
Loci and constructions - EduqasConstructions: bisecting lines and angles

Loci are a set of points with the same property. Loci can be used to accurately construct lines and shapes. Bearings are three figure angles measured clockwise from North.

Part of MathsGeometry and measure

Constructions: bisecting lines and angles

Constructing a perpendicular bisector

A plane flies at equal distance between two control towers.

Plane following a locus line, between two control towers

The of the plane is the bisector of the two towers. When a line is divided into two equal lengths, it has been .


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, Line between points X & Y, Draw the perpendicular bisector of the points X and Y

Constructing the bisector of an angle

Example 1

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, Field marked out with points J, L & M, A path is constructed so it is at equal distance from the two edges of the field, JM and LM

Example 2

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, 2 lines coming out from point V, Bisect the angle V

Solving problems using constructions

Problems can involve intersecting loci. It may be necessary to use several constructions to locate a region.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Two lifeboats, W & Z, Two lifeboats are searching for a boat in distress. The boat is more than 40 m from the coastal path. It is closer to boat W than boat Z. Shade the region in which the boat lies. Use a scale of 1 cm:10 m