成人快手 and leisure
A large proportion of the machines we take for granted at home are controlled by microprocessorAn integrated circuit that contains all or most of the individual elements of a central processing unit (CPU)., including:
- microwave ovens
- washing machines
- dishwashers
- central heating boilers
Activities we do in our leisure time are increasingly dependent on information technology, such as:
- watching digitalInformation stored as discrete values usually represented as numbers. This contrasts with analogue data which is represented by continuous data, usually in waves. or satellite TV
- watching DVDA plastic, circular disc used to store music, video or data. DVDs are optical storage media, similar to CDs and Blu-ray discs., Blu-ray and online videos
- playing computer games
- listening to music on CDA plastic, circular disc used to store up to 700 MB of music, video or data. CDs are optical storage media, similar to DVDs and Blu-ray discs. and MP3 players and online
- browsing the internetA global network connecting millions of computers.