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Misty moist morning over Berkshire early today.

Chris Evans | 07:59 UK time, Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Already got me comfies on, already feels like one of those days. Soup, toast, lots of tea, maybe even a flask to "take with."

A busy week continues with a planning meeting at the publishers for the next book this a.m, a hopefully not so public fitness session at lunchtime (not a great look for anyone over 40) and then radio time.

Millionaire tomorrow, signings on Thursday and then Ireland Friday and Saturday for telly chat shows, hence All Request Friday live from Dublin !

So, healthy food, plenty of fluids and as much sleep as our little fella will allow his ma and pa.

Now that's the bit that worries me. Noah !





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - just you and me mate - good morning and hope your day goes well

  • Comment number 2.

    How exciting-my first entry on the CLP blog. Have a great day Chris and look forward to hearing you later!

  • Comment number 3.

    Oh HURRAH CLP that's made my day, That's me chained to the spire on O'Connell Street lest I miss the Luas into town on Friday.

    And break a leg on Who Wants To Be A Gobdaw tomorrow. I've me fingers, eyes an' legs crossed for yous.

    A Word to the wise, mind. Check El Tel's trolleys out before yous let 'in on that there chair. I don't want me stuffin' balls spoilin'.


  • Comment number 4.

    Aww, Baggy, was thinking off you earlier, hadn't seen you for a while! You OK?

    Morning all - Happy Birthday Cat! xx

    Misty and raining here, but dull and grim if I'm honest...

    Welcome to the madhouse, thenewmrsh!

    Busy day ahead, as peeps here dropping like flies with a bug that's sweeping our building - no-one oinking though as far as I know.

    Catch you a bit later

    JG x

    Shhh....the sneezing seems to have stopped!

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning All,

    Chris - sleep is for wimps....besides, like you - I enjoy the early rise and time spent with just the kids and me while the CMM gets a lie-in.
    Would probably enjoy it even more, were there a garage full of Ferraris bolted on to the side of my house to play in though.

    How much sleep do you reckon that you'll get in Dublin this weekend - especially with Clodagh chucking stones up at your window?


    Who is feeling the pressure!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Can I brag while I'm here?

    The boy came home last night and announced that he has got the part of James in the Christmas play this year.
    They are doing the Snowman (if you'll pardon the expression) and James is the little boy. The school production will have speech btw!!

    What with him being made a playground monitor and put into top sets for Literacy and Numeracy.
    I am an incredibly proud Dad. Thankfully he seems to have inherited his Mum's brains.
    He also has a teacher that he really clicks with this year, what a difference that makes!

    Anyway - thought I'd share as it is one of the few things making me smile this week......recession over????? Pah!

    Onwards and upwards



  • Comment number 7.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 8.

    Hiya Chris,

    What a busy life you have - great stuff! I know it was ages ago, but I just loved seeing you on the One Show last Friday - you are so happy and bubbly, that you make me happy and bubbly too!

    I haven't had time to catch up with the blog since the Liverpool Meet at the weekend - what a great time was had by all! Chris, I have to tell you that Bingo Star is indeed well-named: the guy is a Star! He has a fantastic sense of humour, he constantly makes everyone laugh, and he is full of ideas. May I respectfully suggest to you that if you are looking for a new livewire to assist with the team for the Breakfast Show, you should look no further than Bingo!

    Welcome mrsh!

    Hope everyone is ok. Just want to say to all the bloggers I met at the weekend - it was wonderful. Surreal - but wonderful! Cheryl, thanks for organising everything - it all went brilliantly!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    OOH! One more thing.....

    Loving the photos from the weekend.

    You all look like you were having a blast.

    Bingo - You are either a genius or certifiable......I reckon the former!



  • Comment number 10.

    Oy Rips yous cheeky aul gobdaw.

    Chuckin' stones indeed. Anyway me aim an' me eyesight isn't that reliable these days. With my luck I'd be missin' CLP's window an' coppin' for some fragrant aul eejit wit a glass eye an' a donkey an' a passion for daft blonde biddies. Plus the last time I shimmied up a drainpipe was after York Races when I ruined me shoes and nearly throttled meself when me hat got caught in the gutterin'.

    Just yous wait Rips. I'll give yous a right clatter round the O2.


  • Comment number 11.

    Good mozza Big Chief

    Nice to hear youre coming over to God's own country a la weekend - are you perchance seeing Eamonn H in Belfast or young Ryan in Dublin - do let us know . . .

    the sun is up over a crowdd grid-locked Belfast this morning - the hole in the road has slowed traffic to a standstill around the city - lovely . .

    have a nice day, y'all . . .


  • Comment number 12.

    Aw bless the youngfuller. I'd say there's youngfullers up an' down the land crushin' grapes with excitement in advance of the stage debuts.

    And proud parents in the audiences hopin' not to lose every drop a moisture from every orifice during said debuts.

    Bless. I remember it well. And so does the GD, but for entirely different reasons. It's that altercation on stage with Joseph, a wise man and the baby Jesus that has her put off procreatin' for life.


  • Comment number 13.

    Rips: just you brag all you like! It's great to hear how well your wee boy is doing: with his mum's brains and his dad's personality, then the boy has got-it-all!

    liveforthekids: just checked out your website - the bookcases look fab. Had these been around 18 years ago, I would have ordered one instantly! One of the guys in my office has a wee two year old, so I will pass on the details of your website to him, and anyone else I can think of. I think your gesture for CIN is excellent!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning Clodagh, If your eyesight is that bad, I might still be in with a shot at the main prize myself!!
    I look a lot like a young Mel Gibson.........Quiet at the back!

    Moving on swiftly - If you or Dan (morning Dan) spot CLP going Near Ryan's show, let me know please.
    Wouldn't want to miss that meeting.



  • Comment number 15.

    Cheers Chrissie x

    I just checked out the Bookcases and they are great - the first pic is my son's name too.....best chat to the missus!



  • Comment number 16.

    Dear Christophe Lambie Pie

    The four of us Bloggers wot are doing the fone pledgeroonies for CiN on 20th November have now received our final instructions. We're coming to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Would it be at all, at all, at all possible to buy you a swift shandy after you go off air at 7ish (unless of course you are due at TV Centre to host ... ?)

    It would just be a lovely opportunity to say THANK YOU for everything.

    Yours muchly,

    x x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Hey Chrissie-S, thanks for your nice comments!...and Rips, the model in the pic is my little cutie Max.
    Pleeeeeeeeze keep passing the website on.......the boys will be hyper-excited when they get home from school to read all your messages!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Morning all. I know we're not being asked for questions but this one popped into my head last night and if I don't put it here I'll never live with myself if it comes up on WWTBAM!! In the FILM 100 Dalmations, Perdita was the name of the pups' mother but in the BOOK, Perdita was actually a kind of surrogate who helped to whelp the puppies as there were too many for the mother to deal with. The pups' father's name was Pongo.

    Ah, feel better for that! Good luck tomorrow Christophe. We're all willing you on. xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning folks, and there's nothing good about it, I tell you. Misty, murkey, damp, dull and flippin cold!!

    Christoph, glad the next book is being planned, having finished 'it's not what you think' I for one can't wait for the next instalment. In fact I eeked the last few pages out, as you do, cos I didn't want it to end, brilliant!!

    Liverpool meet sounded an absolute blast. Glad you're all back safe and sound. Bingo, what a character!!

    Clodagh, you've cheered me up on this sh**e day.

    Rips, what a proud daddy, and rightly so!

    Pen, who's off to make meself a steaming mug of cawfeeee!!


  • Comment number 20.


    It's here! Thank you, I will indeed Enjoy.

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Thanks for the birthday messages!!

    Despite being a work I am having a lovely day - brought in some doughnuts yum yum tum

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning All - murky damp and cold one isn't it?

    Another busy week Christoph - you'll manage I'm sure.

    Can't stop - loads of work - catch up and back later smiley peeps. Will check out the website later too livefor.

    Happy Birthday Cath xx

    Tea - need more tea ...

    Beezer xx (in flip flops cos feet are still killing me!)

  • Comment number 23.

    Ooops, how remiss of me


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi everyone,

    Glad you all had a great time in Liverpool, photos are great.

    Happy Birthday Cath!


  • Comment number 25.

    Happy birthday Cath
    Stay proud Rips and boast all you like.

    Keep'em coming Clodagh. I need a smile or two

  • Comment number 26.

    Back again

    Rips, you have every right to be proud of your boy, he's going to be one bright spark!

    Clodagh, hope you get to see CLP at the signing, and please don't do yourself any damage in the process!

    I think I still have some pics to look at yet, but ran out of steam last night. I'm feeling much better today though.

    I have a confession to make, I've still not started the book yet. Didn't get time whilst we were away, and haven't had time since...I will read it, honest!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    Chris . . .

    Heard you on simon mayo yesterday . . . well half of you . . .and am half way thru your book too . . . oh dear . . . and it's midday too . . .

    is there a theme to my life developing here ???



  • Comment number 28.

    Just making one of my favourite comfort-lunches for when it's a damp and dreary day...and that's a corned beef and tomato toastie in my 30-something year old Breville sandwich maker!! FANTASTIC!!..although I've gotta be careful not to burn my lips on those tomato skins!
    ....and very happy birthday Cath, and anyone else who's celebrating today; mine's later in the month...yippee!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi liveforthekids

    Just checked out your bookshelves, they look really great! I'll pass on your details for a couple of friends of mine who may be interested.

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Did you get my email Chris? Keep up the fantastic work!

  • Comment number 31.

    Most Friendly Sentimentations Of Ello Ter CLP & Every Blog Dude.....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    Firstly can a just say a BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE ter Cathmel..... "BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!@!@!!!!@!"

    Where do a start????? So much ter say and wreet about am overwhelmed and don't wanter wreet a 20 page blog!!!!!

    CLP - A understand the predicament yer in ere.... Yer want ter do well so badly at the Who Wants Ter Be A Millionaire CIN Special!!!!!!
    Yer neeed ter do well so badly!!!!!!
    Know a now, sorry now a know, CLP yer don't do things by 'alves and yer really wanter get the million if yer can but the problem ere az much az yer swoting up on general knowledge, yer could be asked a million different Q's ter get the million!!!!!
    A feel CLP yer could end up by the teem the gig 'appens being mentally drained from too much swoting that yer could end drawing a blank!!!!!!
    Mind you if one of the Q's waz/ iz 'what popular show did Sir Terry Wogan 'ost in which 'e 'ad a microphone like a tranny radio ariel that kept being snapped in 'alf by derranged celebrity dudes???'
    If yer said..... "errrrr ave can't think... ave gone all blankety blank in me mind!!!!"
    Then the Tarrent would say with a BIG smile "EEEEEEEEE CORREEECTT!!!!!!!!!" "EEEEEEE that get's you up too...... blah, blah, blah"
    And it would be the Tarrent getting out 'is 'cheque boook & pen' ter wreet a BIG cheque, noot Sir Tezz - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    So 'aving a blank mind can sometimes be an advantage!!!!
    Mind you... a suppose though Sir Tezza would now, sorry know, the answer ter that one - know the points am tryin' ter get at ere!!!!!
    What am tryin' ter say CLP iz if a did rack me brains and putta loada Q's & A's on the blog know, sorry now, then a feel it would be in vain!!!!

    Although a might be able ter 'elp if yer want me ter CLP!!!!!
    Don't tell anyone but what if a come and sit in the audience and suddenly come down with swine flu complete with a bad cough!!!!
    A could be wired ter an ear piece ter yer team of expert 'phone a friend' friends and cough the answers all without yer neeeding ter phone any of yer 'phone a friend' friends!!!!!@@!!@@!@!!
    One cough = A, two = B and so on!!!!!
    Worked for the major!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And if we did get caught..... a now, sorry know, it's a SIN but az it's for.... CIN.... am sure all would be brushed under the carpet az it's all in the name of charithee!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!
    Am ere if yer need me CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Am ere... am ere pal.... but a could be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - Been reading all the blog posts... ave ter say am so glad all who came ter the Liverpool blog meet 'ad a great time!!!!!!!!!!
    A 'ad a great time too - WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!
    A just wanted ter say ter any who've writted me way, ave read all posts... Am so glad a made a few laugh and glad ter be of assistance with directions, 'elp & INDEED be a tour guide - a get alotta pleasure in 'elping others!!!!!!!!!!
    Especially people az nice az CLP's blogger dudes!!!!!

    BIG TARRR for all yer kind words!!!!!!

    It waz so nice ter meet so many new bloggie dudes.... my only regret iz that az there waz so many.... a really wanted ter get ter know everyone and take the time ter speak ter all.... and when a say speak... a mean properly but az there waz so many a regret we didn't all chat for long enough!!!!!
    Yer know 'ow it iz yer go ter one table and are busy chatting and then think.... actually should a be at the other end of the table???? Or the other table!!!!
    But then if yer are at the other table.... then you'd be thinkin' the same thing - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    God knows what it must be for members of The RoundTable atta RoundTable meet..... az there iz no end ter trying ter be at the other end...... of the table end.... especially with it being round!!!!!!

    A tell yer ALL, any who didn't come ter this meet... try ter come ter others az all the bloggies are such a nice/ friendly bunch!!!!!!!!!! You'll 'ave a great dee/ evening!!!!
    The one thing most say ter me they felt so nervious about coming ter their firswt meet.... me too!!!!!
    But am glad a made the effort last year!!!!!!!

    Sometimes a wonder 'ow BIG could the CLP Bloggers meets become!!! A mean every meet gets bigger.... maybe it could keep growing!!!!
    It could grow & grow until we could end up with 500 'undred attending a 'uge annual summer July meet in a BIG white marque tent in the middle of a field surrounded by foot deep mud (english summer)!!!!!! Who knows!!!!
    Yer know the well know saying>>>> From small acorns grow mighty 30 foot long oak beams in some posh persons 'ouse 'olding up their ceiling!!!!!!
    Where could the ceiling be on the blog meets??????
    We could end up with our own RoundTable type club!!!!!!!
    Am being serious ere all!!!!!!!!!

    Must admit a enjoyed bozzing about on me scoooter.... i'll bang FULL details of me journey termozza!!!!!
    A tell yer it waz like a Don Joly moment az a drove through Liverpool bus station.... me only regret.... a didn't get the moment on film!!!!!!! The main thing anyway.... am glad ter make so many laugh.... both at the meet & in the streets of Liverpool!!!!!

    FINALLY - Just wanted ter say a 'ear Robbie Williams iz on Wrightie's BIG Show later!!!!!
    Some may remember one of me 2009 predictions a put on the blog earlier in the year iz that Robbie will after 14 years get back with Take That this year!!!!!
    Well WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ave just 'eard it's going ter 'appen on Thursdee at the CIN MEGA Gig at The Albert 'all and am gonna be there ter witness it!!!!@!@!@!@!@!!@!!!!
    On top of this a swear on me mothers life this iz 1000% TRUE >>>>
    Soon az a 'eard Gary Barlow and Take That are doing a CIN gig at The Albert.... a goot such a strong feeling this iz where Robbie would make 'is return debut!!!!!!
    Ave been planning ter wreet this on the blog, along with many things ave goot in me mind ter wreet, but a just didn't get aroound to it!!!!!!!
    Makes perfect sense when they will only be doing a few songs and all for childrens charithee!!!!!!
    Soon az a 'eard the news it FREAKED me out!!!!!!!
    Maybe a am tuned inter the other side.... a do like Radio 1!!!!!!!!!


    PS Still goot so much more a need/ want ter wreet terdee.... just ain't goot the time.... BIG soz!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    #31 - Reminds me of the number of blog pals at the last meet!!!!!

    Very nearly anyway!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Oh - bingo - popped on for a sneaky look and there you are stalking me again! Walked past of row of scooters in Tesco yesterdee and LMAO!

    Cant stop - just wanted to check if we'd been invited to the O2??? anyone????


  • Comment number 34.

    Howdy Debs.

    No news yet, but you know what they say about no news ??

    Did you get your train ticket?


  • Comment number 35.

    Following on from the serious Q and A's yesterday may I now add some madness to the mix. Answers on a postcard to Freepost Daisy!!!

    Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?

    Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough?

    Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

    Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

    Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?

    What is the speed of darkness?

    Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up every two hours?

    If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?

    Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?

    How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

    Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

    Did you ever stop and wonder......

    Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze
    these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?'

    Who was the first person to say, 'See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's bum.'

    Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

    Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

    Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their bum when they ask where the bathroom is?

    Why does your Obstetrician, Gynaecologist leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up there anyway?

    Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs !

    If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

    If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

    If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

    Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

    Stop singing and read on......

    Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

    Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

    Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

    Question 7 was specifically for Chris - here is hoping Noah cuts his mummy and daddy some slack tonight!

    Murky, wet Northwest today, yuk. Swine flu jab yesterday and feeling grumpy and achy today.

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 36.

    Daisy - that's brilliant!! - cheered me up no end on this dark and damp day.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 37.

    and I just cannot imagine you grumpy either !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Excellent Daisy, have copied and sent around to a few people here who are in need of cheering up!

    Hope you feel better soon, I hate jabs!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Beez, learnt it off my kids - pouty lip an' all!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks JG, was fine with the seasonal one but this has got me. Back on form tomorrow me thinks!
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 41.

    I love the Alphabet soup one ...... excellent!!!

    Man, I am struggling terdee, now, sorry know what I mean .....?

    There are some distractions but could always do with more.

    SuffolkDeevs, professional clock-watcher
    x x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Shall we all just go to The Cavern for a sing along?

    What do you reckon Suffolk ???

    Any requests Suffolk?

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Suffolk would like ter hear If I Fell, followed by You're Sixteen, and then a bit of Hey Jude. But only if I can do the harmonies at the end whilst the rest of you do the

    na na na na na na na, na na na na ...... Hey Jude



  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon each!

    Happy Birthday Cat..hope you are having a lovely day..inc doughnuts! x

    Rips..you should be very proud..sing it from the rooftops..well maybe not sing but you get my jist!

    Daisy..you made me smile with those questions..thank you!

    Deevs/Beez..glad you back and in 1 piece!

    And hello to everyone else!

    THanks to those who put the pics on of the weekend...some great ones...not to self: remember to take a camera next time. Bigger note to self: BUY a camera for next time!

    Oh and can anyone send me a link for these bookcases pls..³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ seem to have taken down liveforthekids website! Ta!

    Right..off home shortly to get myself ready for tonight... off out with GM mother and some family to a show called `That`ll be the Day`.. should be fun!

    Take care all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 45.


    Sorry about that, just getting very frustrated by it!

    So, where was I, oh yes

    Hello everybody How are you all?

    Chris, sounds like going to be a very busy person, hope Noah lets you sleep well. Mind you, one look at his beautiful smiley face and that will get you through!.

    If you have taken a flask with you today, I hope you have taken care of it and not used it as a goal post for the lunchtime kickabout!! Maracas anyone??

    JG Glad the sneezings stopped, stay well!

    Liveforthekids love the bookcases, sure they'll do very well for CiN

    Deevs, Happy to chip in to the drinks kitty!! I keep thinking t-shirts, black (natch) with CLP Bloggers on but not sure where to get four of such things printed in time?

    Glad you all had a great time in Liverpool

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 46.

    mSc - is that the christmas special or the normal show? I have seen both and had a great time - be prepared for pure cheese and silliness - do not take it seriously (thats if its the show I'm thinking off).

    JG - thanks for thinking about me - I'm okay - just don't have anything exciting to report - maybe its post wedding blues?

  • Comment number 47.

    #42 Hiya, Hey Jude, our four musketeers kept it going the longest xx

  • Comment number 48.

    seza - deev - have bought a CiN t-shirt for the telephone thing so will be wearing that on Friday

  • Comment number 49.

    Na, Na Na Na Na Na Naaaaaaaarrr xx

  • Comment number 50.

    baggy - where from please!?!?

    ahem .... * clears throat *

    jude judy judy judy judy juuuuuudaaaaaaay!

    I never knew I could do that til Sunday arvo! Macca would be proud. altho my throat was beginning to get betterererer before then ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 51.

    SBP Have you got your email bout next Friday? Will have to work out where we should meet.

    Any one heard anything about the O2 yet? Chris, pleeeeese tell us. Remember what you said about tabout the Drivetime Driving Auction. Once you'd announced it, you then had to make it happen. So announce what you want to happen on that night, then you know it will have to take place!!

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 52.

    SBP, I didn't see any t-shirt, where did you get yours?

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 53.

    Baggy..hey hon. I have no idea if its the Christmas one or the normal one..tickets were pressy from GM mum for us so just going along! G**gled it tho and it looks like a good night-thanks!

    And Seza...caallmm down, callmm down(said in a scouse accent!)..you have made it now!

    And i have come to the conclusion ti am rubbish at accents..interpreting them i mean..the poor barman on Sat had to repeat himself 4 times before i got what he was saying.. gawd only knows how im gonna cope in Glasgow!

    mSc x

    PS - Still barking but docs tom..yay!

  • Comment number 54.

    I have got my email thanks - I guess since we need to be there half an hour before we start and we will need traveling time we should meet at 11:30 somewhere near R2 building (I beleive we are in there) - Rips - your the London master - any ideas?

    T-shirt came from bottom slapping shop but I have no ears - will need to get some. They come in male and female version only so if we all get them we will kinda match

  • Comment number 55.

    PS - botton slapping place - the one with the green sign not the one with the initials AS

  • Comment number 56.

    Someone stop Suffolk coughing !!!

    4 Musketeers ha ha !!! but we were the loudest !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 57.

    hack hack hack

    OK, own up - who's nicked Facebook???? I nipped over to check my Hotmale (ha!) account and now cannae find Faceache. An hour and a half to go ti I'm released from this orange box of imprisonment ......

    oh well ....

    Hey Jooooooooooooooooooood, don't make it bad .....


  • Comment number 58.

    Scoobs the accent - me too - when the ticket machine ate my card the guy at the end of the phone asked me a question and he may as well have been talking russian!! Gave up and handed the phone to Jovial !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Na na na na nana nanaaaaaaaaaarrr

    Beezer xx

    Scoobs joined a group on fb when you haven't a scooby what someone has said - its called just smile and say yeah !!! see what I did there?

  • Comment number 60.

    jude judy judy judy judy juuuuuudaaaaaaay!

    sorry. it snuck up on me!


  • Comment number 61.

    Hello everyone !!!!!!

    hows you all?????

    im fine having a lazy day!!!

    be on laters

    Billie xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Evening each

    Glad you're talking about the next book Chris - can't wait.

    Have had poorly 7yr old today so didn't get much work done - off to do half-an-hour. Back later

    Hope everyone is well. xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Apparently I've broken house rules!?!...and all I was trying to do was raise money for CIN :(
    Thanks to everyone that's looked at the website; the response has been phenominal...before the website details were removed...I'm sure that with your help CIN will be better off from the resulting sales of my bookcases.
    Gotta go now to collect my 3 boys from karate, before enjoying a glass of vino with my tea!
    Enjoy your evening everyone!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi folks

    Just packed Mr JG back off to work, on call tonight, so not a happy bunny!

    Sorry about the modders LFTKs - is there something else we can call you shorter than that? I've got your website details, so will post it on my fb status for the next day or so, so people can pick it up!

    Hi Annie!! My mum has a poorly 13yr old to look after tomorrow, she must be bad as she couldn't go to ballet! (Not mine I hasten to add)!

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    LFTK whats % of what and for how long again?

  • Comment number 66.

    Just clicked refresh and everything changed!!! Is there someone there with not enough to do but faff about on here?

    Evening JG. x

  • Comment number 67.

    And now its changed back again!!!! And I've only had peppermint tea.


  • Comment number 68.

    Annie, I just keep hitting refresh til it comes back right...it's a bu**er!!

    JG x

    Off to have me tea, better late than never!

  • Comment number 69.


    Can I borrow the boasty hat from rips please.

    We've just been to Boy1's parent's evening. Now, this hasn't always been the happiest of occasions but today we were so please with him. Lots of glowing comments about good attitude, working hard, acheiving well!!

    Well done boy1!!


    Proud Seza xXx

  • Comment number 70.

    Evening Annie and JG - just zipped in before eating supper/dinner/tea.
    Sorry to hear about the icky kids - hope they are better soon.
    I keep hitting f5 too and have you seen the stuff wot flashes up - widgets and the like!!!! Goodness me!

    Will check out JG's fb page Livefor as it was gone before I could look!!!
    If you are on fb however, put it on CLP bloggers page and all bloggers can see it.

    Tum rumbling - eat - then back later

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Well done Boy 1 Seza and Rips from earlier - you can tell I was just catching up!!! Boast away guys - I think you are very brave to have kids!!!! A mini me would be anyones worst nightmare!

    Really going now for a bite......

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes - I have had a great day. Got home from work and my girls had a bag of pressies and cards for me to open. I am now stuffed full of cake and feeling so content with life........

  • Comment number 73.


    how did the meet in scouseland go???

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Glad you had a good day Cat!!

    Billie, please see previous posts for details, we all had a brilliant time!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Have not long finished your book Chris so am very pleased you are talking about the next one as I could start it now to be honest as getting withdrawal symptoms as have you stopped with a state of suspenders!!

    Boast all you like Rips and Seza and so lovely to have wonderful boys to be proud of. I can still remember crying when mine sang 'White Christmas' in the school production when he was 7 (sorry Beez just a title of a song!)

    Hard to catch up but loving all the blog meet chat and the photos on the other side.

    Looks like you all had a lorra, lorra laughs!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi JG

    wish i could,a gone!!!!

    great to hear yous had a good time !!!!

    hows you ?

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Seza, well done on the parents meeting, Niece 2 had a really good report today as well!!

    Back off to keep an eye on John Sargeant, he better not give away any of my secret places!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Seza - thanks for the shelves link on FB - would have been ideal for both my kids but as they are all grown up and left home now.... Brill idea and one I would have loved way back when.

  • Comment number 79.

    Sorry liveforthekids I should have given you the name check for the shelves in the first place - they will look great with Noah on each end methinks x Such a brilliant idea you wonder why somebody didn't think of it eons ago.

  • Comment number 80.

    Susan, it's my link I think, although fits with Seza better lol!

    Will keep it there until I get bored or if they don't get back on the offer!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    off to fb !!!!!1

  • Comment number 82.

    well i felt like i was intrudin so i gone !!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Billie, you're not intruding on anything, cos there's nothing going on.

    But, please read back though the blog a bit to see what people have been up to, otherwise people are just repeating previous posts....

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Oops sorry JG. I think I was looking at two different lines on FB and mixed them up. See what you mean about the Seza connection so maybe it was a subconscious thing - spooky.

    Getting a bit chilly here so off for a lovely soak in the bath.

    Might lurk again later otherwise night all xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Susan, I have looked at the bookcases & thought how much boy2 - total bookworm - would love them but sadly he's lumbered with the box room & hardly has room for a book, let alone a bookcase!

    Liverpool Meeters! Be warned, I've started saving!

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    When is the next meet ?????

    maybe i could come to that one!!!!!!

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 87.

    OOOhh Debs, just seen an advert for Pooles Pies!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all,

    Cold and murky here tonight. Being the optimist , I have treated myself to some new de-icer and a scraper tonight. Rest assured for a mild winter folks .


    ps cooked the worst tea ever , Mr MC and i waiting to see who's gonna show the first signs of food poisoning xxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Billie, don't think there's anything planned at the moment. That'll have to wait until someone takes the tour guide baton from Deevs, abley assisted by Bingo by the look of it! Don't suppose there'll be anything until after Ch.......................New Year but i'd like to be prepared which why i mentioned it

    Maybe you could look into something for the future

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 90.

    MC, my tea wasn't that brilliant either...but it was just for me!

    Anyway, I'm heading off to bed now, night all xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    maybe i could ... and yep after the next big event of the calendar!!!!!

    but thanks for lettin me know!!!

    Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening, not stopping....

    Just had a VERY quick skimming of recent posts and:

    Seza - I also had parents's evening earlier tonight; for Boleynteen the Elder, who is a scarily academic, organized and high achieving boff who is now tackling her A levels with vigour, as well as gawd knows how many extra-curricular, enriching and mind improving activities. As usual I heard what a star she is, and I know she is and I know how lucky I am to have produced her.

    And yet, AND YET.....

    Boleynteen the Younger is a totally different kettle of fish. She has given me many tears and sleepless nights over the years and we have had quite a few recently, although I think (hurrah!) we are "plateauing" at the moment (again). She has a good brain, which she has only ever used about 5% of, is wise and original and also very funny and very popular.

    A positive comment about BT2 at Parents Evening can have ne blubbing and hugging the teacher (metaphorically) immediately. The slightest "good" thing she does leaves me feeling emotional and proud.

    I think it might be the whole "Prodigal Son" (substitute Daughter) thing.

    Anyhoo, it's a parental paradox, that's for sure.

    Sorry if this is a bit heavy and indeed sorry to bore non-parents.

    A x

    PS, Billie, it doesn't do to be too sensitive on here!

  • Comment number 93.

    BG are you on FB? Don't think i've got you as a friend yet. Just typed a message re kids then deleted it as too specific for here. Would love to chat though. Maybe someone who knows who I am and you are could introduce us?

    My tea was emergency fish & chips but chips were not fab & they didn't any rock eel!!

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 94.

    Evening all.

    Boleyn, got exactly the same scenario as you and love the way you have expressed it.

    Forced a detox on myself, no Fizz, not even an areo MC, but thanks for the suggestion.x

    The weekend can really come soon enough.

    Can anyone really follow the Liverpool bloggers meet....

    Am still enjoying going back over the pics, thanks all for sharing them with us.

    really good night on the telly tonight and unbearably, the last 10 pages of 'The Book' :(

    First book I have read since Heidi, in fact might regress and go and dig Heidi back out and whisk myself up to the Alm with Grandfather and Peter and the goats.

    Life was so simple then eh!!


    Normal service may resume on friday !!

  • Comment number 95.

    im tryin not ta be sensitive!!!

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Just indulging in a Blueberry,cranberry and pomegranate smoothy ice lolly. pretty tasty for 99 calories.

    MTF, yum.xx

  • Comment number 97.

    ooooooh !!!!!!! that sounds gooooooooood!!!!!

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Right. Am going to turn this ol' machine off & go tidy up cos the house fairies keep missing me off the list!

    See you all tomorrow

    Well, I will if I can log in!!

    Seza xXx

    Oh and please Chris, the O2? Pretty please & thank you. xXxXx

  • Comment number 99.

    does anyone get spammy mail messageson fb ??????

  • Comment number 100.

    100s all mine.



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