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Comment number 1.
At 29th Dec 2009, Adeling wrote:Nooooo! How did Boggins not make it into a four-minute best of?! ;-)
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Comment number 2.
At 29th Dec 2009, monastico wrote:Thanks James - it's been a wonderful cavalcade of A&J delights throughout 2009 - all the best to you for 2010. I can't bring myself to pick out specific highlights as it's just too hard to choose. How on earth are we all going to cope during the barren months of their sabbatical?!?
Incidentally, I wonder if you've spotted that Time Out have used a lovely photo of Adam and Joe to illustrate their 'Decade's Best Radio' list, as the show was one of their picks in the new issue that came out today. That was a very pleasant (though of course entirely deserved) surprise.
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Comment number 3.
At 29th Dec 2009, Dr Roobles wrote:@Adeling - He did! 1m 10s... Boggins fest
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Comment number 4.
At 29th Dec 2009, kendersrule wrote:Well, there was the Sony Award, the Roger Moore Visit, and the SHOUT OUT TO ME!!!! :D
ty x
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Comment number 5.
At 29th Dec 2009, YourNameHere wrote:@Adeling I think would speak volumes BUT you should listen again because he's in there.
Nobody has time for all my fave moments but you've got the best of the best.
Can I urge peeps to listen to the iPlayer version of the Christmas Eve best of. It has some extra little nuggetty links recorded especially for show which as far as I remember, were not included in the podcast version.
I'm still a bit too sad to handle all this retrospectocity in an adult manner. I was pleased to see the Radio Times has the good grace to say that Danny Wallace is 'standing in'. I wonder how many weeks they'll maintain that. It just keeps the spark alive for me. Nice words in Time Out's best of the decade bit today, as well.
Thanks for putting this together. I might pop back with a shortened list of my fave bits but off the top of my head, EVERYTHING in the Blah Boopity Baya show and lots of the silly bits in the Glasto broadcasts....and Ben Mercer & the Electric Proms. Sigh
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Comment number 6.
At 29th Dec 2009, liquidcow wrote:The Text The Nation on job interviews/auditions was for me the most memorable thing this year, every contribution was hysterical.
The impressions are always funny, my favourites being the Curb Your Enthusiasm, Jools Holland, and the woman who does the sting at the beginning of the podcast.
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Comment number 7.
At 29th Dec 2009, petra eujane wrote:Mr Wolf Pants - it has to be Mr Wolf Pants!!!
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Comment number 8.
At 30th Dec 2009, Jamie wrote:So, James, (or anyone who knows) - what's the real deal with Adam and Joe's 'sabbatical'? It's kind of weird, like something's not being said. But at the same time, if they'd left for good, why not just say that? I'm confuse :\
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Comment number 9.
At 30th Dec 2009, Simon wrote:My favourite moment was when Adam & Joe were in hysterics over the 'Giant fibre-glass bums' at Pleasurewood Hills. They weren't the only ones!
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Comment number 10.
At 30th Dec 2009, petra eujane wrote:@ Jamie - do you have a conspiracy theory??? I was just confused over how sudden their sabbatical was.
ooOOoo my other favourite moment was garth and adam riffing on the guy who went to pencil world for free with his mate, spodge was it?, - cracks me up!!!
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Comment number 11.
At 30th Dec 2009, Michael wrote:Great stuff!
Please return soon boys; good luck with the film Joe and Adam, I might try to come to a BUG all the way from the land of Brussels Sprouts, just so I don't lose all A&J fixes. Come back soon, love you, lorra lorra byeeeeee!
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Comment number 12.
At 30th Dec 2009, Jamie wrote:@petra
I don't have much of a theory, I think it's just that Joe is pursuing his ambitions as a film director, and if all goes well then that's going to take up most of his time, meaning the radio show has quite an uncertain future.
Boggins and Adam will also be busy with their upcoming broadway musical.
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Comment number 13.
At 30th Dec 2009, RachTheH wrote:Monday mornings just won't be the same - used to listen again while doing my ironing.
Good luck guys. Might see you in Norwich Buckules, hope you've become reconciled to the bats in your shed.
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Comment number 14.
At 30th Dec 2009, YourNameHere wrote:@petra @jamie I think Joe is shrewd enough to keep the doors open at this stage but it's not as though they earn a life-supporting remuneration from the show. I'd hope they enjoy doing it and I think they genuinely find the interaction with their adoring public very gratifying. Their listeners are so amazingly creative and that must make them very proud. The quality of the input is miles about what most broadcasters receive.
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Comment number 15.
At 30th Dec 2009, YourNameHere wrote:aargh - that was meant to be 'miles above', of course.
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Comment number 16.
At 30th Dec 2009, Lucas Way wrote:@jamie @petra @webname I found it strangey sudden too, I assume if they are gone for good they'd do a goodbye podcast, they've had too fantastic an interation with their various squadrons to just end it so abruptly with no goodbye, here's to hoping they do return.
Anyway...a fantastic year of radiocasting (the combined work of a radio & podcasting).
I will be eagerly hoping for the day you two return with more waffle and chat, and the nations favorite feature.
I love you, I'm gonna lick your face.
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Comment number 17.
At 30th Dec 2009, Lucas Way wrote:Strangely* interaction*
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Comment number 18.
At 30th Dec 2009, petra eujane wrote:@jamie @webname @lucas way Adam said - we will be back - therefore they will be back. Meantime i intend to book a ticket for bug and look forward to news on joe's directing. We'll miss you boys. Thank goodness we have the podcasts!
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Comment number 19.
At 30th Dec 2009, Craig wrote:Pleasurewood hills was cracking.. ahem. Adam's Coming-back-from-holiday-blues song was fab too in an aaaaaah-aaaaah-aaaaah type way (my favourite way).
Gutted that the show has stopped with a worrying lack of coming back date. My wife and I have listened Adamantly and Joeantly all year. The shows have been a soundtrack to some pretty fab memorable months recently.
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Comment number 20.
At 30th Dec 2009, Steven Sands wrote:Pleasurewood Hills was fantastic, I was listening to the podcast on the way to work, and couldn't stop the sudden fits of laughter. I also enjoyed Adam's most accurate parody of The Queen - Lorra Lorra!
It's a shame the show is on hiatus as it makes my Saturday mornings, come back soon gents!
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Comment number 21.
At 31st Dec 2009, darcy rossiter wrote:heu there - i missed the first 4 of the 12 podcasts of Christmas (including the show on the 18th) and can't seem to fid place to download them. Anyone have any hints?
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Comment number 22.
At 31st Dec 2009, alexmack wrote:My personal highlight was the simply wonderful evoking of Luke Empire of the Sun Steele's school days as a flamboyant pupil in Australia.
"G'day Luke, you're looking absolutely ridiculous today, I love it!"
"You've still got your umbilical chord attached, and you've tied a shoebox with some glitter on it onto that, that's really putting it over the edge mate, well done mate".
"The cockatoos nestling in your armpit hair are evocative"
"That's great, but don't bring the tiger, mate."
Class in a glass.
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Comment number 23.
At 31st Dec 2009, Arron wrote:Some of my highlights include:
- The eating of the chill cake
- Anything that involves hysterical laughter
- The impression of the lady at the beginning of the podcast ("fish fingers for tea")
- "We pray for concission"
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Comment number 24.
At 31st Dec 2009, Simon wrote:Yeah the chill cake was really funny, although I did feel a bit sorry for the bloke who sent it in - which in turn made it even funnier of course.
Joe corpsing when Roger Moore came in was a great moment too.
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Comment number 25.
At 31st Dec 2009, hat_hatstand wrote:Fist in chips made me rofl in the college library. I got a mean glance from a student /shiver
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Comment number 26.
At 31st Dec 2009, DanielDanikun wrote:Anything that ended up with Adam spluttering and starting TO SHOUT VERY LOUDLY!!!! always made me very happy.
All good things -- sigh -- come to an end, so if this is it for Adam & Joe (albeit bizarrely sudden) I'll be very sad. They've been the podcast I downloaded without fail every week, even from Internet cafes in Japan, and I'm happy paying the licence fee just because they've been there.
Good luck with everything, boys. You deserve to be so much more famous and celebrated than you are, but somehow the fact that you're not makes me feel like I know something everyone else doesn't -- which is a pretty good feeling! You're geniuses. Geniai.
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Comment number 27.
At 31st Dec 2009, DanielDanikun wrote:I'm now off for a copp of koffayy.
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Comment number 28.
At 31st Dec 2009, Russell WWxx wrote:Adam's song/video for Ratatouille was the funniest thing I've seen all year. I think I must have watched it about fifty times or something. I spammed it quite a lot too. It knocked me socks right off.
Here's hoping they don't get too famous in other places and come back to the digi-waves of 6Music soon. I will miss you chaps.
PS - Nice moves on 'Alone in the Shed' Ad... wikkid.
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Comment number 29.
At 1st Jan 2009, MarkFeet wrote:Happy New Year!
Joe is off to direct Attack the Block, new Film4 production! How exciting!
Also never knew Joe co-wrote the script for the new Tintin film by Spielburg and Jackson. Rubbing some impressive shoulders there Joesephine!
Will miss Adam and Joe for a while though :(
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Comment number 30.
At 2nd Jan 2009, Tom Williamson wrote:My personal highlight was my chill cake!
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Comment number 31.
At 2nd Jan 2009, RJ73 wrote:So many highlights that it's hard to choose, every week was a highlight for me. Standouts from early in the year were Adam's Australia song and the trailer of Skins (digital, skateboard, turd, spliff, text, trilby, swearing, indie rock, community police, ponce, pub, lady!!!!)
Pleasurewood hills, fist n chips and the American/British voice coach also made me cry with laughter.
Missing you guys already, good luck and I hope you come back soon. Love you bye! xxoxxox
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Comment number 32.
At 3rd Jan 2009, dukeofkiddy wrote:@ darcy rossiter - Your not the only one. I'm missing podcast's 3,4,5 and 6. Some one please HELP!!!!!!!!!
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Comment number 33.
At 3rd Jan 2009, Alex wrote:what a year! as the world descends into chaos you guys go from strength to strength. well done u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Comment number 34.
At 3rd Jan 2009, darcy rossiter wrote:@duke of kiddy - any luck finding them?? Very frustrating.
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Comment number 35.
At 4th Jan 2010, gibgod wrote:I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that they wont be back...it was so sudden and the way Joe's voice was shaking and sounding emotional at the end of the last proper show was quite a shock and a bit sad. I believe that Adam will be a bit lost without his pal around all the time and also without the show and all the cool dedicated listeners that it had...
But anyways - let's remember the good times:
The "tennish" Sean coonery "joke",
The chill cake...the way they genuinely seemed to become ill and quite concerned was hilarious,
The time when Joe bought the "poo bread",
Adam getting so angry all the time - bless him,Joe torpedoing his stories all the time (especially the one where someone had found the "drugs money" in a wallet,
And so many more i cant think of right now but I will most likely remember on those cold lonely saturday mornings!
But you never know they "might" comeback!
And Danny Wallace and Richard Glover arent too bad actually...they just aren't A&J... :(
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Comment number 36.
At 4th Jan 2010, Oz wrote:Wow. It was over so quickly. I think there's going to be a bit of a gap in my life for a while. My wife and I listen to the podcasts on road trips and it gets us through. A& J also help remind us about all of the things we miss about the UK (we're in Sydney, AUstralia). We'll miss them plenty.
If people want to pin a reminder of the boys on themselves, may I point them over to the print & make squadron badges I made last year :
Good luck in 2010 Adam and Joe, hope all your filmy/comic dreams come true.
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Comment number 37.
At 4th Jan 2010, Oz wrote:Oh and some of my favourite moments -
Bowie impressions
Joe torpedoes
Song Wars
Adam's story about being told to get off his bike by the Community Policeman
Made up jokes - especially A kneeling Ox
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Comment number 38.
At 5th Jan 2010, nicelittlebitofcake wrote:I am happy to lead a Black Squadron field trip round Pleasurewood Hills. A yearly school holidays visit to those fibreglass bums made me what I am today, o happy childhood memories…
Because I am an idiot I only started listening regularly in the summer, so my 2009 highlights are not the full year:
David Bowie’s home appliances all going ‘wuz’ (this nearly caused my mp3 player to fall into the river as I tried to turn it off so I could stop snorting with laughter)
Torpedo wars: Adam’s bicycle confrontation with the angry Scottish man vs Joe’s views on Lynx bullet
Text the nation: Joe’s intro to things you like to do when you’re at home alone
The text the nation story about someone’s Uncle Brian throwing the board game into the fire
Cinema text the nation, the film passport suggestion – ‘have you seen this film?’
‘Oncoming badness in the toothal area’ – I can’t remember who said this or what this was about but for some reason it makes me chuckle still. Hoping I can work this phrase in to my next dentist appointment for my own amusement.
The timewarping Bob Dylan Santa song – out of everyone who stood out in the snow waiting for a lift in to work this Christmas, I think I was the only one not looking cold and grumpy, cos I was listening to this.
Aren’t there some very early shows that were never cast as pods? Could they be podcasted by the Castle - that would be amazing! I would love to hear that.
Poodle tip!
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Comment number 39.
At 5th Jan 2010, MrBillyWhite wrote:My highlights for the year that weren't featured in the audio (some of which I can't believe haven't been mentioned already) include:
- The Apprentice Song and Joe's song dedicated to Margaret Mountford
- The cut down of The Archers with just the grunts and sighs
- The Text the Nation topic about interviews
- The "injuries" Text the Nation response about the woman gaining a testicle
- The chill cake
- The guy at the Camden Crawl selling Adam the top hat and Joe the Bart Marley shirt
- The Song Wars competition winners
Thats a lorra lorra highlights chuck.
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Comment number 40.
At 6th Jan 2010, Vash wrote:@dukeofkiddy
For those looking for the 12 podcasts of xmas someone uploaded them at the adam and joe livejournal community.
The numbering of them appears to be wrong however (the final show should be number 7 but is actually number 3 or something). This isn't a problem though as it appears to only be the filename that is wrong while the title in WMP or Itunes should still be right so you can then rename it yourself.
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Comment number 41.
At 6th Jan 2010, dukeofkiddy wrote:@vash - Lorra lorra thanks
@darcy rossiter - See comment 40 from vash.....
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Comment number 42.
At 7th Jan 2010, Coconutjam wrote:My highlight was definitely Joe corpsing at Adam's 'Bum Park' story...still on my podcast list...hilarious!
Come back soon chaps!
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Comment number 43.
At 9th Jan 2010, nicelittlebitofcake wrote:I forgot that bit where they couldn't get through the simple task of reading out a typed sheet of information about Glastonbury and the airwaves went silent while they tried to stop laughing....
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Comment number 44.
At 10th Jan 2010, Richard Lappin wrote:Torpedo Joe and Adams Lorra Lorra blinda datta and all of Fist and chips ooh and Joes Jools Holland and both of their foreign accents and wuzza wuzza and Adams Curb your enthusiasm and every time they laugh at themselves and each other...It's all good and I'm lost without them. I downloaded everything I could find, from XFM up until the last of the 12 days podcasts and have listened to everything at least twice since discovering them on itunes in August last year.
I cant even begin to think that they won't be back, thats just not them. I think Adam and Joe care too much about their followers to do that to them.
I'll be hitting the update button in my itunes Adam & Joe subscription at least twice a week until they're back.
Sat waiting lads, don't let us down and good luck with whatever your doing until then, both of you.
Wuzza Wuzza Lorra Lorra Love Rich XoX0XoX
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Comment number 45.
At 10th Jan 2010, Richard Lappin wrote:WoW, I forgot Boggins...the real star of the show. he was the best bit...as well as the others I mentioned before and song wars, all of them and text the nation as well. I think thats it...
Love you byee
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Comment number 46.
At 11th Jan 2010, Andrew Bowden wrote:I really loved them talking about Microsoft Songsmith - it was hysterical. But that might have been the end of 2008.
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Comment number 47.
At 23rd Jan 2010, Becky Keast wrote:My favourite moment was when Adam & Joe were in hysterics over the 'Giant fibre-glass bums' at Pleasurewood Hills. They weren't the only ones!
Can someone remind me which podcast this bit is on please?
So miss Saturday mornings with A & J
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Comment number 48.
At 24th Jan 2010, RJ73 wrote:Becky - Pleasurewood hills was 17 October 2009 - King of the Ignoramus podcast.
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Comment number 49.
At 18th Feb 2010, Spax wrote:Every sandwich of sonics was a treat for my earmouths, I'm lost without their podcasts.
It sounds silly but it's like I've lost two friends that cheer me up rather than some far removed celebs in Lon-don.
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Comment number 50.
At 20th Feb 2010, bon0bobananas wrote:@spax and Norwich. Don't forget mighty Norwich. Come see Buckles at BUG it's a fun time for fun people. Really. Definitely no geeks there..
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