Amazon team enter the Red Zone
- 2 Nov 07, 02:58 PM
Posted from:Machu Puente
In a few days time our journey will take us into the coca growing and cocaine trafficking area of Peru known as the 'Red Zone'. This region is pretty much a no-go area, even to the Peruvian army. This means that a mix of local militia police, members of the Ashaninka community and the drug traffickers control the area.
Armed gunman during a raid of an illegal coca lab in the Red Zone
This edgy segment is to make the second half of the first film.
Our previous fixer, who had secured safe access for the recces, has just passed on a message to us that he feels that in the current climate it is now unsafe for us to travel into the Red Zone. Our Andes fixer John also confirms that just a week ago three people were murdered there and their bodies burnt. Our new fixer contradicts his older business partner on this and says that it will be safe to go into the Red Zone. Welcome to the cocaine region of Peru!
Taking no risks, all this information is passed back to the Senior Producer and Executive Producer (Steve R and Sam) at the production office in Cardiff. They are to take advice from all areas and make the overall call on whether it is safe for our crew, as foreigners, to enter the Red Zone.