
What is place value?

Place value refers to the value of each digit within a number.

In the number \({3,147,286}\) the digit \({2}\) has a value of \({200}\) (two hundred).

The digit \({3}\) has a value of \({3,000,000}\) (three million).

Place value


What is the value of the digit \({8}\) in \({3,147,286}\)?

Writing and describing whole numbers

When numbers are written down, the digits are often separated in groups of 3 by commas or spaces.

This helps us to describe and interpret the number by saying it out loud.

Any number with a single comma or space will be described as 鈥榯housand鈥.

For any number with 2 commas or spaces, the first space will be described as million and the second space as thousand.


  1. Describe the number \({4,235,225}\) in words.

  2. Write twenty-three thousand and fifty six in figures.

Ordering whole numbers

When you have a series of large numbers that are not in number order, it is sometimes difficult to make sense of them.

Here is a table showing the daily profits of an online music store, written in order of days:


If these numbers were put into a place value table, it would be easier to arrange them in order.


Look at each column in turn.

The figures for Friday and Saturday will be the largest as these have figures in the tens of thousands column.

Looking at the thousands column shows that there is a \({4}\) in the thousand column for Saturday and a \({0}\) in the thousands column for Friday.

Therefore Saturday has the largest number.

Here is the table written in order of amounts, starting with the greatest:


Multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000

Multiplying by 10

When we multiply by \({10}\), every digit moves one place to the left.

Units become tens, tens become hundreds and hundreds become thousands.

Multiply by 10

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 23 脳 10?

Multiplying by 100

When we multiply by \({100}\), every digit moves two places to the left.

Units become hundreds, tens become thousands and hundreds become ten-thousands.

Multiply by 100

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 12 脳 100?

Multiplying by 1,000

When we multiply by \({1,000}\), every digit moves three places to the left.

Units become thousands, tens become ten-thousands, and hundreds become hundred-thousands.

Multiply by 1000

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 7 脳 1,000?

Dividing by 10, 100, and 1,000

Dividing by 10

When we divide by \({10}\), every digit moves one place to the right.

Thousands become hundreds, hundreds become tens and tens become units.

Divide by 10

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 270 梅 10?

Dividing by 100

When we divide by \({100}\), every digit moves two places to the right.

Thousands become tens, hundreds become units, tens become tenths and units become hundredths.

Divide by 100

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 1,300 梅 100?

Dividing by 1,000

When we divide by \({1,000}\), every digit moves three places to the right.

Thousands become units.

Hundreds, tens and units become fractions of a unit.

Divide by 1000

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, , What is 4,000 梅 1,000?

Winning the race: Place value

Follow one runner as she uses place value to plan her training and to make sure she can beat her racing rival.

Test section

Question 1

What is the value of the digit \({4}\) in the number \({54,062}\)?

Question 2

How do you say the number \({34,023}\)?

Question 3

Look at the cost of these three cars:

Car \({A}\): \(\pounds{18,500}\)

Car \({B}\): \(\pounds{1,890}\)

Car \({C}\): \(\pounds{15,600}\)

Put the cars in order of price from the most expensive to the cheapest.

Question 4

What is the value of \(37\times100\)?

Question 5

What is the value of \(170\times1,000\)?

Question 6

What is the value of \(8,500\div10\)?

Question 7

What is the value of \({4}~{million}\div{100}\)?

Question 8

Packs of flour cost \({47}{p}\) each.

A baker buys ten packs.

What is the total cost of the flour?

Question 9

The thickness of \({10}\) pieces of wood placed on top of each other is \({250}~{cm}\).

What is the thickness of each piece?

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