Just A Chat About Sing Songs...
Teenagers, eh? Can't do a THING to please 'em. Every compliment becomes an insult, every joke becomes serious, anything you say becomes fuel for a never-ending inter-generational bicker-fest, and when you challenge your young adversary, pointing out that they are twisting your words to suit their internal fight-quest, they either scream your face off ("you just don't UNDERSTAND, how COULD you?") or give in straight away, leaving you wondering what was the point of arguing in the first place.
So, having been offered a chat with Sarah out of Operator Please (the young folks who gave us the amazing 'Just A Song About Ping Pong'), I naturally put on my special strop-deflecting armour and prepared for battle...
What I Expected: Well, by definition, any chat with a teen musician about where they fit into the wider musical arena is going to be fraught with problems. Having said that, everyone likes to tell their life story, don't they? DON'T THEY?
What I Did Not Expect: Why there's always ten metal bands in a talent contest...does wearing costumes in a video count as 'wearing costumes'?...is 'breaking the rules' a good thing or a bad thing?..."you're quite defensive, aren't you?"...
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Your ChartBlog interviewer was: Fraser McAlpine
Here's the video for 'Just A Song About Ping Pong', which RULES!
well, my media player may still be messed up but just a song about ping pong rocks! admit it guys, you LOVE it :P so very random
Love it totally :P
Can you still not play interviews, Kerri?
not i cant :( it sucks
surely it's time to bring back top of the pops. with all the boring diy/reality shows on tv it seems so obvious.
it's the one way most people who don't have the time or technology can keep in touch with what's going on in the charts.
surely someone can get some momentum going to bring it back.
[Well...let's see, shall we? BRING BACK THE POPS! BRING BACK THE...HELLO? Hmm. - Fraser]