Sacrifice and blessing
- 29 Oct 07, 03:24 PM
Posted from:: Journey to Angostura
The last couple of days we've been staying with Rodolfo and his family in their ridge-top estancia near the source of the Amazon. Rodolfo is a strong, paternal figure and for me he epitomises the mixture of pride, kindness and toughness that is characteristic of the Quechua. His daughter is away at university, which takes a huge chunk of the family income, but the whole village is proud of her.
Bruce at Rodolfo's estancia, wearing the poncho given to him by Rodolfo's family
It's been a real privilege to meet these people. Andean people have a reputation for being shy and reticent but Rodolfo told us how pleased he and his community are that we have come to experience and film their culture.
Bruce's favorite breakfast tipple
The community is fiercely protective and proud of their traditions and they involved us in a few of their ceremonies: the killing of a sheep, which we've filmed, and also a ceremony to bless our journey. This was an extraordinary affair with offerings to the various deities, especially Pacha Mama, who is an Incan deity comparable to a Mother Earth figure. It was a very moving and humbling experience and I've been really surprised to be presented with loads of gifts by the family, including a beautiful woven poncho.
A sheep is slaughtered as part of the welcome ceremony
Bruce holds sheep during sacrifice
I can't describe how much it means to me that the people we have met here support our journey, and are pleased to be part of it. It's the most important thing that has happened so far.
See the slideshow of the team's journey to the source with Rodolfo and family
Bruce tells the extraordinary story of his poncho
This blog was transcribed from an audio recording
What a wonderful expedition. well done.
I am enthralled by these adventures among the tribes you`ve been visiting. I`ve got no TV so rely on the internet content you post to keep up with what you are doing. Keep it going and thanks.