
Control and sequencingFlow charts and sequencing

Control and sequencing is used in all areas of computing including robotics and video games. We build flowcharts and algorithms to form the basis of all software programs.

Part of ICTMeasurement and control

Flow charts and sequencing

can be used to create sequences in a flow chart, also known as a flow diagram, to view onscreen . Examples include:

  • Flowol
  • Logicator
  • Crocodile Clips

Symbols linked together form a flow chart. Flow chart programming consists of:

  • sequences of instructions that lead to a real-life simulation
  • decisions that result in two different actions
  • loops that repeat an action until a certain condition is met
  • variables that store data for use in decision making

Basic flow chart symbols

Basic flowchart symbols showing terminator, input/output, process, decision and line tool and their uses

Visual , or programming with a flow chart, can be used to focus on the logic of the solution without getting distracted by the complexity of a written programming language.

Control and sequencing flowchart