Mission complete... kind of
In the first of a series of blogs, Ben Dirs outlined why he set upon the path to fitness. In the second, he described his early struggles. In the third, all the hard work was starting to pay off. In the fourth and final instalment, we discover just how far he has come.
An odd thing happened the other day: an old friend, not noted for his love of healthy eating, called me from a supermarket to ask what he should buy for dinner. From bafflement to mild curiosity, suddenly my quest for fitness is all anyone wants to talk to me about. And as they pump me for tips and pointers, I can sense what they are thinking: if this muppet can pull this off, then maybe I can, too.
Not everyone has been supportive. One work colleague who got sucked into my world of no carbs, spinach-based meals and twice-daily exercise accused me of ruining his life. Let's be honest, it couldn't have been much of a life.
In addition, while my first two blogs garnered an almost unanimously positive response, negativity had seeped in by the third. It is an insight into the British psyche - as someone pointed out, everyone is happy to get behind a fat bloke, but once a fat bloke starts becoming a thin bloke, the knives come out.
From the outset, I said the point of these blogs was two-fold: first, to get myself in some sort of nick; subsequently, to show that anyone else can get in some sort of nick, too. Writing about oneself is self-indulgent - that is a given. But the underlying hope was that my experiences would resonate with the reader: the bloke who is getting married in the summer, the woman with a beach holiday booked, my mate who is embarrassed to take his T-shirt off in the marital boudoir. You know who you are.