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Chris Evans | 14:53 UK time, Thursday, 30 October 2008

All the good things cascading down from...

... wonderful waterfall of life.

Did something I've never done before today. Thought something was wrong and, in an untypically male way, went straight off to the doc's.

It was a false alarm. A lump that's supposed to be there. Phew, never felt it before but I love and trust my quack. He is a real dude, old school but real cool, like super cool.

And the strange thing was, when I felt it, I had an initial moment of deep, pit of your tummy fear and then immediately said to myself: "Well it either is or it isn't, so let's go and find out and we'll take it from there."

What has happened to me over the last few years? I have no idea but I am so grateful.

Bless you friends.





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  • Comment number 1.

    It's a good look CLP. Best to get checked out.


  • Comment number 2.

    Chris - I think its called growing up! Always the best thing to do is get it checked out - the Dr. aint going to laugh at you. I keep telling Mr. Egg after he complains of being sore or not feeling well for days on end - Well have you done anything about it? I don't know why you feel like you do - go to the Docs.

    Inevitably the pain/illness goes almost immediately. But if I'm concerned I phone the Dr.s and book him an appointment!!!


  • Comment number 3.

    Good on ya Lambie Pies. Shame more men don't follow your example - maybe then there wouldn't be the need for Bobby Moore campaigns etc etc.

    Cheryl The Diva xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Ooh very unmale... I've got to be dead before I'll go to the doctors...

    ARF - Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer

  • Comment number 5.


    The Shoop Shoop Song - Cher

    Thank you.

    Cheryl The Diva xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    ARF - Tiny Spark ALASKA

    Well It's worth a try!!!!! If it gets played I'll never mention it again I promise


  • Comment number 7.

    Growing up it's called - and being sensible - just wish Mr B would do that!

    Please we are not going to talk about illness are we? Well - my knee did give way when I came out of the hairdressers lunch time!!! What is that about!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Righty O Chaps and Chapesses! Thats me finished for the day ;-} Might not be around much tommorow -it being the end of the month and all that:-(

    Have a good evening


    remember children the problem with posted letters, sent emails and answer machine messages is that you can't take them back once they are done!

  • Comment number 9.

    I don't like going to the dr's. Had to go yesterday and he made me cry! Always has a habit of making me feel small.

    ARF: Daughter of Darkness (Tom Jones)


  • Comment number 10.

    michmel - i've been called that on occasion, i can tell ya!! xx

  • Comment number 11.

    ARF - please somthing with a halloween theme - timewarp (richard o'brian) would be great - or something else slightly camp

    super bp

  • Comment number 12.

    Oh yeah it's Halloween... I'm going to change my ARF to a more Halloweeny type song I think if I can think of one... B-sMum my knees give way at every oppurtunity at the moment, about 3 years ago playing football someone landed on the back of my leg and popped my leg out at the knee destroying everything attaching it and I dont think it ever really healed properly... safe to say I havent played football since and every now and again I just collapse in agony then get back up and carry on.

  • Comment number 13.

    Tom - well at least I lasted a fair while longer before mine gave out. although did have a problem when your age - something to do with being hurled over rugby posts and then promptly dropped! Need to have a chat with gingembre!

    ARF - Phoenix - Bagpuss I agree -

    lets have a laugh and go for Timewarp.

    If you please CLP.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Ok I'm going to stick with Bon Jovi for my ARF but these have to be played tomorrow! - Monster Mash, Thriller, Ghostbusters, Highway to Hell, Super Freak, Time Warp and Bat our of Hell...

  • Comment number 15.


    What a relief for you - you must have been very worried, even for just a short while.

    What has happened to you over the last few years? Well, I think, like most of us when we reach a "certain age" we realise that this is not for ever. When we are young, we can't imagine being older - and that's the way it should be. But as time moves on, we realise that really all you have in life is your health! Scary stuff, isn't it!!

    Also, Chris, your life has changed beyond recognition in recent years. You want to hold on to it, and I know you mean it when you say you are grateful.

    Glad to hear everything is ok. You're gonna be fine - the best is yet to come!!

    Love, Chrissie xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    So glad to hear that you are ok! Am new to all this bloggy stuff, so apologies if I'm a bit naff.....

    S'funny how a quick blast of mortality across your bows can really make you appreciate the little things in life. May you continue to entertain us.

    big hugs


  • Comment number 17.

    First post direct to you, CLP. Glad you got that worry sorted.

    ARF: Everybody hurts - REM, please.


  • Comment number 18.


    The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping

    THE BESTESTESTEST wintery song in the whole wide world bar NONE.

    anyone disagrees then they is wrong :-D

    Steve (from the warm shed) :-D

  • Comment number 19.

    well done CLP for geing yourself checked, defintely less painful to know than to worry!
    Agree with other girlies, wish all our hubbies were so sensible!

    ARF - gotta be Bat Out Of Hell

    tiggs xx

  • Comment number 20.

    The Radio 2 controller has quit! Not good at all... she sounded very upset from her statement. No word on Ross though...

  • Comment number 21.

    ARF request: Thriller, Michael Jackson please.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 22.

    Ooh, I remember when they showed the full Thriller video on the telly. Don't know what year it was, but I was still young (ah, those were the days). Invited to a family party, but me and my brother stayed behind at home to see the video (he's a good bit older than me!), then nearly had a car crash on the way to wherever we were going. He got out of the car, and so did the other guy, and they were shouting and I was really scared! Didn't get in a car with him again for years....

    Anyway, I'd go with Thriller for ARF, still think it's a great song!

    AF xx

    ps CLP glad you had the guts to have yourself checked out, and equally glad it turned out to be nothing to worry about!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello. From a vey tired me.

    CLP my husband did the very same thing this week. In fact he couldn't get the appointment so I went down in person to get it for him. These blooming lumps and bumps eh?

    I've probably said before, but I believe that as we get older we become more aware of our mortality. Impending parenthood does indeed magnify this tenfold. Life is all about this other person, and you can't bear the thought of not being there for them.

    I haven't caught up on any posts today. I've been out with my friend, her little boy and LM to the Tower of London. What a brilliant day, but such hard work. We only got in 20 minutes ago, after a quick stop for some ready meals at Tesco. No cooking tonight.

    Cheryl, can I thank you again by the way. Not only for thinking of me, but my kitchen was a disgrace yesterday. When that delivery arrived and took pride of place on my kitchen table......I just had to sort the place out. It is now back to it former glory and looks like a kitchen again. And I come through the door, see them and smile. I am so grateful x x x

    Catch up on posts later but hope that everyone is well today.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening each

    Sorry, don't do Docs. I believe my old Grandma - you go in with one thing, and come back out with 3 things wrong with you. I just don't go there - or I've been very lucky not to have had any dreadful disease.

    Would someone unlock that shed door for Steve?

    For ARF: Bat out of Hell, cos it's Halloween, and I know the words.


  • Comment number 25.

    Glad you got the lump checked out Chris and it's okay. Whew, what a relief, eh?

    Penny aka Black Cat

  • Comment number 26.

    12 weeks . . . . . . .. .without pay . . . thats VERY harsh . . i can see JR going elsewhere :(

    I wonder whats happening to the producer of the show? they are the ones that should be got rid of

    anyway enough of that Didn't Spurs do well last night :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 27.

    hey all,

    no time to catch up on the last couple days, sorry, will be sending the note from my mum in shortly.

    ARF tomorrow - livin la vida loca - ricky martin. Purely for the first line - She's in to superstition, black cats and voodoo dolls.....

    am in the middle of making halloween gingerbread things. The second batch. The oven incinerated the first ones, set to 325F like the book says, couldn't work out why they frazzled in 5 minutes. Checked the thermometer thing inside the oven, and the miserable thing had heated to 450F all by itself even when the controls said 325F. Bah.

    Happy thursday everyone


  • Comment number 28.

    halloween ARF...
    I'm all for Bat out of Hell, Ghostbusters etc
    and how about,,,
    Under Your Thumb - Godley and Creme (nice spooky story methinks)


  • Comment number 29.

    Glad it worked out Chris.

    Doctors I don't mind it's dentists that give be me heebee jeebees oh and chiropodists...why would anyone choose to cut other folks toenails or scrape their teeth yuck!! Apologies to any dentists or chiropodists out there...maybe you can explain it to me.

    Been lurking today...the last blog got a bit heated but seems to have calmed down now thankfully.

  • Comment number 30.

    ozgirlie...great song love it

  • Comment number 31.

    Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees for Halloween ARF I say!

  • Comment number 32.

    MizzDonDee, I'm Ok with dentists, but couldn't agree more about the feet people. I just don't understand the thought processes that lead up to the decision to train to hack at other peoples manky feet. Would also be interested to hear the reasoning! Maybe I'm being a bit hard on them, but I don't like feet!


  • Comment number 33.

    Hallooooooooooo Geordiexile from another one - and all the new bloggers - welcome.


  • Comment number 34.

    Dragon...if I remember you are not in the UK? Lucky for you, you missed a disgusting programme last night about teenagers and amongst other things their lack of cleanliness and one particulary bad occurence of athletes foot...OMG the telly got turned over pretty sharpish I can tell you!

    Sorry if anyone is having their tea!

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm half Geordie...mum was born in Waaaallsend

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi brightAnnie-G, I was on here a while ago but haven't attended regularly I'm afraid as Mr. C Crunch has diverted me to look on job websites instead.

  • Comment number 37.

    *shudder* I'm in the states, and v glad too that I didn't see it. That would make me want to take a scolding shower. ICK!


  • Comment number 38.


    I should really ask for something by Bryan Adams as I was at both of his Scottish dates last weekend...he was superb...but as don't think any of his songs fit into the Halloween theme I'll go for...

    The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

  • Comment number 39.

    Mizz: When I was very young I worked at Spillers, on the Tyne at Wallsend, as a very niave shorthand typist. Practiced my shorthand today at a meeting. God knows if I'll be able to read it tomorrow!!


  • Comment number 40.

    Btw: Geordexile: My eldest will be looking for a new job on Monday too. Best of luck to you both. The financial climate is pants, isn't it?


  • Comment number 41.

    It's really bad, I have lived through the recessions of the early 80's and early 90's but this downturn has been so quick I think I lot of people are going to get caught unawares.

  • Comment number 42.

    As I have. Put my house on the market a few weeks ago and have today had to drop the price by £5000. I so want to change my life and can't do it till the house is sold. I've chosen the absolutely worst time to sell. But I'm trying to be positive - at least I have a job which is relatively safe.


  • Comment number 43.

    Annie - my partner has been trying to sell his house and has already dropped the price twice...this time last year he could have sold it 10 times over. This was when the mortgage lenders where giving out silly deals...120% mortgages..how immoral is that!! I wish you all the best.

    I don't know Wallsend at all...took my mum and uncle back to see their childhood home a few years ago..Holly Avenue. They said it looked exactly the same.

  • Comment number 44.

    Mizz: Have never been back, although I visit Gosforth often to visit my brother and Felling (the other side of the Tyne) to visit other brother, often.

    Sting came from Wallsend. My memories are of the boy who built his own red sports car and the boy who had a very large motorbike! Oh dear!!


  • Comment number 45.

    I bet your Mum and Uncle often went to the Quayside on a Sunday morning.


  • Comment number 46.

    Annie...I've relatives in Billingham...I know poor them having to live there.

    That sounds awful...I'm not talking about the people, they are fantastic...but the ICI have a lot to answer for!

  • Comment number 47.

    Depends when we're talking about Annie..my mum is in her 80's now and my dad dragged her up to Scotland after the war.

  • Comment number 48.

    I have seen the light.

    Well, not exactly, but I came mighty close to a higher power this evening.

    Let me explain.

    Got home after battling through the rain and terrible traffic, decided it was too late to get to the gym, so figured a nice bite to eat at the pub was in order.

    So, we jumped in the borrowed Jag and set off for The M only to realise we were running on fumes.

    We limped into the petrol station in Cranleigh, filled up and just as I had paid I turned round and bumped straight into an old man in a flat cap and waxed shooting jacket.

    'Sorry mate', I said, looking up to see a familiar face.

    Only Eric bloomin' Clapton!

    The petrol station is only a stones throw from The Great Ones' house, but you don't expect rock royalty to be filling up with unleaded on a nasty night in October in rural Surrey.

    Anyway, a lovely meal, as ever, at The M and now home for a couple of chapters and some kip.


    Mr. Tambourine Man - The Byrds

    I know, I know, but I actually prefer it to the Dylan original.

    Love etc


  • Comment number 49.

    Mizz: My parents met during the war in Struan, nr Pitlochry. And my Dad dragged my Scottish mother down to Felling (Co. Durham as it was then). She was from Glasgow.


  • Comment number 50.

    MfR...what did you say back!! I always thought that I'd never be star struck...after all they're only human...right? But I got Rod Stewarts autograph when he and I were at the same performance of Tonights the Night in the West end and I was totally dumb struck!

  • Comment number 51.

    Matt: The Clappers????? You lucky thing. Although I much prefer Dylan.


  • Comment number 52.

    Ahh so you and me both are half Geordie half Scottish?

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening one and all
    I don't speak spanish anymore for obvious reasons.

    Mr Chris Glad everything went well with the doctor. Which reminds me Dr Hilary on Steve Wright. I'ts amazing their voices sound exactley the same.

    Lesley Douglas did a fine job for radio2 let's hope we don't go back to an Aunty radio station.

    Meanwhile CTD I know I'm not on any photo's from the meet so I thought you might like to see this sort clip from Camden lock of me.

  • Comment number 54.

    Mizz: Aren't all the best people half Geordie, half Scottish?


  • Comment number 55.

    So so true Annie

    Night all...sweet dreams

  • Comment number 56.

    Evening all. Just thought I'd pop in to catch up, seeing as I can have a lie in tomorrow - ah the joys of working from home, an extra hour in bed.

    Been catching up with Heroes, didn't even realise series 3 had started! Then realised I missed most of series 2 too, so starting again. Jolly good show!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 57.


    many thanks to trash tv for giving me my ARF request.

    Devil Inside - INXS


    Mr Brightside - The Killers


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 58.

    I suppose that means me too - my dad was born up there but my mum's dorset born in Belfast which makes me a right mixture.

    ARF: Monster Mash

    You know you want to do it - pretty please

    The alternative is:

    I put a spell on you

    I fancy a drack flavoured twist....

    Steve I have unlocked the shed door - cos I remembered just where I'd put the key - it was in the lock all along.

    As per usual - am I the lone night owl

    2wit 2woo??

  • Comment number 59.

    Shame to hear Lesley Douglas has quit at R2.

  • Comment number 60.

    Worlds gone crazy Phoenix

  • Comment number 61.

    Evening all -
    Flower - started watching heroes and got waylaid - where are they repeating?

    Wayhay geordie night tonight. Used to work with a pure bred geordie who got contaminated by the cotswolds but still a geordie at heart. Really miss her.

    Did I see ms E scot on here earlier and sugarplumb - c'mon chaps - more - and hello newbies too more posts other than arf would be lovely.

    Beesmum xxx

    dragon - got your pics yet?
    Happy birthday notso bigun
    Jeni & Sus loving the pics of our boy/girl blog babies couple of real sweeties. Munch!

  • Comment number 62.

    Sorry Phoenix not paying attention - on my weekly yell at Q time - from usa - oh please!
    James Dragon - why are you there?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    On t'internet Beesmum, not the tellybob. Picture's not brilliant, but it'll do. Course, I've got the whole of season 2 to watch, then catch up with season 3, so it'll be off the box again by the time I'm done.

    Hey ho. You off to bolthole this weekend?

    AF xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry don't follow Q time but did note its all about the US election tonight so have avoided it in any case.

    Been over to Warminster and back this evening hence the night owl.

    I've got more relatives in Lindisfarne graveyard than alive these days.

    Have you mixed up James Bond and Purple Dragon for a reason or did you want to talk US politics?

  • Comment number 65.


    I'm still lurking about..... it's election fever over here so have stopped watching tv or using local radio - it's iplayer and itunes for me until it's over!

    Bsmum- I'm here because himself is here! His job asked him to come for 6 months, only it kept getting extended, so we did the transatlantic thing for nearly 2 years before there were strong words with the company, and I upped sticks to come out.

    Is there much stuff about the elections in the UK? I even had a poll thingy on the back of a yogurt pot lid about the elections... yawn.....


  • Comment number 66.

    Can you give me the link Flower - didn't realise I could catch up!

    Phoenix if you watched QT you would understand why I asked James and Dragon what on earth they were doing over there! I think Mr Dimb wanted a usa trip for a jolly and ended up in a shout down of all proportions. Prob dashed home as quick as he could!
    Really suffer it to watch prog after with porty and dianne - dying to see what they make of this weeks news!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Dragon - you would not believe how much usa elections are on here! Not reached our food labels yet but I am not holding my breath!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    I know I bang on - on a Thursday about the prog on after Q Time - i.e This Week - and not sure if available on any watch again thingy but this is something if you can watch again really - please do so - (crumbs that's what Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman) - I digress - only just started watching - but already saying - to the telly of course - agree - agree - how true - etc etc.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 69.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 70.

    Well how predictable was that! Just proves how dull this blog has become!

    The sad thing is I've only said what most people are thinking but don't have the guts/balls to say it!


  • Comment number 71.

    ARF: Science Fiction from the Rocky Horror Picture Show...

  • Comment number 72.

    Inspired by a good nights sleep.

    Other ARFs -

    Devil Went Down to Georgia - Levellers


    Superstition - Stevie Wonder.

    Thats all

    MW, a

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning ....

    It's Hallowe'en!! And Judgement Day for the Best Kept Allotment!!


    Up with the proverbial lark - Mr Diva off to work at half five and can't get back to sleep so here I am ... typing from new laptop. Cool!

    CLP was on the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Breakfast news a mo again commenting on Leslie's resignation and singin her praises as a boss.

    Have to say CLP - the flying jacket is rather dashing - I'd take no heed of Foxy!!!

    Lovely to see some new bloggers appearing - helllooooooo to to you all!

    Did anyone see Hugh on Ch4 last night? Squirrel!! Whatever next ...... ?

    Hopefully a fairly easy day ahead - a kind of catch-up Friday.

    Laters spook freaks!

    Cheryl The Diva x x x

  • Comment number 74.

    fancy dress outfits all sorted for tonight? we are going as Sweeny todd and mrs lovett and have done pretty well considering there was no budget! Have bought a cherry pie with the cherry oozing over the top for extra fun! - this is to a party - I'm a tad too old for trick or treat!

    have a spooky friday - loving the themed ARF's - how about people are strange - The Doors?


    They're coming to take me away ha ha - can't rememeber who by

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 75.

    Good morning friends and all

    What a lovely day I hope you all enjoy your Halloween parties.

    Rachel I remember some of your original posts about dreams. Are you the Artist per chance?

    I like the choice of Thriller for ARF which somebody chose no time to scroll back

    PS SBP The Doors the song is When you are strange good song too.

  • Comment number 76.

    Bagpuss - Plum would know the answer to that but she's not around first thing in the morning as far as I recall.

    Morning all - a bit on the cold side waiting for the bus this am.

    Ranted on email to supplier for their dire customer service in their failure to deliver one delivery 2 weeks running and keeping my fingers crossed for Sat morning when they promised it would be in my sticky mitts. Good job the ladies whose orders this delivery belongs to are so nice and understanding.

    Rant over ....

    Addams family or munsters theme for opening ARF anyone?

    I'm glad (pollyanna moment) that we have been participating in halloween themed songs I've found some really good ones in your postings.

    To Chris - at least you check yourself frequently which is a very good and healthy thing to do and more men should do it - any lumps or bumps or uneven moles should be checked.

    A very good weekend to everyone as I probably won't get back on here until after Chris's programme finishes tonight.

  • Comment number 77.

    See look at that Plum you are around and posts have crossed. Did you know who the artist was for Bagpuss?

  • Comment number 78.

    Phoenix ?

  • Comment number 79.

    Ah ha

    Sorry bit busy I recall the song now and is not on a Halloween theme at all.
    It is of course a song about mental illness.
    Am I missing a connection here ladies?

  • Comment number 80.

    no - i was thinking about mad professors being led away screaming while their monsters run riot through towns! Was that a bit obscure? I obviously read too much Terry pratchett!

    I obviously have much love and sympathy for people who actually do suffer from mental illness and the song is no way aimed at them
    Super bp x

  • Comment number 81.


    I know we are all sick to death of the R2 debacle, but can I just say (and I'm probably alone on this) I am just so upset about Jonathan Ross!

    I will miss him so much and I don't believe he'll ever be back on Radio 2. I would think he'll try to save his tv shows, but I can't see him back on radio.

    Saturdays are effectively in the bin for me!!
    I know, I'm a sad case!

    Have a happy Halloween everyone.

    C xx

    P.S. And I'm sorry for Russell Brand too! I wish those boys had behaved themselves!

  • Comment number 82.

    I don't know - I watched RB's apology and it seemed to me that he was saying - if you are going to moan about me then thats it - I'm not playing anymore and taking his ball back home

    but then thats only my opionion - please dont shoot at me

    super bpx

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Prof no double cause and effect. I count you usually as the fount of all music knowledge and you may know who the artist was for the song "he's coming to take you away"?

    Never mind I'll look it up on the net for bagpuss later and try and pop back in when office unattended around me and let her know for interest and reference.

    Good ARF everyone

  • Comment number 84.

    PS - don't you love local newspapers stories - maybe that could be today's topic - what had been reported in your local news?

    Main story for us - lard all over the M40 with it being shut all day and the snow causing loads of crashes! However a bit further in - fire brigade rushed to local cinema as the popcprn maker caought fire - area contained and staff given lecture of safe uses of popcorn maker - what were they doing with it?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 85.

    Phew ... made it to work!

    I thought I was seeing things this morning - the petrol at Sainsbugs is 94.9p. That's soooooooooo cheap! No wonder all their staff were dressed up as fairies and witches! I wanna work at Sainsbugs today .... wahhhhhh!!

    I did peruse the Hallowe'en aisle in aforementioned supermarcardo this fine morn, and I did indulge in some silliness (and a brautiful black wreath for home!)

    I got these little pet things (one purple, one black so they match my handbag!) and they keep vibrating and making a wooooooohooooooo noise from under my desk. Auld lady boss will just simply love tha. Not!

    Ne'er mind eh!!?

    Omwards and upwards.

    Cheryl The Diva xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    LOL super_bp. I've said on here recently that our local "newspaper" is more like the Framley Examiner ....

    an example .....

    Front page: screamer headline along the lines of "Say No to Another Tesco". Your local paper supports the campaign saying No to another superstore on our doorstep. Support local businesses blah blah blah.

    Page 3: Big headline: "New Superstore could mean 100 new jobs for local area". Your local paper supports the campaign for a new superstore and the creation of jobs for local people blah blah blah.


    Love the WI write ups too.


    Witchy Diva xx

  • Comment number 87.

    CLP - well done! Your life has been through much ups and downs, normal for most, but cos your's public domain much more difficult. So now you have had good few years of enjoying life properly and have attracted lots of good things to you. So protecting your bod is good thing too....means you care about yourself and those around you! Good result too of course!

    ARF please - Thriller please

    haven't time to read blog so maybe already asked for?


  • Comment number 88.

    Sorry all couldn't resist.

    Our petrol has been really low for a while now - I got 94.9 last week, diesel was 108.9.

    Okay here's one for you all - spooky names at the end of your entries all day please to make us lurkers laugh, splutter and generally feel good.

    Igor (with one original part remaining!)

    I too read far too much Pratchett!

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh Christoff Lambie Pie.

    I just had to sign in this morning. Not that you need my four penne'th but I caught your good self on tv last night over here in Cork and it broke my heart. Bless you. You may have delighted me all thse years ago on the Big Breakfast and beyond because you were an eejit and, in my humble opinion, a comic genius, but these days I enjoy and admire you because you are also fundamentally a decent man.

    You also said what I'd been thinking for the last few days during this furore but hadn't heard anyone say.

    It wasn't funny.

    And I'd say that there are some lesser mortals than the lovely, honourable Lesley Douglas in the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ who will be sweating over their good fortune that they had someone so honourable to take the rap for them. They won't ever get another chance in life like that.

    What goes around comes around, Christoffe. This, too, will pass and as always, I wish you well.

    Loads of virtual love as always, and to the rest of yous over the Irish Sea.


  • Comment number 90.

    oOOOH - If you do Shoop Shoop Song, I will post my version of it on my Blog.

    My friend and I did a BRILLIANT version at Kareoke night one night....... Well we thought it was brilliant. In thruth, it was absolutely Bowfing.

    ha ha ha

  • Comment number 91.

    I want Shoop Shoop Song!!!!

    Its a tenuous link to Halowe'en ... it came from mermaids the filum, mermaids are kind of monsters and its hallowe'en today...

    Does he love me? I wanna know!!

    Devil Diva xx

  • Comment number 92.

    And beforeI shoot off to join in the madness that is Halloween over here in Ireland, can I just say, having read that last blog, CLP, that I can empathise.

    Some months ago I had what I thought was a cheeky little mole removed from my back. I'm quite freckly anyway and somewhat fastidious about my health these days so I wasn't concerned. Just saw it as something a girl has to do along with all the other things involving stirrups, icing nozzles and having the old bazookas stuck in a vice.

    Until I picked up a message from the surgery to contact the doctor without delay. Eee. Having done so, I was put on hold for about 3 weeks (well ok, abut a minute) then asked to call back in an hour.

    That hour was the longest of my life. But what really surprised me was my own reaction. I always thought that I'd take bad news of this nature philosophically. Oh dear me, no. I immediately thought, not of myself particularly but of how I would approach telling my daughter, what her reaction would be, and during that hour I crumbled into a complete mess. I'm not particularly religious but I have to tell yu I was saying my prayers and asking forgiveness for every sin I have ever committed, if only she could be spared such a situation.

    On the dot of the hour, the doctor called me back and told me that, yes, it was a melanoma of the cancerous type but that it appeared we had it in time, and I sould pop in to see him immediately upon my return to get checked out.

    And yes, all is well. So all I have to say to you, CLP, is that from this time onwards, in anticipation of your little one's arrival, it's only going to get worse. Hahaha bless you and every other parent out there.

    And can I implore everyone, get those moles checked out pronto.

    Right. Am off, there's an eejit with a dagger through his head beckoning to me who, if he doesn't watch his step, will have a real authentic fat lip to go with it.

    A Bientot.


  • Comment number 93.


    That must have been a nightmare for you. So glad everything is ok. And how wonderful your prayers were answered!

    C xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Aaah Chris I saw you on the news last night and you made me cry. I love loyalty, especially when you give it to those that have helped you along the way - bless your heart

    I wont write what I think of Jonathan Ross because you'd have to delete the whole message but he should do the decent thing and head far far far away into a black hole!

    Liz x

  • Comment number 95.

    Morning all.

    Clodagh, glad you hear you're ok. And you CLP - I agree with Debbie, I think you panic much more about your health when you are happy and settled and have so much more to lose. I never worried about flying either until I had my daughter, then I just couldn't stand it any more. Every time we got on a plane I thought I was putting her in mortal danger!!

    I was proud of our Chris last night when I saw him being interviewed on the news. You're a star Lammie Pie and I'm sure your lovely words were appreciated by Lesley.

    Anyway ...

    It's Friday, the sun is shining and we have ARF to look forward to. Hope everyone has a great day.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    PS - one final comment on the JR/RB debacle ... I think so many people got involved on this one (despite not even hearing the actual broadcast) because usually they/we feel like we are just one voice and won't be heard or no-one will pay attention. I think a lot of people feel like that a lot of the time about all sorts of things.

    Remember that movie Network with Peter Finch when he urged all his listeners to lean out of their windows and shout "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take any more"??

    I think this incident just happened to be at the right time and people have taken the opportunity to vent their anger and frustration at "the establishment"!!

    Only my opinion obviously, but wanted to share ;-)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    If this is the silent majority - then thank god they're silent most of the time...

    My friend commented last night that the hysteria is akin to when Diana died.


    And yes, just my humble opinion too.


  • Comment number 98.

    Morning CLP and all bloggers.

    Ditto to everything that has been said about the interview. I always find it amaizing that the news report a certain body have had 200 complaints in the morning, by the drive home its 2000 complaints and within a few days its 30,000 complaints. I would bet only 3/400 compainants actually heard the show, the other 25,000 have jumped on the band waggon and now the wrong person has lost there job to protect others.

    Anyway enough of the heavy stuff, its ARF so.... My normal request of The Cure- Friday I'm in love must be thrown out the window tonight....Its Halloween, It can mean but 2 request options

    Michael Jackson - Thriller OR
    Ray Parker Jnr - Ghostbusters!

  • Comment number 99.

    Tinsel: I do agree. I think people have been complaining but have not been listened to.

    It will be interesting to see if things really do change on tv and radio. Probably will for about five minutes and then it'll be business as usual!

    It's a damn shame that Lesley Douglas resigned.

    C xx

  • Comment number 100.

    oooooh slim jim ... what about

    Lullaby - The Cure

    "the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight"

    scary stuff!!!

    Devil Diva xxx


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