Yucky Cheese
Hey Everyone,
Hope you're all good and looking forward to Christmas. It's a busy old week in the Switch office to get everything ready for this week's show. Grimmy's flying solo as Annie's over in Ireland, so be sure to tune in from 7 to give him your love, support and text messages.
Earlier today big cheese producer Megan had a jacket potatoe with Cottage Cheese on it. I mentioned how I'd never had it before because I don't really like cheese as a rule, and it looked all yucky. She then put some on a fork and got me to try it, not only that, but she also said we can film it for the blog... so here it is me, trying cottage cheese.... judging by the results I'd be amazing on I'm A Celeb... ha!
Annie Mac makes the Myspace Top 10, almost a No1 then
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