
Percentage change - WJECDiscounts and best buys

Percentages can be used to increase or decrease a quantity relative to its size. Shops reduce their goods by a percentage and the government increases the cost of goods by adding on a percentage tax.

Part of Maths Numeracy (WJEC)Number

Discounts and best buys

This page focuses on using percentages within problem solving. Take a look at Fraction and percentage in order to recap percentages.

Dylan鈥檚 Deli reduces their sandwiches by 30% at 3pm. Calculate the cost of these sandwiches after 3pm:

A billboard outside Dylan鈥檚 Deli advertising 30% off sandwiches after 3pm
  • a ham sandwich, which originally cost 拢2.50
  • a falafel sandwich, which cost 拢4

Ham sandwich

1. Find 30% of 拢2.50:

拢2.50 梅 100 脳 30 = 拢0.75

So there is a discount of 75p.

2. Subtract the discount from the original value:

拢2.50 - 拢0.75 = 拢1.75

The discounted ham sandwich costs 拢1.75p.

Falafel sandwich

拢4 梅 100 脳 30 = 拢1.20

拢4 - 拢1.20 = 拢2.80

The discounted falafel sandwich costs 拢2.80p.

You may notice that the falafel sandwich has a bigger discount. This is because the original price was higher.

There is an alternative way of calculating this. Sandwich prices are reduced by 30% which means that the reduced price is 70% of the original price.

Ham sandwich

70% of 拢2.50 = 拢2.50 梅 100 脳 70 = 拢1.75

Falafel sandwich

70% of 拢4.00 = 拢4.00 梅 100 脳 70 = 拢2.80


Top TV has a 拢400 television on sale reduced by 拢80. Attic Appliances has the same TV originally priced at 拢350 with a 22% reduction. Who has reduced the TV by more and which TV is now cheaper?