Writing and translation questions - social issues - Higher
Translate this passage into Spanish.
I am very worried about social problems these days. In my opinion, each person in the world should have the same opportunities and I think that the most important thing is to help other people. Last year, my teachers organised lots of events to raise money. After my exams, I will work as a volunteer because I would like to support my local community.
Me preocupan mucho los problemas sociales hoy en d铆a. En mi opini贸n, cada persona en el mundo deber铆a tener las mismas oportunidades y creo lo m谩s importante es ayudar a los dem谩s. El a帽o pasado mis profesores organizaron muchos eventos para recaudar fondos/dinero. Despu茅s de mis ex谩menes trabajar茅 como voluntario/a porque me gustar铆a apoyar a mi comunidad local.
Pay close attention to tenses when translating and expect to see a range of them. Use los dem谩s to mean 'other people' instead of saying otras personas.