

A process that controls the amount of water in body fluids (e.g. blood). Poor control can lead to the damage of body cells.

Gain waterLose water
DrinkingEvaporation in lungs
EatingEvaporation of sweat
RespirationProduction of urine/faeces
Gain waterDrinking
Lose waterEvaporation in lungs
Gain waterEating
Lose waterEvaporation of sweat
Gain waterRespiration
Lose waterProduction of urine/faeces

In normal conditions, the amount of water gained balances with the amount lost.

If conditions change, brings the volumes back into balance.

Hot weather/exerciseDrink more than normal
Body water levelsLose more water as sweatMore water in body
OsmoregulationKidney produces small volume of concentrated urine. Makes us thirsty so we increase water brought into body Kidney produces large volume of dilute urine
EffectMore water is retained = water levels increase More water is lost = water levels decrease
Body water levels
Hot weather/exerciseLose more water as sweat
Drink more than normalMore water in body
Hot weather/exerciseKidney produces small volume of concentrated urine. Makes us thirsty so we increase water brought into body
Drink more than normalKidney produces large volume of dilute urine
Hot weather/exerciseMore water is retained = water levels increase
Drink more than normalMore water is lost = water levels decrease

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