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It was hot outside yesterday afternoon but once again I swear there is nowhere hotter on the planet than....

Chris Evans | 09:54 UK time, Monday, 10 August 2009

.... my mum's living room.

We were there for our usual Sunday visit and despite of all the lovely food mum forced down us - she always does this - all mums do, I think we probably lost weight rather than put any weight on.

During our most recent visit to Minnie's tropical micro climate, my mum also pulled out my school "news" book written when I was around six years old. She thought it might be useful to put a bit of my first writing at the beginning of my latest. I think she might be right, I am going to put it to the publishers tomorrow.

She also recounted the first time I was ever on the radio when I was about eleven after winning a competition to win a space hopper.

Arggggghhhh I'd forgotten about that, now where's that bloomin' manuscript - stop the presses - there's another edit on the way.





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  • Comment number 1.

    oh my goodness! not posted here for ages - and now I am first of the day!! WAHOO!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 2.

    flipping heck, just went to previous blog to tell everyone about this new one - AliB already done it! - but taken AGES to get back here again! see what everyone means about it being slow now!

    anyway - school books! My mum kept lots of mine too, and I feel I should keep the ones my daughter brings home, but should I keep ALL of them? all the maths and scribbly rough ones?? it's a tricky one that! i have boxes full of art work already up in the loft! but i just can't be like my friend who bins pretty much everything her little one brings home "why would i keep it it's just a painting" she says! but they work so hard on even the smallest thing!! maybe that's why her house is so beautifully tidy and mine is like a bomb site??!

    haven't been here for a while - school hols mean little time to sit on computer - hope everyone is well and enjoying the lovely summery weather - hahahaha!!

    Cornishgirlie xx

  • Comment number 3.


    Nice idea CLP - I have very little from when I was a child - but the couple of schoold books and reports have been kept and thats nice to look back through.

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Chris,

    My parents house if the opposite, their living room is very cool on a hot summers day as the sun is at the back of the house. Mine however is the opposite, very warm. In fact I hardly open my front curtains during the summer as I can't see the telly if I do!!

    I don't think my parents have any old school books, they have kept old school reports though! Don't worry about adding anything else to this book, save it for the next one xx

    CG, good to see you on here, hope the summer hols are going ok.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning everyone!

    Don't know about all of you but it's decided we've not had enough rain here in Warks and treating us to a bit more.

    Baggie- hope your hen night went well and you didn't have too much of a sore head on Saturday.

    Anyone celebrating over the weekend then I hope you had a fab time.

    I've got a hospital run with Mum today for her yearly C checkup then a scan for me tomorrow and clients to visit in St Albans this afternoon so enjoy yourselves while I'm away.

    & the bump

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP and bloggeroonies

    Ah now, you are right about mums feeding there offsprings, my mum did and I do it, prepare and cook far too much food!

    I have my school reports and autograph book, yes it was a long time ago!! But when my children left school they got all their friends to sign the school shirt that was on their back.

    I also have baby congrats cards and weight cards...........what's all that about!? I must really have a sort out!!

    Twas a great weekend weatherwise and today looks like being much of the same.

    Hope all is well with you.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi CLP and all....early blog todays.....must be the weather ay Chris?

    Like your Mums idea about inserting your first writings in the new book...good idea.

    Wow...was it hot yesterday, my conservatory turned into Turkish Bath!!!

    BUT not complaining....Sussex is very hot and sunnay AGAIN today...new cockatiel has arrived, SKY is the name, 12 weeks old bless im...already part of the family.

    Catcha laterz dudes and dudettes...


  • Comment number 8.


    Last year on my 40th berfday, my mum managed to totally stun me by producing a copy of the 6th form music department fanzine, of which I was "Editor" (well, ok, chief correspondent, page maker, editor, competition designer ....) I was speechless, but in a good way, natch!

    As it was before the days of high quality copying, another muso student who was blindingly good at art used to illustrate the stories, instead of us having iffy photocopies.

    By pure co-incidence, when celebrating being 40 at a pub in Cooooolchester, I happened to bump into aforementioned art student and we had a good old catch up. I mentioned the fanzine thing and we spent ages laughing about it.

    Still got it at home - will bring to the next blog meet if I remember!

    Hope all are well. I feel a bit "grrrrrr" today but am sure I'll snap out of it sooner or later.

    Love from

    Me x x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning all, how you all doing today?
    I have various items from my childhood (antiques!) including my first cutlery, a silver spoon and 'pusher' set (ask your mum!) and my arithmetic book. My dad still has several of my old school reports too.
    Right, off to do something useful,

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning each

    Rain here in Yorkshire today but not complaining because we had beautiful weather all day yesterday..i literally did nothing but sit outside with papers and a book and chill- Bliss! (however, the amount of housework/ironing waiting for me tonight will make me regret it!)

    Love the school things. Its my little sis`s 30th b`day on Sunday and i have got her 30 presents.These include framed pic of us as little ones and also a copy of her old school report.Basically said she wouldnt do much cos her attention span was so rubbish, as manager of a supemarket with a £1m turnover i think she`s proved them wrong dont you?! Very proud big sis i am.

    Deevs..big smile hun.. x
    Lin..hppy anniversary!
    SbP..great shoes!
    AliB..have fun on your own..you can get up to allsorts of mischief!
    Debs2..hope hotel is better!
    MTF..slow down..make me feel guilty!
    Beez..enjoy your `shopping?` day!
    AnnieG..would love to be in Edinburgh for the festival..spare bed next yr?!
    Baz..why would you buy a bird?!Sure he/sheis lovely but birds scare me..along with clowns and dolls..odd girl me!

    Everyone else..only 4 sleeps til the weekend!

    Keep smiling everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 11.

    I'm not allowed out in the sun, and I really can't stand to be hot at the moment...still REALLY itchy and in some pain...am currently taking 9 tablets a day, and the Badger has threatened to tie my hands together (not in a good way) to get me to STOP SCRATCHING AND WILL YOU LEAVE YOURSELF ALONE. Doc reckons it could be up to two months before I'm back to normal. Myself, I reckon I'll never be back to any sort of normal, but hey ho, at least I'm back at work...

    I'm sure my mum still has some of my school stuff. I did spend a jolly afternoon a few years ago reading some of my old reports, but whether they survived house moves, or whether she still bothered to keep them, I dunno. I do know that she still has my art folio in the loft, in which there is a rather spectacular drawing of some life model's right leg, as our teacher had instructed us to concentrate on one part of her body...that seemed safest...the only thing is, I can't retrieve the folio as there be spiders as well as a really spooky, creepy picture nailed to the rafter. Is not Dorian Gray, but none of us wanted anything to do with it...not even brave step-dad...so as far as I know, it's still there...

    art for arts sake

  • Comment number 12.

    Haze....yay...your back....missed you...x

    Soz to hear that another 2 months needed before normallity returns...chin up hon...write a poem or two, followed by something long and cold in true Deevsta stylee...that should do it?


    mSc- not my idea, blame daughter, who loves all animals, more than life itself....but, that said, I do love the feathered thing!! Got soo much character.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi all. Thanks for the good wishes Ebbw and scoobs, and congrats to you Ebb, enjoy your 'honeymoon'

    Ta ta Lin x

    PS Is this sloooooooooooooooow, or is it me?

  • Comment number 14.

    Lin - Belated congrats for your anniversary, sorry missed that one!

    Yes, very SLOW, logged in and out several times, no joy!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hazel - feel for you, very surprised you're back at work. I was at aleast six weeks before I felt anything like normal. Are you're putting something on to relieve the itching?

    Take it easy, sweetie xx

    Pen xx

    Clouds they are a bubbling - noooooooo!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Baz and Pen, thanks for that. Lavender oil. Tidier than calamine, and smelling better too, but like calamine, only works to a certain extent, but the doc said lavender is a good idea as it'll help stop any possible scarring. And definitely taking it easy. Pomes are not altogether out, but I need to wait for the muse to hit, and as for sunnink long and cold, I need the inside of a freezer door to lean against to stop the blimmin ITCHING!!!

    Bazza, I hope the B1 worked? Didja have a good hols?

    Lin, have you bin poorly too???

    I think I've pretty much missed everyfin so apologies to anyone to whom I should have wished congratulations, or sent hugs or similar...but I couldn't look at the blog for long coz the screen sent my eyes all funny. That would be funny peculiar btw, not funny ha ha. As it isn't. Funny ha ha that is.

    Anyhoo, is currently grey and overcast, and I still have seventy-twelvety emails to read/delete so off I go...

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks Pen. No Hazel, not poorly, just a mega anniversary. Glad to hear you are on the mend, despite the itching. Can you wear gloves? (cotton, rubber, boxing)

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 18.

    Have solved the sloooooow problem, I think. Just refresh immediately after clicking on post instead of waiting. Works for me anyhoo!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello lovelies.

    Hey Chris - what is it with that fabulous generation and the tropical central heating.

    They also do that thing with the lighting in the living room - dusk approaches, no light, it's officially dark, still no light, you can't see your hand in front of your face and then ...


    On goes the five trillion megawatt central pendant light, full pelt with absolutely no warning, instantly blinding everyone.

    God bless them.

    Have a lovely day everyone. We had summer here in the West yesterday. Gone now.


  • Comment number 20.

    Haze...u the best...still on form when poorly.......B1....amazzzzing. Not one, no, not 1 bite in all 15 days.....hows that! as they say in certain circles....then,last night, whilst watching the Theroux....ouch...discovered a bite on my right knee....don't figure ay?? Then today at worch....ooops, itchy ankle, yes same one as last time BUT not infected...just a woossy bite, so OK.


  • Comment number 21.

    Shhh ... I'm not here ....

    Hotels for Norwich and Liverpool blog meets booked! Hurrah!!

    Tomorrow ... train tickets.

    I really am in the wrong job ....!

    x x x x x

    HAZEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs Hugs Hugs x x x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Greetings Ter CLP And YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - My mother iz the same too.... 'eater full on... winders shut tight.... even though it's 90 and a ain't talkin' the speedo on me aych gee vee!!!!!! She's MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just a quickie terdee az am so busy at work!!!!!

    Can a just say my goooodness.... a see the blog 'as gone ape and INDEED Suzie Boozy 'itting the blog and the G&T's!!!!!!!!!!!

    Az for the Liverpool meet am on it all...... Don't worry it won't be at Birken'ead Bus Museum..... but ave phoned Walton Prison this morning.... just ter enguire if they rent out the exercise 'all for partying!!!!!!!

    Gottta go.....

    PS Ave just e-mailed Groovy Dale.... filling in for Wrightie who's still trying ter get out of 'is Range Rover that's too small for 'is garage (see photo's in Saturdee's Daily Mail BIG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Any way ave just e-mailed Dale ter say ave noticed 'e sounds abit like 'e's goot a cold!!!!!!
    Ave advised get a Fsherman's Friend..... will clear 'is throat all!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Am off ter London termozza.... wondering if a should take this opportunity ter get Dale and INDEED Nick Duncalf's 'graph ter add ter me collection in me London A ter Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #22 Just by chance..... wrockin' wreet on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Bingo - Liverpool Meet - 7th November. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hazel - you're back!! Here's a little pome in your honour:

    Poor Hazel, she’s got shingles
    And her skin, it’s gone all spotty
    She mustn’t itch
    So life’s a bitch
    It’s turning her quite potty.


    Sorry - it's only Monday - will work on it!

    Love jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Right..anyone want to sling some work my way?

    And aiming to get to Norwich OR Liverpool..famous last words i know!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 27.

    Cheers Chezz, and many ts Jillygoat...and yes, it is only Monday...

    Scoob, I've got MASSES of stuff to do...and that's after I've cleared (yup, still doin it) all the emails...so you're welcome, if you would like to go through my red tray...which contains all the bits she didn't know what to do with, and my black tray...which has all the things that she would've know what to do with, but I don't know if she's dunnem...

    Up to you blu

    Baz, skeeters don't just bite when you're on holiday (although I'm sure they'd be mean enough to just to p you off)...keep taking them at home too...bless your poor ankles/knees etc...one every morning or evening...you know it makes sense!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Hazel my dearie..i`m on me way! have never been to Brighton... can i paddle in the sea after ive finished your work?! And sounds like you have a job on of it..make sure you dont overdo it!

    And after knocking TB choice of pet earlier (well not knocking but saying it scares me..hope we still friends TB!)..i can talk cant i?I have 2 pet rats. However, they need a new home. I remember someone on here (Bolyengirl maybe?) saying about how they can cause allergies and sure enough..the GM cant go near them without having an almost full blown asthma attack...he`s distraught at havingto give them up but his health is more important! So..any volunteers for a new home?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 29.

    mSc - this is coming from a asthmatic who is allergic to animals

    when we got our cats it took me two weeks to get used to them and then the asthma settled down and I'm fine

    Now I'm 100& behind you that the health of GM is more important then the rats - but I thought i would let you know about the two weeks I suffered to enjoy my pets now!

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks SbP..appreciate your thoughts and we hoped he`d get through it!

    we also have a cat (the original Scoobycat!) and she is moulting like mad at the moment so that isnt helping! However, he has known her for 2 years and lived with her (and me!) for a year with no major issues.

    However, we have had `the girls` as they are known since end of Feb and whilst he seemed to be ok to start with it seems to have flared up over the last 6 weeks or so (doesnt help that he also has horrible hayfever).

    I have been on standby to take him to hospital on about 5 occasions so far in the last few weeks, he has been that bad..although he`d kill me for telling you this, and also probably kill me if i ever DID bundle him off..he HATES hospitals with a passion!

    We seem to have narrowed it down to his worst attacks being when he`s been handling `the girls` so to speak! So with heavy heart we have decided we need to rehome them. Whilst i am ok with looking after them and playing with them etc i am not confident enough to handle them enough to give them the attention they deserve.

    So.. 2 beautiful girl rats (Mac and Gil) and large cage plus extras to anyone who wants them and will give them a good life..dont all rush at once!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 31.

    Sorry bout the essay...i really cant DO short posts it seems!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 32.

    mSc - thats fine - I completely understand - I am so allergic to horses that I can never ride one - much to mr bp shame who always wanted the romantic gapplop along the beach - and get an attack if I go near someone who has been near them!

  • Comment number 33.

    Ah, Scoob, you'd be most welcome...although I reckon paddling may be art the winnder atm as it appears to be spitting...and what a shame about the 'girls'...I'd have them, but Colin is that bored at not being able to go out and chase things/bring things home, he'd be jemmying the cage open with a spoon!

    SBeep, same. Horses (and black pepper) are my worstest things.

    Boly's in Spain

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Scoobs

    I'd love to help you out with your 'girls', but I don't think they would have a minutes peace with Finlay, he even went mad when he saw a friends goldfish! Luckily the tank was on a kitchen worktop...

    Hazel - hope you're soon feeling much better

    Hi to everyone else, just about to set off home!

    Catch you later

    JG x

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a sunny and very humid upstate new york. Huge thunderstorms ripped through our area last night and more are expected this afternoon. Hope you all have a good weekend.

    Haven't been able to get on the the BEEB today until now. My browser kept timing out..... Hopefully what ever was wrong is now fixed.....

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello James

    Glad you survived thunderstorms, how does Dapphers react?

    Is it one week today till the BIG day! Are you excited?

    Have been having problems with blog myself, so had given up, but seems to be sorted now. Maybe that's why its quiet here today.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon each

    Ah, now Chris, don't Mums always come up with the goods? You should have asked her before starting on the ms.

    Have been working (!) all bloomin' day, but apart from Thursday morning when I have to turn up to show my employers I'm still breathing, that's me done for the week.

    Off to read posts, back later.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Penny, I hope you are well.

    I have had problems signing in for the last few days. I thought it would be working okay today, so fingers crossed that what ever was wrong is now fixed.

    The Daphster didn't seem too bothered, excepted for the big claps on thunder that rattle the house. She looked at me as if to say, "what the h*ll was THAT?".......

    I hope to start next Monday, but I am still waiting for a few things to sort themselves out first. Background checks etc. It should be a formality but it does keep one on tender hooks.

  • Comment number 39.

    James, I'm good thanks.

    I'm sure everything will be fine, apart from finding those skeletons hiding in your cupboard!! lol

    Perhaps the beeb have been tweeking, the blog certainly appears to be faster................ at the mo!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hiya all!
    Just got 5mins to say i'm keepin up wit all your news but by time I've read all usually got no time to write anytin! Was a luverly morn here in the New Forest but rainin by lunchtime and I had a lineful out too, mostly the sons, who's back home at mo! Had a great weekend, combined birthday celebrations for Dad and Sis Sat'day, all 12 of the immediate family present that's a rarity these days, walked to the recently re-opened local for a liquid libation then had bbq at home yesterday. Now feel like making a casserole for dinner then snuggling up in front of the fire! It's 'orrible 'ere now!!
    Hope the itchin' calms down Hazel,


  • Comment number 41.

    Hazel, hope the itching stops soon, it's a bummer isn't it?
    James, good luck for Monday
    Scooby, of course you can have my spare room next year for the Festival. The bed is big enough for 2 if you want to bring someone along.


  • Comment number 42.

    Blimey Chris, I would definately melt at your Mums, being of a certain age.
    At least there is hope for me, if your Mum gets cold. I look forward to the days!!!

    Hells x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hey, loved the caller that is a Watford season ticket holder.......

    Thanks Annie and Penny.

  • Comment number 44.

    I should of added to my previous post.... "come on you Horns"

  • Comment number 45.

    We are really looking forward to the book. I do hope there are lots of photos.


  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Bondy, if you've got the humidity like that at the golf over the weekend, you have my sympathies, it's hard even to breathe in those conditions! Hope you get to hear something about next Monday soon.

    Is the new job local to you?

    Hi Pen, yes I think it's a bit quicker, maybe it was all those next buttons - I've got mine on "remember me" so I don't need to keep logging in, and I can even get it loaded on my phone, and post from there.

    Chris, my Mum is like yours, always insists on lighting the woodburning stove!

    Hi Annie, I think you deserve a rest after all that!

    Right have poured myself a glass of wine! I've had an really busy day, not helped by a huge traffic jam this morning!

    JG x

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi JG, the humidity is "oppressive" as the weatherman called it.......

    No the job is not local enough to commute. It's about a 2 hour drive, so the house is up for sale and there was an open house yesterday.

    Glad you're de-stressing after a tough day.... hope your evening is better....

  • Comment number 48.

    Yes, two hours each way is just too far, mine is normally just over an hour each way when the kids are in school, and that's bad enough! Well, actually, it's horrendous given that it's only 15 miles! LOL

    I'm glad the Daphster was OK with the storms, Finlay's not bothered by them either, wants to carry on playing!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    JG, I had an hour 15 to 30 minute commute (depending on traffic) at my last job...... and that was just too long, just as well I didn't move closer........

    LOL about Finlay. Sounds like Daphne. After the loud house shake cracks and looking at me as if to ask "what the h*ll was that" it was "now throw that toy again"...LOL

  • Comment number 50.

    Evenin all.....Bondy....comment allez vous???? Bon?
    Hi to JG, Pen, Hells, Annie etc etc etc......soz to any I missed..xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Wot the heck is occurring.....its gon 8.45 and only 50 posts.....is it me????


  • Comment number 52.

    Hi Baz,

    The sites been playing silly wotsits all day. I've had a devil of a time trying to access it over the last few days. Gave up trying last week.

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening Baz

    I'm not having any problems, just watching telly.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi gang

    Apologeees for absinthe today.

    (a) blog playing up so gave up posting
    (b) distracted elsewhere by A N Other, and NOT complaining ;-)
    (c) actual real work to do, the stuff wot pays the bills!!

    Thought today would be a nice smooth monday, as man boss out. Man boss out = phone calls every 10 mins from aforementioned man boss asking for this, that and of couraw, the other. Being the dutiful secretary that I am, I had to put FaceBook down and get stuff for him. Hey ho!!

    The day ended on a nice note tho.

    And I've booked me hotels for Norwich and Liddypool.

    x x

  • Comment number 55.

    where did that stray And come from ? ? ?

  • Comment number 56.

    Howdedody Deev.


  • Comment number 57.

    Hi Anne!

    Should we send out a search party for Beezles??

    x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    Fanks guys...very reassuring to know it aint me....get my drift???


  • Comment number 59.

    Hello all

    Quiet isn't it? I haven't had a problem today bit sounds like there has been

    Seza x

  • Comment number 60.

    Seza .....OMG someone else out there...hiya....I'm Tangobaz, nice to meet you..xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Tangobaz,

    nice to meet you

    Are we alone?!?!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 62.

    Must just be me then & I've got to go and wash up so nite nite to anyone who's around

    Seza x

  • Comment number 63.

    Seza......give me a chance...u way to quick girl...xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry Tangobaz, have been thinking I should clear up for ages.

    How are you this evening?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 65.

    Seza...me excellenteeee howz you on this fine night..? You a regular thats been absent, or r u a newbie??

    PS Like the name Sezagirl...very intreeeeegin x

  • Comment number 66.

    Seza....me Brighton...you...where?

  • Comment number 67.

    Baz, what the heck happened in the last ashes test..... no flintoff, no runs, no wickets...... or as my Dad would say, "is it all a fix?"....LOL

  • Comment number 68.

    Me a newbie who's been lurking for ages and working up courage (wrong word but not sure of right one) to jump in & join the party.

    I'm just fine tonight. had impromptu evening with friends so now tired but happy

    Sezagirl? Well, you'll have wait for reasoning.....................but really not very exciting. Not as intriguing as Tangobaz. I keep thinking of a nasty accident with the self tan?!?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 69.

    welcome sezagirl, hope you had a good day.

  • Comment number 70.

    I'm an Essex girl, waving distance to Diva.

    Your post & Bonds weren't there a minute ago, where did they come from?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi guys - I'm here !! Just!!! - internet playing up big time tonight - rebooted everything in sight - one message on fb and pft - gone again!!!

    Hopefully this will go through!!!

    Had a great day off - NOW all sit down before you read this!!! No shopping and no money spent - well not by me - nice lunch - thank you very much m'dear.

    Just going to hit post to see if all blows up again!!!!

    Just in case - Keep smiling peeps.......

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    seza, I think there is a posting time lag with the new site layout.....

  • Comment number 73.

    Thanks, have had good day but really must go now. Washing up still to do so will say good night all.

    I'll talk to you again soon, now I've joined in I hope to stay around.

    Sezagirl x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Beez, glad you had a good day off. Heaven knows you deserve it. Hot at the blazes here with very high humidity.... supposed to get better as the week goes on though.

  • Comment number 75.

    Come back soon Seza. Have a good evening.

  • Comment number 76.

    Seza....location, location location....? Oh...and BTW, you have officially been Tangoed. x

    Bondy....christ knows...perhaps it's a fix...makes a good finale dont it??

  • Comment number 77.

    Baz, that's wot my Dad would say, but what a thumping.....

  • Comment number 78.

    Time delay or what James....Seza......upper sate any hotter JB?

  • Comment number 79.

    Hot extremely humid, oppressively so today.......

    How are things with you?

  • Comment number 80.

    Bondy.......I should be called up....my bowlin figs this Sat'....

    Sit down........................7 overs........................6 wickets...................for 18 runs......yeah hat trick too.....still floating..

  • Comment number 81.

    ooooo baz, that's fantastic.... what do you bowl?

  • Comment number 82.

    Off breakers....well I try.....the stats will be recorded in the Ditchling History books....est. 1818....cooooooollll perhaps one day, my son might read the plaque on the wall..August 8th 2009....hahahaha

  • Comment number 83.

    Heavens- posted that - popped over to fb - message still sitting there ! Sent text - washed hair - loaded dishwasher - had a bath - took dog for a walk..........wonder how long it will take before this gets through!!

    Could be the weather James - grey and drizzly here most of day but warm. Sitting on the M6 car park tonight - stationary - not 2 miles a fortnight - outside temp said 22 deg. Erm - I had my lights on and screen washers going!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Very good, we'll have to have a beer to celebrate if/when I come over at xmas.......

  • Comment number 85.

    Beez.....good to see u back on form..xx Pls don't go to that dark place again. x

  • Comment number 86.

    Beez, I blame the weather for everything.....LOL

  • Comment number 87.

    Bondy mate.....when and where re Xmas.....tell me it's in Sussex or near...that would be grand.

  • Comment number 88.

    Wothcha chaps !!

    Meant to say Baz - impressive stats!! Used to be a cricket groupie! he was a spinner!

    Am outa here before I say any more! No - just one more thing - I am old enough and must tell - was there - in members club - at Edgbaston - when Botham "did his thing" Wow!.. Had to pick car up next day!

    James - visit ? where when ! We all seem to travel all over country - well I do anyway - keep us advised!

    Keep smiling

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Baz, I am hoping my new employer will be okay with the time off. My folks live in norfolk so I expect I will be based there, but would be travelling all over. Got to get me football in while I can..... and who knows may be there'll be a bloggers meet or something. Of course it all depends on the new job.......

  • Comment number 90.

    James...cool, what will be, will be as they say....see hw it goes...must adios now, school night, gym at 7-15 so must fly....take care....and dont forget the sunscreen.

  • Comment number 91.

    Goodnight Baz,

  • Comment number 92.

    Seems to be up to speed now. James - wherever - whenever we will flippin arrange meet when you are here !! and Baz - bout time we met sarf outside London!! although I do like the tilty trains!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Fanks Beez.....wont happen again I'm sure.....still, once is enough I guess. xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Baz - never say ever!!!! Go boy!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Beez, absolutely. As soon as I get the okay and get dates, I will let you know.......

  • Comment number 96.

    Never even!

    Time I went to bed!!!

    Night sweeties

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Good night Beez.......

  • Comment number 98.

    Night James. Meet guaranteed whenever you manage to get here. We seem to have doubled up on Docklands and Brum so far but still Bristol Norwich and Liverpool to go in the next 3 months! Yay!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.


  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all

    Lovely and sunny here, I've got a busy day today, packing and hot footing it back to Northants to sort out bits on sale of the house staying for a day and back here on Thursday - bit of a whistle stop tour. I hope my flight doesn't get cancelled or I'm up the creek without a paddle.

    Big hugs to all who need it, have a great day all.

    MaW X


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