pleased to hear your voice hailing from the dashboard so to speak!
Never thought I would get over missing Sir Tel, but you are fast becoming my most favouritest DJ of all time.
There ........it's said...........
Have a good day everyone - inspite of the stair rods falling from the sky!
Jo x
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Comment number 9.
At 16th Jul 2012, MaddyMoon wrote:Sezza-Can I come to the OOCESFNWC? btw What does the ES stand for?
I love the Olympic opening & closing ceremonies but get a bit bored with the bit in the middle.
Ali-If I should bump into gorgeous George on Friday there's no way I'm going to mention you as he will be all mine. I've waited for six years to get this chance again :)
MM xxx
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Comment number 10.
At 16th Jul 2012, joran wrote:MM
Might it mean Extra Special?
Jo x
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Comment number 11.
At 16th Jul 2012, MaddyMoon wrote:Oh yes Joran! Thank you!
MM xxx
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Comment number 12.
At 16th Jul 2012, joran wrote:MM,
I am not normally here at this time in the afternoon - is it always this quiet??
Jo x
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Comment number 13.
At 16th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:Joran - You're right!!
Maddy, Of course you can. I'll book you a seat!
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Comment number 14.
At 16th Jul 2012, brightAnnie-G wrote:Afternoon each from SUNNY Fife - yes SUNNY - have just hoovered the grass and am trying to get 7yr old out in the garden.
Welcome back CLP, it's been a loooooong 2 weeks.
Sezza, save a seat for me.
Ali, the olympic torch just touches your heart. I'm not at all interested in it now but when it came to Fife I was sooooo excited.
Hellooooooooooooo to everyone. xxxxx
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Comment number 15.
At 16th Jul 2012, misstoedipper wrote:Hi all
Budge up on the sofa, I'll be there glass and tissues at the ready (fills me up too Sezza).
Welcome back Chris - I agree with the others, mornings just are not right when you're not there. I'm reserving judgement on the new jingles though - not sure but I'm sure I'll get used to them.
btw - you know this morning when CLP was playing the Beatles/Springsteen medley just after the news at 8.00 - I had to turn off the indoors radio just as the first track was playing - I then realised what I had done and had a bit of a giggle to myself that I had something in common with Hyde Park.... Ironic huh??
mtd ffb xxx
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Comment number 16.
At 16th Jul 2012, The-Extra-Value-Bingo-Star-ere wrote:Greetings Ter CLP Lad & ALL Bloggies...
Bingo Star 'ere...
CLP - Firstly nice ter 'ave yersen back both on the airwaves and the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am sorry all but a feel a rant coming on (still with ayches missing).... All of which ave learn't by listening ter R2 today..... Now a don't wanter come across as a killjoy or negative as am all for 'aving fun, trying mostly ter see the positive side of life.... But at the same time as much as am an optomist.... even when me sunglasses are misted up due ter inclimentationed summer weather..... Sometimes things 'it me..... Upset me:
A 'ear on the M4 motorway they've closed a lane of the motorway.... Ter make a special Olympic lane for Olympic officials, competitors and close family of them.
So 'ow many people will use this lane.... Maybe 10,000 in total and not all in one day..... Yet British people who need ter get inter London, ter work.... Maybe 500,000 a DAY.... Will now 'ave ter sit in an even bigger traffic jam.... While Olympic officials sail by down this private road created for them!!!!!!!!!!!
So what 'appens is the long suffering British motorists.... Some get irrate and drive done this extra lane..... And low and behold.... There's the police or cameras waiitng to fine thme for using the lane.... R2 reported 132,000 already ave been caught!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So is this 'ow we treat British people in their own country, create a road for mainly foreigners.... While we fine British people for using it????
Is this 'ow we celebrate 'OUR' Olympics???????
What idiots are running this country and come up with the ideas of insanity??????
Or is it ter collect more coffers for the likes of the 450 million pound contract the government gave ter GS4 Security for the Olympics fiasco??????
Surely it would ave made more sense ter use the army and police ter look after the Olympics than get in private money making companies..... Of which the madness is GS4 say they are going ter lose 50 million..... It's boggles the mind the insanity in this country!!!!!!!!
This is another modern madnees in thid country were everything is being taken away from goverment/ council run.... Ter corporate companies that cost the tax payer more in the long run..... and of which many of these companies are foreign.... Thus draining money out of our country!!!!!!!!!
It's just stupidity of the 'ighest order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then there's the silencing Paul McCartney & Bruce Springstein in their MEGA 'yde Park gig on Saturdee.... Of which one of their band members tweeted 'since when did the UK become a police state!!!!'
Like Wrightie said before 'who or what are they trying ter protect by stopping the gig all 'cos it's gone 10 minutes over the curfew!!!!!!!!????????
WHAT is 'appening to our once 'GREAT BRITAIN'..... The leading country in the world once...... Slowly we are losing the 'GREAT' in Britain!!!!!!!!!
I love my country but sadly slowly I am becoming embarressed ter be British!!!!!
I go aborad and it really opens up my eyes ter the madness in this country..... Just why 'ave we got a bunch of insane people based in Westminster..... That just seem 'ell bent on strangling our freedom with red tape of an insane nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No wonder even the sun 'as given up on our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just 'ope the Olympics when they finally get going will be one great moment for...... The once Great Britain!!!!!!!!
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Comment number 17.
At 16th Jul 2012, PennyForem wrote:Hello everyone!
Glad to have you back Christoff, not sure about the new jingles, I hope they will grow on me!
Bingo, hear, hear, well said young man!
Pen x
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Comment number 18.
At 16th Jul 2012, Bridget-M wrote:Evening all,
Really pleased to see you back Chris ,and hope that you had a nice break with the family.
Hope to be at the opening at yours Sezza on Friday ,that if there is room for a little
one ;-))
Bingo .as Pen said ..well said .and if it wasn't for him indoors I wouldn't be here ,think there's too much interference from across the channel as well for my liking .
Well I don't know about anyone else but this rain now is really getting people down ,and I for one have just about had enough and want it to go away. there thats my rant done ..sorry ..
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Comment number 19.
At 16th Jul 2012, brightAnnie-G wrote:Just got the 7yr old to bed.
My question for gorgeous George - how does he stay so cool and gorgeous?
Just realised I won't be around on Friday so you can have my seat Bids. Off to stay with a friend for the weekend. We only see each other about once a year so much vino collapso will be consumed while we natter.
Bingo - spot on me dear.
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Comment number 20.
At 16th Jul 2012, brightAnnie-G wrote:Bums, he's up again, hungry and needing toast. I knew the midnight feast should have included chocolate. This is the healthy one - a bowl of raspberries and blackberries is obviously not enough.
We have to up and out before 9 to collect the 12yr old and 10yr old (who was the 9yr old till last weekend). Wish me luck.
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Comment number 21.
At 16th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:Looks like I'm going to need a bigger sofa!
You're more than welcome this week but the opening ceremony isn't until next Friday - 27th July
Gives me time to plump up the cishions and buy some snacks - cheesy footballs anyone?
Night all, Sweet dream (or midnight feasts!!)
Sezza xx
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Comment number 22.
At 16th Jul 2012, brightAnnie-G wrote:Phew Sezza, thought I was going to miss out. Bids, you can't have my seat!
Night all, 7yr old at last seems to have gone to sleep so I'm off too.
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Comment number 23.
At 16th Jul 2012, Bridget-M wrote:Annie ,good luck with the little one , think little one need a a box of goodies under the bed !!
Sezza ,many thanks for the invite ,and dont worry I've got a folding chair so I'll bring that next week ,and a couple extra if you like . So Annie I'll let you off ,jusyt this once mind ;-))
And night night both ...Bids.xxx.
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Comment number 24.
At 16th Jul 2012, The-Extra-Value-Bingo-Star-ere wrote:Ello Annie G, Bridget & Penny & ALL...
A see the first Olympic race 'as started..... Brings a new meaning ter The Milk Race:
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Comment number 25.
At 16th Jul 2012, Berni wrote:Welcome ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Pip! Great to have you back! A friend of mine was a torchbearer in Southampton so I had my photo taken with it yesterday! I’ll put it on the two fb pages! Verrrrrry exciiiiiiting!!! x
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Comment number 26.
At 16th Jul 2012, Bridget-M wrote:bingo ,I have to take my hat off to you ,that did make me laught ,trust you .
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Comment number 27.
At 17th Jul 2012, Dozer wrote:Good morning everyone,
Great to have you back Chris, you have been missed.
Sezza - I can bring a folding chair as well, so I'll see you all then.
Bingo - very well said, I agree with every word.
It was beautiful this morning when I was out with the dogs but it's cloudy now and looks like rain is on the way, it is forecast though.
Hope you all have a great day.
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Comment number 28.
At 17th Jul 2012, catherine wrote:Hi Chris just to say so glad you are back - missed you.
Catherine - Carer from Scarborough
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Comment number 29.
At 17th Jul 2012, Bridget-M wrote:Good morning all,
Morning Gail ,Cathrine, see you at the party then and just hoping that Sezza realizes what's she's started,I can bring a dish of something as well Sezza if you like .
Just listening to George and Chris,and it's nice to hear Chris back after his break.
Well Gail we too have sun here today after another dire day yesterday ,and the weather girl has said that we are going to have a dry day ,so the washing is going out onto the line shortly,and if it does rain I will be fishing her out and chasing her up the road.
Take care all and have a good day .
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Comment number 30.
At 17th Jul 2012, Relocated Susan wrote:Morning all
So pleased to have you back Chris.
Well I never! Bingo that is literally just round the corner from the place we are renting and I never 'herd' a thing!!
Love & hugs especially to Ali
Susan xx
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Comment number 31.
At 17th Jul 2012, Chrissie-S wrote:Hiya:
Ooooh, isn't it wonderful to have Chris back! When I heard his lovely wee voice yesterday morning, I was instantly happy! I, too, am not too sure about the new jingles but I am sure we'll get used to them. I trust Mr Evans, but of course, I'm not too good with change!
Bingo: your post #16 was spot on. What a mess we are in - it beggars belief.
Nothing much to report from me - just trundling along, and that's fine really. Just off to have my lunch early today - I can't wait until 1pm!
C xx
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Comment number 32.
At 17th Jul 2012, cockneybird wrote:Afternoon one and all.
Sorry I havent been in for a nosey recently, but too busy by half. Mr CB is doing okay I ocassionally get the dying duck "oh my ear" moment but apart from that his recovery is going okay. Wont know till its worked until the 27th July when he goes back to the docs, so keep everything crossed for me please.
I worked from home last week the first time in ages and it was knackering... I need to get stern with myself and stop checking emails after work and then getting involved in work out of hours.
Just took the weirdest call from the other half who is out shopping in Birmingham's rag market with my bestie, and they are getting more 1940's stuff for our 40's weekend, well lets put it this way I have the stockings and the belt.... ooooohhhhh matron. As he put the phone down I heard the word "lace" this could make for an interesting conversation when I get home.
Had a text from our missing in action Deevs this morning she is okay and sends her love, she is okay just other things happening at the moment but if we all congregate around the water cooler sooner or later she might turn up to have a chat. ;-))))) eh Deevs. xx
Glad that Chris is back and George was good this morning, and that he is on the road to recovery.
Take care one and all
CB xx
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Comment number 33.
At 17th Jul 2012, Chrissie-S wrote:Hi CB, thanks for letting us know how Mr CB is getting along. Sounds like he is being a brave boy! Very interesting about the "lace" - can't wait to hear what that is about! Also, thanks for letting us know about Cheryl - I have been thinking of her, but I know she is the busiest woman on the planet at the moment, so hopefully she'll get back to us when she has a moment.
Longest day of the year, for me, so far! So busy, but the day is dragging ... I can't wait to get home and watch a wee Come Dine With Me!
C xx
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Comment number 34.
At 17th Jul 2012, PlaneJanet wrote:Afternoon blogettes:
CB: Also glad Mr CB is progressing well.
Like Chrissie I had been wondering how Deevs is. Glad she is so busy. When you think of her posts last year - she's in a much better place mentally. I'll hang around the water cooler - see if she turns up.
It rained here again this morning. This afternoon is has brightened up. Out tonight - nothing interesting though.
Regards PJ
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Comment number 35.
At 17th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:Evening all
It's been a really nice day here- what a difference a bit of sun makes!
popped in to see the Broked-Leg-Nephew today. He's getting fed up with being stuck now and he's got a long way to go yet! Took him a pile of dvds and a promise of sleepover after Scott's week away with the scouts. Think that cheered himup a little
Good to hear Mr CB is doing well
Looks like we're going to have a houseful for the Opening Ceremony - I'd better put more pink fizz to chill!
I have an idea for lighting the flame but I'll keep that til nearer the day!
Sezza xxx
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Comment number 36.
At 18th Jul 2012, Dozer wrote:Good morning all,
I don't believe it, I just wrote my post, then lose the blooming thing when I tried to post it.
Anyway, here's the condensed version, raining, foggy, mild, got a mention on V's show this morning, have a good day.
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Comment number 37.
At 18th Jul 2012, CrimboDeevs wrote:Morning all,
Tis I, the MIA Deevs. I hope you're all keeping fine and dandy?
Thanks for missing me - I've kept a low profile on here on purpose as I've had a bit of a rough fortnight, to be honest, and have had some very low times, not wanting to drag the blog down with me.
(Don't worry - the business is still going strong and I'm totally and utterly still head-over-heels in dotty love with my gorgeous man, yes, him up there at No.5).
I'm so glad Chris is back - it's just what I need to get me fired up in the mornings and raring to face the day. Maybe I can attribute my recent bout of blues to Chris's absence!?! ;-)
We did rather well at the quiz last night: we won the quiz and then I co-won the pot at the end with the £1 question - a sort of "nearest the bull" question, £1 a go and the winner takes the pot. The pot last night was a healthy £52 so I shared it with A N Other. The quiz pot is now growing and we'll soon have enough to go out for a meal with our fellow team member and his missus.
Work's still silly busy, which is a good thing. One of my clients is having a Wedding Showcase Event this evening and I'm hoping to get my nearest and dearest over there so that he can see the venue I'm "looking after" in terms of social media/PR - I'm still dead proud, and little disbelieving. that I've landed them as a client - they really do have the WOW! factor.
Randall is still causing havoc. I think he's the only one who's chuffed with all the rain: more rain = more muddy puddles to splish splosh though! He totally embarrassed me at Puppy Class last Friday by leaving not one, but two, rather large "deposits" right in the middle of the training floor. Yes, the pooper scooper goes everywhere with me, together with a stash of bags! He's slowly grasping the concepts of training but he's so easily distracted in class, and does much better at home.
Right, time for coffee #2 and kick-starting the working day.
I'll see you by the water-cooler.
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Comment number 38.
At 18th Jul 2012, Bridget-M wrote:Morning all,
Morning Gail ,Deev,nice to see you back.
Well I did get the washing dry on the line yesterday,and the whole day was dry ,but as I look to my left and out of the widow I can see a black cloud hovering in the distance ,and I'm just wondering if it dare come this way ....we'll see .
Take care all and have a good day ..
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Comment number 39.
At 18th Jul 2012, PlaneJanet wrote:Morning blogettes
Yay, Deevs nice to see you back. The tales of Randall make me smile. I thought they were supposed to misbehave at home and be angels at the classes. That's what my friend tells me about her classes. Trust you to have a contrary dog !
Pretend you haven't noticed but it's not raining here today. It's grey and miserable but hey we can cope with that. Nothing much else to report. Back to the grindstone.
Regards PJ
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Comment number 40.
At 18th Jul 2012, Sezzagirl wrote:Morning all
Adn back to the standard issue grey cloudy sky! Ho hum!!
Gail, heard your mention this morning! I always think I know that person after the mention and then wish I'd listened to it properly!
Deevs, We turn up at Puppy Training and everything we can do well, gets forgotten and we just run round in little circles barking! Again, Ho hum!
Bids, Good luck with the washing!
Boy2 to the orthodontist later and see my Mum on the way back
Only a few days to the end of term and it just feels like it's taking forever! Not that I'm off but it just feels more relaxed!
Best look busy I suppose!
Sezza xxx
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