
Watch: How we see the Moon

This demonstration shows us how we can and can't see the Moon at different times of the day.

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Facts about the Moon

A full moon

The Moon is a lot smaller and closer to Earth than the Sun.

The Moon the Earth. This takes 28 days or one lunar month.

The Moon reflects light from the Sun and that is why we can see it. It is not a source of light but acts like a mirror.

As it orbits the Earth, we see the Moon from different angles each night. It appears to change shape as we see different parts of the surface lit up. These shapes are called the phases of the Moon.

A full moon
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Watch: The first person to land on the Moon

Learn about the Neil Armstrong and the first men to step onto the Moon.

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How the Moon affects life on Earth

Did you know?

The Moon also affects our life on Earth as its own centre of gravity helps to control the ocean's tides.

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Activity 1: Quiz

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Activity 2: Could we live on the Moon?

Think about the question: Could we live on the Moon?

Think about your answer and explain why you feel that way. Try using at least three bits of scientific evidence.

You could carry out your own research.

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